What's Bothering You?

Jewels kept waking me up for attention this morning; when she wasn’t bothering me, I kept waking up because I was anxious about leaving the house and the doctor’s appointment that I’m waiting for. I want to get this done and over with and then go home. Leaving the house keeps getting harder.

Today just started for me, so hopefully it gets better. Right now, I’m feeling pretty depressed and a bit lonely. I can’t wait to be back home with my cats.
For me - I've never actually gotten to see anything holocaust related outside of school textbooks. (and maybe the occasional film like Schindler's List). So it was my first time morphing those textual images into reality.

The disturbing part sank in with seeing just how effectively systematic the extermination process was. They had videos of the victims being stuffed into the trains. If I'm not mistaken, around 90% of Jews in Poland were wiped out. I envisioned the Holocaust as a messy affair, but not like a cognitive machine.

That doesn't even get into the live human experiment stuff. As if it wasn't enough to wipe them out. They turned children into science projects.

It was a learning experience though.
If you're ever interested in hearing a firsthand account, the man I met made some videos before his death discussing his experience: Rudi Oppenheimer. They have accounts from eleven other Holocaust survivors on there too.

too anxious and nauseous to formulate words so. this has been my night every night for the past 2 weeks, something that's been happening on-and-off since february, and it is actually insufferable. : )

anyone know anyone who still does lobotomies because i need my brain to shut up
Theres an online game I play and this guy I disliked for a while. He didn't do anything wrong specifically, so I never said anything, but he just really bugged me. Then, today, someone took a screenshot of his belongings in the game and found things where he was being antisemitic and homophobic (how are you going to be homophobic on a game where everyone is LGBT???). I guess my ick was correctly placed!
Got another phone call from a different doctor. It was about my thyroid this time. Now, I have problems with my thyroid levels, sometimes they are high and sometimes low. So, now he wants me to get another blood test to see what the results are. I don't mind blood tests, but in my experience with my Rhuematology bloods, they never actually do anything to try and increase my levels, just keep getting me to go for bloods.
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it's weird because I've actually been feeling okay recently, but there are just so many little bothers that I can't get over in my mind that sometimes bring me down a bit. having issues with my car, being tight on funds because of that and other things, dealing with my parents, dealing with this psoriasis and the struggles that come with it, my PS2 and N64 refusing to read games, not having much time or motivation to draw, needing to clean and not having much time or energy for that either. just small bothers that accumulate and weigh me down a little. 😔

also just woke up like 10 min ago and I haven't even left my bed yet and mum is already calling for me. like, not to be rude but please leave me alone. 🥲
Have a blood test this morning so I should've been able to have a lie in until 8am!

Instead I woke-up an hour before my alarm, at 6am, with stomach pain. So rather than sleeping I'm on the couch with a hot water bottle. 😒

And had to go home sick from work by 1pm. :cry:

Treatment on Tuesday can't come fast enough. I always feel better within 24-48hrs of them administering it.
friendships are so complicated sometimes and rn im thinking why tf do we need to make it complicated. did i do something wrong?? I dont feel like i did?? their clique is so weird. i really wanna confront them just to know their thought process lol. whatever
my parents are making me rehome my cat, and honestly it just pisses me off because why agree to get a cat if you’re just gonna end up hating the cat later on. the same thing happened with my first cat, i had to rehome him to my ex-bf because of the same thing. they agree to get us a cat, then later on start to nitpick on things that the cat does, and just hates its presence. now it’s happening with the cat we have now, and i can’t help but feel so miserable about it because i’ve seen videos about cats that get taken back to the shelter or given to a new home after being at one home for so long and i feel so guilty about it 😕 idk what to do lol
my parents are making me rehome my cat, and honestly it just pisses me off because why agree to get a cat if you’re just gonna end up hating the cat later on. the same thing happened with my first cat, i had to rehome him to my ex-bf because of the same thing. they agree to get us a cat, then later on start to nitpick on things that the cat does, and just hates its presence. now it’s happening with the cat we have now, and i can’t help but feel so miserable about it because i’ve seen videos about cats that get taken back to the shelter or given to a new home after being at one home for so long and i feel so guilty about it 😕 idk what to do lol
If this is a recurring issue, do they just have a problem with cats being cats? 🐈
If this is a recurring issue, do they just have a problem with cats being cats? 🐈
I’m sure they do lol, it just makes me mad because at first they were fine with the cat, and they literally had no problems but in the back of my head I was still scared to get comfortable with having the cat we have now because of what happened with our first one. lo and behold it did happen again lol
I was so excited to play Stray Gods but immediately turned it off when it was like... stop motion? not-animated?
I know it's my fault for not even looking at a gameplay trailer but it just feels like a storyboard meant to be animated.
So many things are bothering me. I was awake for more than 24 hours yesterday (finally got sleep though) and I feel horribly unwell (half the reason I struggled to sleep) and my mind went through too much during that time period. I don't really feel any better and I keep thinking about the same couple of topics that are bothering me.
One of them is my fear of death. I wasn't sure if I should say this but I'm already crying over it.