• The Bell Tree Fair 2024's closing ceremony is finally here! Event results, TBTer drawings, collectible reveal, quiz answers, art, stories, raffles, and more. You can find the six-part thread in the Bulletin Board! Thank you, everyone, for making our TBT birthday celebration so special!

What's Bothering You?

^ if you don’t notice that the same vehicle has been behind you for a significant amount of time then you don’t have enough road awareness, your Dad’s wild for that lol
Today was just not a good day. It's the same crap that's bringing me down; Struggling in school, arguing with my family, missing my mom. Today was also my English teacher's last day of the school year. She was really understanding about my situation and was a great teacher overall, so I'm really gonna miss her. Just... I don't know. I literally feel like ugh right now.
put a prescription refill request in on monday. if they don't say it's ready tomorrow, i'll be (unwillingly) off my meds. maybe i could've put the request in last friday, but the turnaround time is only supposed to be about three days, so i figured a whole work week should be long enough and yet! if i get withdrawal symptoms, i'm going to cry. hopefully it gets processed before those can set in. (though i might not be able to do a sunday pick-up, so. i'm really hoping for tomorrow...)
Pretty sure my mail went to my neighbours place and he threw it immediately in the trash. Super tempted to dig through his trash. The mail man people just put any letter in any mail box. Its really frustrating

Looks like our mail, sometimes neighbors give it back when they don't like it, opened of course...
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> uses different face wash
> skin now feels like it's on fire 😭
I hate how sensitive my skin is. It hates any change in routine.
Woke up today remembering how afraid I am of adulthood. I'm not an adult yet, turning 18 this year, though I don't really consider 18 or 19 to be "adulthood", at the very least it's before you fully transition into one imo.
To be honest, i've been afraid of becoming an adult since I was 14. I've heard nothing but horror stories online about it and it's a bit hard to stay optimistic knowing that life being tolerable is finite.
I could care less for the responsibility, but it's everything else i've heard that makes me so pessimistic about the future. Knowing that one day my friends won't have time for me and most of my time will be preoccupied with work makes it hard to enjoy myself knowing that one day my life will essentially be "over". I'm aromantic too (particularly the type not interested in relationships beyond friendship), so if my friends don't have time for me, it is going to be a very lonely few days.
It's not like I can really have memories to be nostalgic over either. Most of my life as a teenager has been plagued with mental health struggles and i've never any real life friends say for my brother. They say to enjoy this period of my life and I feel like i've wasted it.
Is it really that bad? I guess I could try and make my 18 and 19 year old life count.
Been doing unwell both mentally and physically and things are especially bad today.
Also really worried about the weather starting Monday. This house doesn't do well in that kind of winter weather. I probably won't be able to sleep in my room which is pretty stressful for me, especially after getting the cats that don't like behaving. I love them but can they please not try to make my life more miserable... Please just behave and sleep on the couch or something. Not go climb furniture, knock down the Nintendo Switch, go behind the TV and press a switch that shuts off what the wi-fi is connected to... Oh, and repeatedly get on the stove/counter. They do that too.
The giant protests in London and the bad feeling that accompanies it. Handwritten anti-semitic propoganda posters have been stuck on a bunch of lampposts this week, along Brick Lane of all places, which has upset the Jewish community. I understand the strength of feeling from both sides, but when it turns into outright hatred towards people who aren't even remotely involved in the situation, that's gross.