What's Bothering You?

I'm really, really sorry for your loss, Oak. Losing a pet is never easy. I hope Leo is in a better place now and that you have proper time to grieve over this. If you ever need to talk, my VMs and DMs are open. 💚
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I'm really, really sorry for your loss, Oak. Losing a pet is never easy. I hope Leo is in a better place now and that you have proper time to grieve over this. If you ever need to talk, my VMs and DMs are open. 💚
Thanks bro, I appreciate your words.
I got jury duty. It's the first time I've gotten it and I have no reason not to go. I wonder if they will call me in. It's not really bothering me per se, but I'm somewhat nervous about it.
I've gotten it quite a few times, which is odd because I'm not old at all. I've been lucky though and each time they never needed me anyway. Depending on the trail you could always use a reason like you can't be unbiased during the trial. It happens. My aunt got called in for jury duty for a drunk driving incident and when asked why she couldn't be unbiased it was because of that reason.
My bunny Leo passed away in the night. My partner found him sleeping in his bed. I only had him for less then 2 years. He had been disabled since the beginning but he looked so healthy that I thought he was gonna be able to live a full lifespan. Were gonna drop him off to be cremated later today. I had just stocked up on fresh herbs for his salads.
I’m so sorry, Oak. I know how much your buns mean to you. No amount of time with our fur babies is ever enough, but I know you gave Leo the most incredible life, even though you didn’t get the amount of time with him that you both deserved. All he knew was love and care because of you and your partner. He got to pass peacefully in a warm comfy bed, in a safe and loving home. You did so much for him, I hope you know that.

Sending you so much love. ❤️
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My bunny Leo passed away in the night. My partner found him sleeping in his bed. I only had him for less then 2 years. He had been disabled since the beginning but he looked so healthy that I thought he was gonna be able to live a full lifespan. Were gonna drop him off to be cremated later today. I had just stocked up on fresh herbs for his salads.
Aw man....I'm sorry that happened to you. I know exactly how you feel. I lost my pet rabbit "Fluffy" back in Januaray 2017. I loved her so much :(
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My bunny Leo passed away in the night. My partner found him sleeping in his bed. I only had him for less then 2 years. He had been disabled since the beginning but he looked so healthy that I thought he was gonna be able to live a full lifespan. Were gonna drop him off to be cremated later today. I had just stocked up on fresh herbs for his salads.
I’m so sorry Oak. Sending you both lots of love 🫂💜💜. If you need anything, let me know (no pressure ofc).

I know my friend is busy but I can’t help but be bothered he isn’t checking on me to make sure I’m safe :/.
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ok im still not happy and i'm ready to prioritize myself. i think i'm gonna end things with my partner. i cant keep being sad every night anymore.
i did this too and it was the best thing for my mental health ! i hope its the same for u, sending lots of good vibes ur way <3
A simple misunderstanding over car soap and everyone preceiveing my tone of voice as me being snappy and b****y.

Why do I bother tryin to have a conversation with my parents? It usually ends up in some arguement or heated discussion or like tonight, them gettin mad at me over a misunderstanding and them not letting me even say I didn't realize I hadn't bought my own soap.

He just brought it up out of nowhere cause I was discussing car stuff how I was being snappy with mom earlier over ****in soap. He has me buy all my own car stuff, I thought the soap was mine too, my god. I wasn't even wasting it like how my mom said anyway. Maybe I'm stupid but when the water gets dirty and grey+black you don't keep washing the car with it when you still have over half the car to go and the filthy tires🤷
I just love what is apparently a family tradition of not telling someone you're going to visit them until the literal last minute. This time they were kind enough to give us a single day's notice that they will be here some time within an 11 day range, so who knows when they will actually be here. This is exactly the kind of stress I need on what is supposed to be a 3 day rest from an annoying work schedule...
my oven has stopped working, i ordered an airfryer (a ninja one so it wasn't cheap) in the meantime while i look into what oven to buy but i got an email from them saying my payment failed, i look at my bank app and can see they've taken the payment twice! i'm sure it'll get sorted but it's annoying and now i'm not sure whether i've even bought the stupid thing
bought myself a little treat (computer keyboard tray) with my target gift card from christmas, it came and THE CLAMPS DON'T FIT TO MY DESK 😭

i gave it to my brother because it fits his desk and he really likes it, he payed me for it so now i can get another one that actually fits but y'all... i was waiting all week for this package and i was so excited to unclutter and ✨aesthetically✨ organize my room, at least my misfortune benefits someone else.
There's this one annoying person on my bus, and I seriously want to tell her, in the most, actually, scratch that, least respectful way possible, to shut the **** up. I don't give a **** about your stupid issues because it's all just dumb teenage drama that won't matter in a year. I think that she just doesn't know what a library is or how to communicate in one. Granted, it's not as bad as in class where I don't really have much to drown her out (since we're not allowed to where headphones most of the time), but still.

By the way, I have headphones, but I can't really take them off for these exact reasons.
Well, apparently speaking to HR did not fix the issue I'm having of a sub route being shoved onto my bus run without my consent. I am willing to make a compromise, however - swap this given route with another one that also needs to be covered at the same timeframe, that is more convenient and closer to the bus garage than the one I'm currently doing. If they say no, then I'm going to request some form of reimbursement for making me constantly stressed. If that gets shot down, then they'll likely be seeing less of me. I'd really hate to have to come to that as I like my job otherwise, but it really feels like no one but the other drivers are giving me much help. I've already started giving the higher-ups slight hints about my motivation to work extra: I'm no longer actively signing up to optionally cover hour-long midday routes that pay a bonus. I'm not going to rapidly degrade myself being here all the time.

Just because I'm the youngest driver employed, does not give them the right to treat me like my opinions and suggestions don't matter. It's not the first time my concerns have been pushed aside or delayed - earlier this year, I wrote up some students that were creating a toxic verbal environment; it took the school nearly a month to hand out punishments as I don't have the power to kick anyone off. Last year, I told the dispatchers several times that I was always running late to my second elementary school on my run. What do they do about it? Add more stops to the already-too-long first elementary school route, making me even later than usual. That route was never shortened until after that school year had ended.

Oh, and they also told us via work email that they plan on having a full day tomorrow, with heavy snow forecasted starting at around 12PM. That's going to screw me big-time if they don't call school early, and it'll also likely ruin my weekend if my power goes out again. Our district is apparently well-known for "winging it" when it comes to snow storms starting late in the school day, and I remember one time driving through some very heavy snow in a bus. It was so bad, that my wipers eventually gave up and quit working. Luckily, I dropped off my last student before it happened.

I really am beginning to wonder if they actually appreciate me for my efforts, or just using me too much due to my young age...
Me: Were you following me home?
Dad: What?
Me: (now scared) There was a bigger white vehicle following my route pretty much from when I left work. There was a crazy person at work threatening violence.
Dad: Yeah you missed your turn
Me: Oh thank God I thought I was being followed
Dad: You shouldn't be looking in your rear view mirror that much

EX-****IN-SCUSE ME?!?! This man tells me to not 'look in my rearview mirror so much' in the same ****in breath he tells me I need to be more aware of my surroundings! So sorry I felt like someone was following me like 90% of my trip home! That's unusual! I thought I was going to have to make laps around the neighborhood and call my parents to let them know I'm being followed. But NO, apparently I'm in the ****in wrong to be MINDFUL OF THE SAME CAR THAT HAS STEADILY BEEN BEHIND ME MAJORITY OF MY RIDE HOME! After we had a wacko at work today too!