I must say to begin with that, I have a huge respect for the NHS.
I was nervous enough about my appointment today as it was with someone I have never seen before in a clinic. She came out into the waiting room and called my name. When I went into the room, I was glad to see my physio was there. She is present at every few appointments to take measurements to see how my condition is progressing. The nurse that was leading the appointment was like no other I have ever met. Very arrogant and felt as if she was ignoring me. I don’t even think she was a Rheumatology Nurse, as she never even looked at my joints. She asked me which medications I take, so I gave her a copy of my repeat prescription, as I am hopeless at remembering all of the names. She kept asking me ‘How much do you take of this?’, ‘How much do you take of that?’. I felt as if she was trying to trick me! All the information is on the prescription. How am I meant to remember how many mg of each medication I take? I could tell her, for example, 2 tablets twice daily, etc. I appreciate they are busy, but there is no need to treat their patients as if they are a burden. I also felt as if she didn’t believe me. I’ve experienced this before, but when tests came back positive, they have changed their tune. I was desperate to get out of the room as she made me feel as if I was faking my symptoms, even though she didn’t look at past notes when I was present or my joints! Tried to explain about swelling but was instantly dismissed. The physio was lovely as always and always has time to try and help. Honestly, if I get another appointment with that Nurse, I’m requesting to attend someone else, as I would stress myself out thinking about having to go to her again. I genuinely worry for the healthcare of patients if she’s in a consultation with any vulnerable patients.
Also, my Doctor's Surgery haven't sent through my medications.