What's Bothering You?

People can just be horrible. The war crimes committed by many during WW2 is very haunting. Some of the stuff the Japanese military did isn't as well known, but is very messed up. Sadly it's what happens when you get a bunch of young unsupervised soldiers who won't suffer consequences for their actions and things like this can happen. Don't look up the Massacre of Nanking. The Japanese soldiers did horrible things to the civilians, even babies. And treated it like it was a game.

War is horrible, but it is the right thing to do to remember all that happened regardless of how horrible those atrocities are and how horrible and irredeemable those people were/are.

I think there are atrocities that are at a higher level of barbarity. Although the Holocaust was methodical mass murder produced over years of time. Human genocide turned into an intelligent scheme with layers. People sought to die sorted into categories, extermination camps, contraptions built to eliminate huge numbers at a time such as the gas chambers. Rather than sheer savagery, it's evil behavior that was thought out. And for the most part, successfully eliminated specific large groups of people in what is now considered a modernized society.

I'm respectfully going to leave this thread to those who need to vent. Rather than drag it into an off topic conversation.

Thank you for the reply and discussion.
I can't sleep. Sleeping with my broken ankle has been really hard - especially as someone who sleeps on their side and rolls around a lot. I'll be really tired but I can't seem to actually fall asleep and when I do it doesn't feel like long continuous sleep.

Genuinely I want to cry. I hate this so much.
day off from work today but I still gotta drive all the way down to that area because I've set up an appt with my family doctor again. I've been trying to get treatment for this psoriasis for weeks now, over the last week and a half it's gotten really bad and nothing that my doctor prescribes seems to be helping at all. it's still scaly and itchy and painful to the touch. I can't wash my dishes or take a shower because my hands hurt so much when touching any water that isn't cool/cold. I pretty much have to keep an ice pack on me at all times so I can use it to numb the pain. literally doing basic things, like typing on keyboards and housecleaning, hurts because of it.

I have a feeling that I may have developed staph infection on my hands, it's happened before and is unfortunately usually the cause when my psoriasis is painful and steroids don't touch it.

when this eventually subsides, I guess I need to see if I can find some sunscreen to protect my hands from sun/UV exposure, since that's the allergy which triggers my psoriasis. I didn't really deal with this last year because the mild summer combined with the wildfires in Quebec made it so that my sun exposure was pretty minimal. the sun has been out full force this summer, especially during that heat wave, and I'm just miserable. I think that sunscreen has worked in the past, I really don't want to resort to wearing cotton gloves outside.

I just hope that my doctor can help me without having to perform steroid injections directly onto my hands. I have a pretty severe phobia of needles (made worse by a dentist visit from last year, threw me into a horrible panic attack). 😭
Can I go one day without feeling like I'm inadequate and can't meet anyone's expectations? Like I'm imperfect in too many ways and don't deserve to be with some people because I suck as a human being? I don't know how else to say it; I don't deserve kindness from others because I'm not kind myself.

Ugh, I'm really feeling melancholy this morning...

As for something less depressing, my sleep schedule is still out of whack, mostly regarding sleeping/waking up at questionable hours. Interestingly enough, I went to bed at 1 AM and woke up five hours later, and I can't go back to sleep. If anything, this is what waking up on a school day feels like, but I'm just thrown for a loop about it.
i’m getting very annoyed w school problems; i changed my major to nursing which required me to change my schedule to fit the prerequisites i need but it won’t let me register for them
usually i wouldn’t be so stressed out but the one class i really need only has one seat left, so i’ve contacted my advisor who told me to contact the it help desk, who then told me to contact the registrars office 😐 they told me to send an email with the classes i need and they’ll manually register me for them, but they haven’t and i’m just getting more stressed thinking about not being able to get the class i really need
update no one helped me register and the class is closed 😍🤗 we love it
day off from work today but I still gotta drive all the way down to that area because I've set up an appt with my family doctor again. I've been trying to get treatment for this psoriasis for weeks now, over the last week and a half it's gotten really bad and nothing that my doctor prescribes seems to be helping at all. it's still scaly and itchy and painful to the touch. I can't wash my dishes or take a shower because my hands hurt so much when touching any water that isn't cool/cold. I pretty much have to keep an ice pack on me at all times so I can use it to numb the pain. literally doing basic things, like typing on keyboards and housecleaning, hurts because of it.

I have a feeling that I may have developed staph infection on my hands, it's happened before and is unfortunately usually the cause when my psoriasis is painful and steroids don't touch it.

when this eventually subsides, I guess I need to see if I can find some sunscreen to protect my hands from sun/UV exposure, since that's the allergy which triggers my psoriasis. I didn't really deal with this last year because the mild summer combined with the wildfires in Quebec made it so that my sun exposure was pretty minimal. the sun has been out full force this summer, especially during that heat wave, and I'm just miserable. I think that sunscreen has worked in the past, I really don't want to resort to wearing cotton gloves outside.

I just hope that my doctor can help me without having to perform steroid injections directly onto my hands. I have a pretty severe phobia of needles (made worse by a dentist visit from last year, threw me into a horrible panic attack). 😭
I don't know if this is helpful to you but it's something that I saw as a tip once so I'll pass it along. I use a sunscreen stick (the kind that comes in a roll up container like a glue stick) specifically for the backs of my hands. I find it to be the best way to apply sunscreen there so I don't get sunscreen on my palms.
nothing beats listening to my parents get into an argument over the stupidest **** ever, and listening to my mum tell my dad "shut up!" in the most juvenile way possible. it literally takes nothing to put in the effort to have effective open communication, and neither of my parents are putting in any amount of effort. it's actually insufferable to watch, and even more insufferable to live with.
I went downstairs to see my dad, and I saw that he just bought a bunch of weed. Lovely... It's just hard to see that my parents are addicts. At least they're (somewhat) transparent about it, but it's still depressing.

They still don't believe me when I say I'll never touch any substances, and it's always the same crap: "You'll get curious and want to experiment", "you might change your mind", "there's really not a lot of people like you"... I'm tired of hearing it.

I've also been thinking about how some of my friends would casually mention their substance use to me, even though it's illegal at our age. They know that I'm sensitive about the topic, even the ones who know about my mom's overdose/alcoholism... So why the **** were they telling me about it? I don't know, people suck sometimes.

I just needed to vent. I hate how this kind of stuff randomly pops into my head and I get all emotional.
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I’m doing okay today, just a bit sluggish and dealing on and off with depression. I’m anxious since I found tomorrow I have to see the doctor about my leg and foot problem I had since last summer. I haven’t been doing the exercises. >.<

Also, still troubled about a genocide. My mom doesn’t like what is going on either but she hasn’t been really boycotting anything well even if she thinks she is since she keeps getting my nieces mcdonald’s, squishmallows, starbucks. It’s different if she didn’t know who they were supporting; I told her many times (ofc she does forget since she is getting much older). The fact she does that knowing this bothers me since I feel like she kinda doesn’t have the right to say anything about the genocide when she is continuing to buy products while knowing who they support. I’ve stopped saying anything because I don’t want to argue any more and am mentally tired enough. Still is my nieces entertainment really worth the blood being spilled with the money that comes from those companies?

It also troubles me how some people are just finding out about it when it has been going on for 75 years. They are very open about it in their political rhetoric too ever since Ben-Gurion’s days. Holocaust survivors have been speaking up against this too, yet I don’t get why even that isn’t making people question my country’s government traditional views and actions, and the way we present history. Don’t repeat history yet our government has been turning a blind eye and not so discretely supporting this genocide as well as others (indirectly and directly). My country has done so many incredibly inhumane things but in the narrative they wrote, there is no mention of the things we do. Instead it is written to be that it’s always the other country’s fault.
Different day, same crap. 😬

My grandparents are bring their annoying dog over here AGAIN tomorrow. I know a lot of you guys on here love dogs and may not even understand my struggles, but they just stress me out, unless they are low maintenance and chill, which there dog is not. I TRY to get my dad to understand where I am coming from, but it is a major struggle since he is a massive dog lover. Both him and my brother are. I would usually respect their opinion, but they just do not understand...

I don't even really mind the barking unless I am trying to sleep. It's just exhausting making sure he doesn't get into my room, and trying to

And look, I usually do not give a crap what other people do outside my household. Even if I may not be a pet person myself, I am glad they can serve as a source of comfort and happiness for many people.

However, my grandparents are constantly going on trips and they apparently have not found any other pet-sitters. THIS is when it gets to the point where I care.
So yeah, I really don't think they are cut out for having pets, considering they always have somewhere to go. I am not saying they are BAD dog owners by any means. I just do not think it is a good idea for them to own a pet if they have trips planned out, like, once month or even more, and only have this household to drop him off at. They are the most non-homebody people I have ever known. I hope their current dog will be their last one until they get to a point to where they will not have any overnight trips anymore, or they find other pet-sitters. Whichever comes first.

I know living on your own requires a lot of responsibility and independence, but man, I hope I can get to that point eventually, that way, I will not have to worry about compromising for anyone, which is something that can be even harder. My dad can get a dog, my brother can get a dog (he will probably move out before I do, despite being younger), and I can set my own rules and boundaries.
I was rudely awakened this morning by my dogs barking non-stop at a tree crew outside. Right as I woke up, my dad asked me to go move bricks that were impeding their way. By the time I went to the bathroom, got dressed and went outside, he said that he didn't need my help anymore.

Pretty sour start to my day I'd say.
I posted earlier that I wish I was less approachable. Not sure I actually feel that way, but someone approached me on that day and was getting on my nerves.

He was sitting next to me for nearly 20 minutes saying things like “Let me guess, you are a lesbian.” He also made a condescending comment about my teeth (which doesn’t make any sense, because there is nothing wrong with them. They are fake??) He said people like me don’t give people like him a chance. I ended up saying that the teeth commenting offended me, and he said that people like me always get offended and I need to grow thick skin.

He asked me if I’ve ever been told that I talk too much, and tbf, I do talk. I’m openly extroverted, and it’s a shame that means I have to sometimes encounter people like this. He made me to feel like my emotions are not valid, and that I shouldn’t be upset over comments like that.

Comments insulting physical appearance aren’t necessary and definitely shouldn’t be said to people in public that you don’t know. Before my teeth were fixed, I rarely received comments directly. The most I’ve gotten were disgusted looks from people, but tbh it’s normal to react that way when you see something gross. I wasn’t expecting a rude comment or anything about my fake teeth (which are meant to look perfect because they are fake).

Because of this incident, I’m in a state of not wanting to talk to people, but that feeling is slowly subsiding.