The Duke
I can relate. In high school and even now, I feel like I don’t fit in anywhere and am having trouble getting a job to hire me because of anxiety and other mental issues I have. My mom had to literally drag me out of bed to get me to go to school since it was so bad and kids always treated me different; not sure if it’s because of my different interests or because of my ethnicity or my personality.honestly lately i feel like a complete and utter embarrassment to anyone that matters and i highkey just want to disappear but ik i can’t do that so
This may not be much help, but I want to tell you to hang in there as best as you can. There are people out there that care and that will not think you’re an utter embarrassment. It would help to have more confidence in yourself too, though I have no confidence in myself either and know that’s easier said than done.
I have been having a similar mentality with my job and living with my parents and anxiety lately, as well as posting on twitter or trying to chat on discord like on Eriker Harlacher’s discord channel. I kinda feel like I’m not welcome there when I try talking (Erika herself has been very nice though

Sorry if this is all over the place and if any of that didn’t make sense or sounded dumb ><. just wanted to tell you that you’re not alone feeling that way.