My dear friend passed away today.
*hugs okaimii tightly*
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My dear friend passed away today.
My dear friend passed away today.
did i fail my econ test or nah ?\_(ツ)_/?
I love this song so much, and I just want to listen to only it.
But...I know that if I do, within a week, I'll never want to hear it again, and I don't want that to happen
I'm tired of people quoting the Old Testament for things instead of the New Testament. Seriously, Christians don't go by the Old Testament for a reason so there's no point in using it for arguments against things like homosexuality.
Dont mormons go by the old testament?? idk I could be wrong
My home wifi network won't load Sig Grumpybumpers for some reason so my signature vids won't show up for some reason :/
I think it's just my wifi at home though, since when I went to school the gifs worked. Can someone tell me if they see my signature or not?
PayPal keeps giving me errors due to my card keeps freezing cause of protection