What's Bothering You?

My youngest cat, I've gotten him more antibiotics since his stuff still hasn't healed.
One part is on his neck, like a little above his neck that he stratches with his back foot - which is something we can't always keep an eye on, just annoying because even if we could get a cat cone on him, it wouldn't work with where it is. Just gotta keep an eye out when we're around so he doesn't scratch again. It bleeds and then settles. Now its dry luckily. I think with the antibiotucs he sleeps more.

Another thing I worry with him, is his weird territoral with my other ginger cat.
My ginger cat has had severe depression ever since losing her brothers. So, she won't move around the house as much. She will either stay in my bedroom for a few months, then move to the living room to stay there for a bit. So on and So on. She's in my bedroom now.
And I dunno if its because my youngest cat is young and has not been taken to the vets to be done so he won't wanna mate; but weirdly he doesn't like when my ginger cat uses the tray (there's two in my bedroom, and two in the bathroom downstairs), or even if my ginger cat starts growling/moaning he gets aggitiated and wants to attack her!
I dunno if he thinks shes moaning at me and thinks shes gonna hurt me, but the tray situation is so weird. It's why we can't leave them for holidays or anything.
He does the tray thing with my white cat - Bell - but he is pretty much on edge around Bell, so he does come over but doesn't go overboard like he does with my ginger.

My other thing that's bothering me is something to do with my sister and people on a facebook group.
My sister lives in another country, and sometimes people from America move to this specific country for retirement and etc. And they make these lil facebook groups together, and my sister is on some of them, since sometimes she does get on with some people she meets there.
One of the groups has this admin. And my sister has somehow came to know that this specific admin has scammed quite a few people and she wanted to inform people of the situation. She hasn't been scammed - I dont really know, something to do with houses and work done on houses - but my sister can be very forceful when she has the right facts and doesn't stop herself from swearing at people who have been defending the scammer; despite theres other groups, specifically a scam group dedicated to that area, and there's so many people in there that have had problems with this person.

I can understand some people not liking how my sister will jump down peoples throats and how my sister is easy to irritate and will easily swear like no tomorrow.
I think the admin has blocked her from the group I still see, and I saw what was said, and I'm not liking how they're treating my sister. The admin literally made a post stating 'I see our friend <sisters name> is off her meds again. So sorry we're all being subjected to it. I truly hope she gets the help she needs.'

Like thats not effing right. How could you say that to a WHOLE group of people, that some don't even know the situation since they got rid of her post about the admin being a scammer.
AND another weird thing, she said my sister used a fake profile to 'attempt to purchase weed from the admin' showing a picture of a conversation, but literally no proof it was connected to my sisters account 0-0 Sure you have the pic of the conversation someone called Steve messaged you, but how is that connected to my sister?
Saying my sister in another one of the groups made a facebook voting thing saying should this person be thrown in jail, but the person who posted that was an annoymous member??? Nothing connected to my sister.

Other people have said how bad this admin was scamming and their posts were deleted.
I dunno why I'm getting so invested into this, when I physcially can't do anything.
Honestly, I don’t feel like too many people in my life are actually supportive of my name change. On their mind, it’s either that they don’t care, or they’re completely against it.

I had a TSA agent address me as my birth name because that’s what it says on my badge. My dad gets weird when I talk about wanting to get a name change and even a gender change (to Non-Binary).

I feel like the only people taking me seriously are people on this forum. My mom just doesn’t seem to care and is resorting to calling me “Blue,” which is a little better than my dead name, but it seems like she’s using a nickname only to avoid using my chosen name.

I don’t remember the last time I was actually referred to as my chosen name by someone that wasn’t a coworker. It feels like I’ll always just be my name that I was assigned at birth.

The whole process is overwhelming, too. Is it really worth all of that work and nearly $500? I don’t even mind the money, but all of that work just to have a name that I feel more comfortable with is dumb. It should be simpler. I hate having to go by the name I was given. I hate that I have to always explain to people why my chosen name is different than my legal name, basically outing myself as if it weren’t already obvious. I hate that I can’t just tell people my chosen name and leave it at that. My ID will always tell them the truth.

Besides, I really want to change my name on this damn Disney App, but I feel like I need to ask permission despite being 26 because she is my mother and paying for these trips. I assumed the least I could do is go by my deadname for the entirety of the trip.
i was having a really good day all of today - got accepted for one of the interviews i did the other day and accepted their job offer, made a really good dinner which was a simple steak and potatoes, then was having a really fun time playing among us with fellow tbters

in the middle of a round, my dad's cousin who we just call her aunt, was banging on our door and then came in. just her being here was kinda distracting but when my dad came down from his shower, the real mess began. they were raising their voices in the kitchen and she kept calling for my attention but i didn't want to join them in the kitchen (thankfully they never formally asked me to go there so i just sat at my desk and ignored them) but then it sounded like they were full on arguing in laos so i couldn't even understand what the problem was about.

she left just as quickly and it just put such a damper on my mood. i feel like aggravated right now.
I kept waking up today because my dad was being too loud and Jewels kept whining. I woke up just now from a dream that had some of my former friends in it. I know it’s because of how I’ve been feeling lately. I already decided what to do but I’m wondering if it will be enough.

I need to eat and take my medicine but I don’t want to go downstairs because my dad is being so loud.
There’s this video that keeps popping up on my youtube feed and I’m afraid to watch it because I can’t tell if it’s going to have a hateful and spiteful message or be lighthearted and silly. From what i’ve seen from that channel I can’t imagine it being hateful and spiteful. I know I can block it, and don’t really wanna watch it but I also feel like I need to know. So I just try distracting myself until it pops up again every time.
My closest friend from elementary school has been showing up all over the news. He's facing a long prison sentence. As his trial is close I guess I'm going to be seeing more and more of it.

It's quite disturbing so I'm not going to mention what he did. (Because it's really gross).

Each time I see his face and name I get a cold chill. I get these vivid flashbacks from us eating lunch together and playing outside. That's my memory of him. I can't wrap my head around him being this monster.

Man, what happened 😔
I still have a long way to go before I get to where I want to be in my life, it's so exhausting 😮‍💨

I'm not one of those "I wish I could go to sleep and wake up and be where I want to be" kind of people, I want to work hard for my goals. but I don't know, a breather would be nice.