• The Bell Tree Fair 2024's closing ceremony is finally here! Event results, TBTer drawings, collectible reveal, quiz answers, art, stories, raffles, and more. You can find the six-part thread in the Bulletin Board! Thank you, everyone, for making our TBT birthday celebration so special!

What's Bothering You?

I couldn't find anything I actually want to eat this morning just because nobody bought yogurt and there's nothing available that hasn't made my problems worse. This seems like a really dumb complaint but I actually feel stressed out about it.
I’m so ****ing upset right now. God forbid my parents use me as anything but their therapist. God forbid i get to shower in ****ing peace. I hate it here i hate everything
So update. I just sent an email to my parents telling them how I feel, because talking to them verbally has never gone well. I’m actually at the end of my rope here LOL

I honestly don’t think the email will be received any better, but I’m desperate. I’m so scared. I have a feeling I know how my mom will react, and I’m just not prepared for that. I just want them to hear me for once. I can’t keep coming in here and dumping all of my problems.
not to just show up out of absolutely nowhere for the first time in like a week, but I seriously feel like I'm suffering. I feel like I want someone or something to put me out of my misery. 🥲
Post automatically merged:

So update. I just sent an email to my parents telling them how I feel, because talking to them verbally has never gone well. I’m actually at the end of my rope here LOL

I honestly don’t think the email will be received any better, but I’m desperate. I’m so scared. I have a feeling I know how my mom will react, and I’m just not prepared for that. I just want them to hear me for once. I can’t keep coming in here and dumping all of my problems.
I'm sorry love, message me anytime if you need someone to talk to 💗
My mom was just sent to the hospital due to the fact these stupid pharmaceutical companies refuse to refill her medication called alprazolam that is supposed to calm her down. She was very shaky. This whole thing took 6 hours and I was able to bring her back home same and sound. My whole body hurts, my mental state is at a all time low, and I feel so tired and exahusted.
mental health services in the uk bringing me down lol. (or i suppose medical care in general.) hearing about the wait times for an adhd diagnosis and getting on medication just makes me feel hopeless. my focus/motivation/fatigue are all so bad that even a part-time job seems impossible right now, and i genuinely think being medicated could change my life. y'know, if that possibility was even on the horizon. instead, i have to just hang in limbo because the clowns in government gutted our nhs, and there's nowhere near enough supply to meet demand. it took three weeks of phoning almost every day to finally get a doctor's appointment the other week, and it's not even until march 5th.
Two of my most favorite YouTube videos that I really enjoyed having in the background, whether I'm doing chores, etc. or to just fall asleep to, all of a sudden play Ads now... 😕 so ****ing lame...
Pretty sure I got the person who hurt me suspended for unrelated reasons : p Thank youuu anonymous tips and the existence of weed pens. But ah, I don't think anything can remedy the hole in my heart from what happened. He asked me not to ruin his life by telling people what he did, but what about me? One more flash of anger and I'm telling his best friends what a ****ty freak he is.

Plus, after being happy all week, that came crashing down yesterday for no reason. I had martial arts class and I just was so not in the mood to be touched, but alas. Came home today and just wanted the world to stop spinning. I feel so detached from everything.
so, i'm fighting for disability due to my various mental illnesses and physical issues. i'm kinda upset it went on this long with nothing being done. my mom recently confessed to me that she was told to put me on social security when i was 14, when i initially got diagnosed with everything. i can't be too mad at her. but it does annoy me a lot that when i told her i was hurting, physically or emotionally, she always downplayed with 'oh you didn't live MY life, you didn't do MY work, so you shouldn't be complaining.' like holy moly it's not??? a competition of who hurts/is traumatized the most??? guh.

like if she heard all my complaints AFTER my diagnosis, why didn't she pursue that for me before i hit 18??? i'm not mad at her. i can't be. she's come a long way since but man does that weigh on my mind a lot. i just hope i win my case. idk what i'm gonna do if i don't. i've been fighting for this for 3ish years or more. i'm so ready to stop this struggling.
Despite my brother never owning a dog, he keeps telling me what I should and shouldn’t do with Blossom, even though he gives me false advice. For example, he was talking about letting her off her lead outside. Maybe some Basset Hound owners do that, but I’ve always been told not to (especially as she’s still young) as if she gets the scent of something she would follow the trail. He is so patronising too, don't let her eat things outside. Even before I got Blossom, I knew that! I mean, come on that's common sense, surely? I don’t claim to be an expert on Basset Hounds or dogs in general, I’m still learning everyday. I have books about them and if I think there’s anything wrong I always seek advice from the vet. However, I’m the one who has slept downstairs for months when she was younger and took her outside at various times during the night to do her business during the freezing cold winter nights. I’m the one who plays with her, walks her, cleans her, feeds her, makes sure she always has clean, fresh water, grooms her, the one who takes her to the vet, etc. He’s going about telling everyone it’s his dog! He doesn’t do anything to help with her, not even walk her. He has played with her twice but he soon gets fed up. I offered him a few months ago, I said ‘If you want to any day you could come out with us when she goes for one of her walks.’ I got ‘Nah, you’re alright.’ I wouldn’t trust him to walk her on his own. He thinks he’s some sort of expert on hounds. He acts as if he’s some sort of saviour, and the way he goes on you would think he pays for her vet bills too. My Dad has told him she is mine. My Dad is so lovely and helps me out with the vet bills and transport to the vets. So, I told him we have a joint ownership. My Dad is really great with her. It really gets to me as my brother does nothing, even around the house to help. I don’t mind if he doesn’t want to do anything with her, but to have the nerve to go about telling people that she is HIS dog and giving me his precious ‘advice’ really gets me. I’ve been looking after her for over a year now and she is fit, healthy and happy. If he was a pet owner I wouldn’t mind, I would appreciate it.
When you live on the other side of the planet from all your friends except your cat and two acquaintances !

I swear part of the reason I haven’t been active is because of time zones, it’s not like I can casually talk to people during the middle of the day. At the same time it’s on me I haven’t been messaging people as much but… I’m so tired of this and you don’t know what it’s like if you didn’t get really attached to people hours away

Also when it’s 95 degrees farenheit and your dad wants the air conditioner off for some godforesaken reason!

Sundays used to be my Tetris day but… it’s not working fam, I put this time aside with my mom and it’s reminding me I have nobody else to hang out with here, and I’m tired of her
sometimes I forget that there's some utterly despicable people out there, and others just being happy and cute and doing literally nothing harmful can be deemed worthy of death threats and ongoing harassment if it's considered ""cringe"", god forbid. I found out about the love surge couple and the way they were treated made me so angry I couldn't sleep last night. I hope they're doing okay and that they have nothing but many happy years ahead.
I feel kinda nauseous and I just had a short tummy ache. My stomach feels better now but it’s got this weird feeling like it’s holding something down…
I'm seeing that some kids have more friends in their life now than I did my whole life. It's really pathetic.

Whether it's because some of the friends are from school making it likely situational or it's because both their parents know each other, it makes me happy that I didn't need my parents' assistance finding friends. I'd hate being forced to hang out with someone I didn't have anything in common with because the parents happen to be friends. I just feel like that's a less embarrassing scenario than not having anyone to hang out with. I know I'd be much more content doing what I'm currently doing (minding my own business, playing Mario Kart, browsing forums) rather than feeling obligated to hang out at least twice a week to keep a friendship.

I just hate feeling disappointment from an outside perspective seeing that I have absolutely no problems talking to people. I can hold conversations but it's near impossible to relate to people much younger than you that I'm limited to the few adults at my job. I think I'm better off just letting it go if I'm as content as I say I am and stop worrying what some people might think if it gets out that I have no one that I hang out with on a daily basis.

I also know that when these minors turn into adults, most of their friends will have moved on and they'll have to meet new ones. I didn't have any friends in school. They didn't move on. I didn't have any in the first place. I guess I'm just wondering if any of these adults don't have time to be hanging out every weekend. I feel like it would get pretty tiring hanging out as much as these kids do, but I also wouldn't mind a few close friendships.

I actually do have two friends I talk to at work, and they are both over the age of 18. We've only hung out once but I don't have any doubts about our friendships. It's just that we don't have to hang out every week in order to maintain a friendship. Also, it's probably not a smart thing to be comparing adult friendships to minor friendships because they are clearly different.