I am so annoyed and upset tonight. I shouldn't have jinxed it earlier by saying how happy I was apart from my physical pain. Day started off brilliantly, Blossom was back to normal and basically after a hectic few months I finally have a few days to myself before next week starts.
I know I sound like a broken record and I'm sure most of you know how I am still struggling with my Mum's passing even though it's been over 2 years now. I know some people in real life don't appreciate me keep talking about her, but I had one person who I always felt comfortable talking to about her and they loved talking about her too. Well, tonight I was talking about her again and saying I wonder if there is a bit of her in Blossom. Plus, I always tell her I love her and miss her at least twice a day. Well, tonight that one person who I never thought would say this told me 'You know you can't have a direct conversation with her?' Well, my heart sank. My only hope that I was clinging onto was that she could at least see us and could connect with us. For example: Talking to her in my dreams, Whenever a feather drops into the garden, I always believe it's a message from her as that's what she used to say. She would think if it was a special day for someone who had passed and it usually was. Now, maybe it's nonsense, but it doesn't do any harm does it? If it comforts me and I'm not doing anyone any harm, what is wrong with that? I always liked to think she was looking down wanting to chat and hug me as much as I want to talk and hug her. I told this person it wasn't a very nice thing to say, and then they tried to brush it off as usual. I felt the tears beginning to roll down my eyes. I managed to compose myself and act as if it didn't bother me, as maybe they wanted more of a reaction. Eventually it was time to get ready for bed. Bedtime couldn't come quick enough after that. When I left the room, the tears just kept coming and I was struggling to breathe. I'm still crying, but then I think to myself what my Mum would say, and she would have 110% supported me. I don't even know if annoyed is the correct word, i'm feeling so many different emotions: hurt, angry, upset... If it had been anyone else, I don't think it would have bothered me, but I always thought this one person was there for me as they loved her as much as I did. I don't even think my brother would have said that to me, even when we didn't get on. If I can't talk to that one person about her I'm going to write it here. I love you and miss you every single day, Mum. I really hope you are watching over me.