What's bothering you?

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Falling asleep in the afternoon and then waking up feeling like barf
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People who think they are helping but really are being hurtful maybe not intentionally. People who make assumptions about anyone. People who won't let things go. The words feel better soon. The feeling that the world is falling and despite all my good deeds and mentions I can not seem to please anyone. The fact that creepy election/creeper as a side job is now ringing my door everyday when I'm alone and I already said no about the campaign stuff. And the fact that only my fianc? gets the paranormal stuff and my "beliefs" or religion so to speak. The fact that I keep falling in public and people tend to think it's funny, strangers but still. And the fact that if in a face to face confrontation over anything I still start to shake and can't seem to speak, even before being inside so much have terrible social anxiety. Being misunderstood. Strangers who assume because your thin you must have an eating disorder when your trying to gain weight. People who criticize others sexual orientations. People who think it is ok to do unspeakable things just because you have to live with them. Feeling a burden. Feeling useless and like nothing I have to say or feel really matters.

And never knowing the day or date unless there is a rare event happening. The guy at the ticket counter looking sorry for me when he said honey nine is sept 11 is no the free ticket expired. Have been thinking Sept was Nov and vice versa for a while I keep thinking 11 sept 9 nov..though I know sept is over, and sent my friend a bday text then had to cover and say it was meant for someone else...as she is end of nov, but every day is the same day to me as keeping track got lost when school and work stopped, so I forgot the date. Thank goodness she understood we do not talk much but all my old friends moved and drifted, married ect. The future. Guys who when I am out without my boyfriend seem to get sketchier and sketchier about the way they approach. Ok guy at Gone with the wind intermission I don't have a cigarette no, and yes it is sold out but I will keep my side seat even if you have an extra up front next to you to swap...I'm engaged. Ok bag boy, thanks for the simple directions back toward my house but no I don't need to call you when I get there...I said I was engaged, wasn't lying. Being overly open and so an easy target for them because the world is friendly just like in old movies and shows...no when did this get into my head and how have I not learned it. Really wish it was another era I would fit into. Being scared to hit send on this.

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Reading old posts and knowing something was about me and wishing I had not written earlier and could crawl in a hole but still be here, a contradiction.
People who think they are helping but really are being hurtful maybe not intentionally. People who make assumptions about anyone.

I'm sorry, but are you talking about me? Because you know, I have anxiety too and I start getting really panicky if someone mentions me, good or bad.
I really didn't mean to offend you, I've said so many times and you left a comment on my profile that you deleted. If you honestly think I was secretly laughing at you, then I'm sorry. But I just want you to know that complaining about it and making me feel bad isn't going to make my opinion of you stronger. And I'm sorry if I offended you with that too but if I've learnt anything from life, it's that you can't take everything sugar coated and spoonfed to you.
And I'm sorry if that offended you too, I really should stop.

By the way, I'm fourteen and you have a fianc?. You shouldn't be worrying this much, I know how stressful it is to have anxiety but you've got a commitment that you need to uphold and if you're worrying about things like this then it's going to be bad for you.

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I know you won't reply to this because you never do reply to my things, but I really want to talk to you. It makes me feel bad that I might be hurting you and I don't want that, to feel bad or to hurt you. Don't keep it welled up like I did, because I really want to talk but you aren't letting me explain myself.
"Why bother at all if you know you're going to say hi and get a nasty attitude back, with a rude face and just get shot down? What the hell ever happened to "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all"? OR AT LEAST "treat others how you'd want to be treated".
Agreed, am feeling this.
"Why bother at all if you know you're going to say hi and get a nasty attitude back, with a rude face and just get shot down? What the hell ever happened to "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all"? OR AT LEAST "treat others how you'd want to be treated".

Agreed, am feeling this.

If you don't want to talk then don't, but please don't call me out. That just flares it up even more and I hate that.
I'm going to repeat this for the final time, I'M NOT BEING MEAN INTENTIONALLY.
If you think I'm being mean, go ahead. I'm as sensitive as you are and I'm close to crying now.

I'm sorry, I'm getting really pissed now but you don't understand how hard it is for me to talk to you.
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People in Club Tortimer..

There's 2 peeopl there, talking and doing things at the same time.....

yeah.... pretty sure it's 1 person on 2 3DS's since they're doing things at the exact same time. It's sad to know that people waste their time just to do this... but it's entertaining me so...
People in Club Tortimer..

There's 2 peeopl there, talking and doing things at the same time.....

yeah.... pretty sure it's 1 person on 2 3DS's since they're doing things at the exact same time. It's sad to know that people waste their time just to do this... but it's entertaining me so...

Pft, how do you do that? I can just imagine someone at the table with 2 3DSs and their arms spread so they can play in sync xD
Or maybe they're twins? o_O
Pft, how do you do that? I can just imagine someone at the table with 2 3DSs and their arms spread so they can play in sync xD
Or maybe they're twins? o_O

Lol I think they just kept leaving and arriving on the island until they found each other XD It's funny how one of them is someone I met earlier since his comment said "Partly Cloudy in Tokyo."
Lol I think they just kept leaving and arriving on the island until they found each other XD It's funny how one of them is someone I met earlier since his comment said "Partly Cloudy in Tokyo."

Perhaps they're stalking you. You might want to watch out while your gates are open D:
Everyone is being very stereotypical to the fact that I am Punjabi, mocking me with saying stuff like, "Where is the sacred cow?"

I wish people would get more educated about things like this, maybe it would stop them from being so racist -_-

People in the US use sarcasm as well, I'm pretty sure you knew this but I just wanted to make sure sarcasm is also heavily used among some people in America (like me)

Oh god I use sarcasm so much people always tell me to shut up (jokingly) or to stop lol

I should have put more emphasis on "some" :)
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Any my battery just died xD

Your 3DS is just trying to save you :'D

I threw up. :/
Damn sun...

So sorry, there are many things that can cause issues with sun and heat, I have that problem as well. And hope you are better now, the dry heaving and nausea is awful and I know that feeling sucks. Gator aid is good for fluid intake but if it doesn't burn too much 7 up or sprite no caffeine can lessen nausea sometimes. Also if you know are going to be sick again until it's all out my fianc? works at hosp and taught me force down bread even if dry and hard to swallow bc there quoting him are layers underneath layers of things in the stomach and sometimes nausea I won't stop so at hospital they force bread and water to make people throw up until the bread stays down then know all the acid and whatever is gone...

Your probably better now and it may not be helpful but if happens again may be. He tricked me one day I couldn't stop being sick saying bread and water thirty seconds later back to being sick and I asked him and he said that was supposed to happen. Was mad at first but he helped me so if it helps someone else on a nausea and vomit mixed with dry heave day then was worth the story.
What's Punjabi? ... am i stupid or something...

It's middle eastern I think. I'm not going to say Indian because I'm probably wrong but it seems from the disgusting comments these people are making it seems to be around that area.
It's kind of like the people at school talking Chinese to me. Of course, I don't understand Chinese so I just snap back some incredibly weird comment in self defence.
Bullying hurts man. But it's hilariously funny when the bully can't even get it right.
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