What's Bothering You?

Still at work and have no idea who's taking over me. I've messaged everyone. No response.

Feel so nonexistent here, think I mentioned that before.
But if this place had a proper shift rota, where everyone knew, I could bother the one person who should be taking over me. Not literally everyone.
The bosses ex didn't even message me or call today which is odd since he ALWAYS does. And they dint have any toilet paper.
I don’t like that I feel so strongly about something that is considered controversial, and strongly enough that I likely will never change my opinion. I don’t like that I can’t bring it up without upsetting someone, but others can talk about it freely without being silenced when they are in the right group. It isn’t even about the fact you can’t bring it up. It’s the double standard that others can talk freely about the exact topic if their opinion aligns with the majority. Opposing views should not be silenced.
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threw up twice yesterday, and I still feel so, so sick. I was able to get in touch with my psychiatrist and he told me to stop taking the med + to come see him on monday, but my god... this is actually the worst thing that could've happened to me right now, I did not need this. I was already struggling.

I've never reacted like this to any medication before, ever, and this is awful. I already have such bad medical anxiety, and now trying to get myself to take any med I'm not familiar with is going to be much harder. I'm terrified now. It's apparently going to take 15 days for this one 5mg pill to leave my body entirely, and it's only been 32 hours.

I still feel so nauseous, and anti-nausea meds aren't helping much. My body is hungry, but I'm not. The thought of eating anything makes me feel worse. I'm able to keep water down so far, and I was able to eat a slice of bread yesterday, but this sucks so bad. My head is killing me, but I don't have any pain meds that are safe to take. I also can't stop trembling.

I don't feel good at all. : (
saw my psychiatrist today and he's keeping me on the same med, but 2mg this time. I literally begged him to take me off of it and to prescribe me something else and he said no. 🙃 he thinks it might've been the dose that made me sick and not the med itself, and I'm really, really hoping he's right cause??? this has been horrible, and the thought of getting sick again actually has me on the verge of tears. I hate this so much.

he told me not to take it until next week to give the 5mg pill more time to get out of my system, so I'm really excited to spend the entirety of this week anxious and terrified for next week. : )
I fell asleep at 7:30pm. Slept 11.5hrs. Still feel tired. 😅
It happens. Whenever I get more sleep than I usually do I feel more worn out. Our bodies get used to a set sleep schedule. I really do need to get a better sleep schedule and stick to it either way lol.

At work, someone threw a crate at me at just the right angle that the corner hit me between the eyes. It still hurts lol.
What's bothering me?

Being told to be ready early tomorrow because we have errands to do or some tasks to do and the next day, that very person who told me to be ready early, is still in PJ scrolling on the Internet and totally forgot about the errands. It's not like it was happening once in a while, it happens e-ve-ry week more than once. They let me stay in "waiting mode" forever and I waste my day. More than one day in fact, because now I have to get ready for tomorrow instead.

It reminds me of a friend who told me to join them at the mall at 1pm the next day. On the phone they clearly told me, more than once, "See you tomorrow at 1pm, food court, at the mall". Next day, nobody. I'm waiting a bit, decide to call that friend. She's still in bed!!! Yawning on the phone!!! Then she tells me "Did we say we were going to the mall today? I thought it was just a possibility, nothing sure yet" Why giving me a hour then? It took me 1h20 to get there in bus!!! I was going there just for her, I had nothing to do in that mall. It happened years ago and I'm still mad.
That stuff bothers me so much. People forget on accident, sure that happens. But people can also remember on purpose. When anyone says that line, I always think about that. You can purposely remember stuff by leaving notes, setting alarms, ect. It's understandable to be upset about that! You can forget by putting literally no effort into remembering. And that usually says a lot if it's someone that's supposed to be your friend. It shows they probably don't value your time or respect you. I'm not talking about your friend personally, just my old ones that I finally let go because I really doubt they even cared about me. Sorry you went through that.
It happens. Whenever I get more sleep than I usually do I feel more worn out. Our bodies get used to a set sleep schedule. I really do need to get a better sleep schedule and stick to it either way lol.

At work, someone threw a crate at me at just the right angle that the corner hit me between the eyes. It still hurts lol.
That wasn’t very nice. I hope you are ok and feel better soon.
That stuff bothers me so much. People forget on accident, sure that happens. But people can also remember on purpose. When anyone says that line, I always think about that. You can purposely remember stuff by leaving notes, setting alarms, ect. It's understandable to be upset about that! You can forget by putting literally no effort into remembering. And that usually says a lot if it's someone that's supposed to be your friend. It shows they probably don't value your time or respect you. I'm not talking about your friend personally, just my old ones that I finally let go because I really doubt they even cared about me. Sorry you went through that.

I took it the same way. They took me for granted. I'm not the one to yell or cut them out right away, so they took some liberty, I didn't even get an apology, they acted as I was the one who made the mistake and I know it's not the case because I'm the anxious type that have to ask and confirm several times, especially if I have to go out because I hate that. We are still "friend", they live in another city now so we rarely see each other but I don't they them seriously anymore, I do my stuff and if they really want to see me, they have to find me.

The first offender is family so...
[deleted something I wanted to vent about.]

Also hoping to find this important container I misplaced some time ago; it contains some tools I use for crocheting and it never felt the same when I had to rely on a flimsy plastic yarn needle and a paper clip turned into a makeshift stitch marker to make my latest project yesterday. :\
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It happens. Whenever I get more sleep than I usually do I feel more worn out. Our bodies get used to a set sleep schedule. I really do need to get a better sleep schedule and stick to it either way lol.
I've ME/CFS and going through a flare-up, so there is no right amount of sleep. I just feel awful 24/7. 😅

Yesterday at work was insane. I was asked to prepare 19 individual senior pupils projects, on top of work for other classes. It didn't happen. I think I got through 10-12. Today is going to be busy again. I need rest. Saturday can't come quick enough. 😴
it is 7°F outside and feels like -7°F, I am in fact a frozen buggy 🥶 and half of my room has no insulation under it so it's very cold in here right now hdjfjsgsj

thankfully space heaters and heated blankets and giant fluffy comforters exist hehehe
My chronic headaches are back again, and I've completely lost my appetite on top of it. Not only am I dealing with headaches that hinders my ability to work efficiently, but now I can't be bothered to eat at all even when I should be. My doctor isn't coming back from vacation until the 20th, and I'd have to wait about a week when I make my appointment anyways. I'm frustrated because I can't figure out why I'm feeling physically ill and can't see my doctor for another two weeks. **** me.

My social worker told me to expect a call a week after our last appointment. It's been over a week with no call, so I'm getting anxious about that too.
I’ll try to make this my last AI related rant for a while.

I am so frustrated on AI. It was rolled out way too early before adequate regulations and quality control could be done and now it’s being forced on everyone. Imagine if the internet was already being used for everything in the 70s when the technology was still unreliable. That’s what AI feels like to me.

Instead of positive applications, it is mostly being used to infest the internet with soulless, mediocre generated content, spreading misinformation confidently to users that ask it things, filling every site with endless spam bots, and being used by countless people to cheat in school. Now it’s being worked on to replace many people’s jobs within the next several years.

I engage with AI like ChatGPT often anyway because it feels like it’ll be the future whether I want it to be or not and I want a head start on it. The technology is abysmal now, but that may change in the coming years. I take everything it says with a grain of salt and I avoid revealing anything too personal about myself since I know everything I say might be referenced or tracked later.

While AI is almost universally loathed by the general public right now, I worry much of gen alpha and gen beta may trust these bots too much and it might cause a lot of chaos in the future. I imagine it’ll be like what are smartphones are currently where a lot of old people hate it being everywhere while younger people are more accepting of it.

I don’t see much good with the future of this technology, and it bothers me a lot. I decided to cut off online tech forums to prevent myself from getting too upset about it.
feeling really sick rn. i wanna throw up, my head hurts, im very sleepy even after 8 hours of sleep, in general i just feel really awful??
kinda bad cuz i have some sort of motivation to study but my malaise is making it very hard for me to focus right now.
I gotta get that sleep study set up and done. had another night where I woke up at least 5-6 times, and I kept having the same very vivid dream over and over immediately after I would fall asleep. I slept for about 6 or 7 hours so far and I feel like I haven't slept at all 🥲 and as exhausted as I am, I really feel like going back to sleep right now won't help.

edit: went back to sleep and ended up wasting another four hours going in and out of the same dream constantly. now it's 10:30am and I feel horrible lol.
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