What time do you usually go to sleep?

Lately, I’ve been going to bed close to 5 AM, but I usually try to go to bed before or at 3 AM.
I try to go to sleep around 10:30-11:00 but I tend to wake up about an hour after I go to sleep. Sometimes it's easy to fall back to sleep, sometimes it's not. I really need to cut out blue light sources (so no laptops/cell phone browsing) at least an hour before I go to sleep. I need the willpower. 😓
I have no consistent sleep schedule. I sleep when I feel tired, and I think that’s only natural.
Lately, I’ve tried going to sleep around 2-3am because playing Genshin until 5am was ruining my mood. But insomnia is a pain I gotta deal with.
Around 1am on weekdays, when I have to wake up at ~8.30am. On weekends unless I have plans I can easily stay up until 4am or later and then sleep in.
I usually go to sleep around midnight and wake up at 9, but I stay in till 10 sometimes cause I don't wanna get up.

In Saturdays I'll stay up to like 2:30am but wake up at 10am.

Wow this is old.

With my new job (I had a night shift job plus I'm just more inclined to be a night owl) I go to sleep by 10pm and wake up at 6 or 7 am, depending on what day it is, since Saturday I have to be at my job earlier.

On days that I'm off I do stay up a bit later, midnight or 1am, but I don't do this as often anymore since I ACTUALLY GET TIRED NOW HELLO. I used to be able to stay up till 3am easy some nights, but now I can doze off after midnight.

Also I function on like 10hrs of sleep, when I get less I don't feel as rested. I feel like 10hrs is too much but its just how my body works ig.
it depends on whether or not I have work in the morning (I usually start by 8) but usually I'm in bed and asleep by about 11 during the week. weekends can end up with me awake until six am depending on what we're doing and if we're doing social stuff
What’s sad is it’s 1am and Im about to go to sleep and I consider this early.
I used to be a major night owl (going to sleep at 4am or 5 or even 6am), but ever since I’ve gotten out of the hospital earlier this year, I’ve been going to sleep much earlier (it used to be 10pm, but now I go to sleep around 11 or 12am). I used to be able to function on 8-9 hours of sleep, but now I need at least 12!
If my pills kick in properly, usually around 10:30ish pm. It also depends what I've been doing that night, so sometimes it can be later or earlier. Dumb insomnia makes it so I need sleeping pills otherwise I'll struggle to sleep.
i usually go to sleep at 3/4 am on weekdays
on weekends i tend to sleep at 5 am lol i really need to get my sleep schedule in check, and with winter break coming up for me in 2 weeks i just know my sleep schedule is gonna get worse ;-;
everyone else: work prevents me from sleeping until the wee hrs of the morning
me, who has never held a job due to Conditions and yet does not sleep till the wee hrs of the morning: h

yea on bad nights i'm up until 9 or 10 am and sleep the next day till 5 or 6 pm...i have severe anxiety and insomnia so those two tend to start a fistfight in my head when i'm trying to sleep 😭 and then w the time change i don't see sunlight on some days which makes the depression get cranky its WILD
Oh god😂 welllll it's different every night...but let's just say very late lol

I'm more of a night owl and tend to stay up waaaay past the time the rest of my family hits the hay.

Sometimes I feel like I want to change my sleeping habits but I am just NOT an early riser, no matter how early I go to bed.