What's Bothering You?

I left my ex’s mutual discord server for the second time (since his friends asked me to come back and I agreed reluctantly), with this time being for good. I’m a little bummed out since I made friends with his acquaintances and it sucks not knowing what they’re up to anymore since I live a good half hour away from everyone there including my ex and that server was a way to communicate about everything. I dmed them and they understood and still asked to remain in touch.

I just can’t help but wonder what it would have been like if we all lived close by. They were some of the only people who took my side with the breakup (they don’t like my ex either) and made me feel welcome in that server. It’s such a shame it had to be this way, but I know it’s just part of the healing process.
found out a favorite voice actor and others i like is coming to my state soon and I haven’t heard from my friends since before my birthday and a few on my birthday. I want to ask if anyone is going but i am afraid since I am worried that they won’t want to talk to me. i don’t think my mom will be able to or want to take me even if just go to shop and to get a few things signed. then there is having no money but i am pretty sure i can make going part of my xmas present. not sure if i can still get tickets either
I might delete this later, idk, but I’m supposed to be leaving, meaning like moving to a different city… and don’t get me wrong I’m excited, but I’m in sort of a situation. This has happened once before, two years ago to be exact. So at work, there’s this girl and it’s been nothing but amazing, or at least I think. I get the feeling she’s kinda flirting, but I’m really not sure. She’s always super excited to see me and she goes wayyyy out of her way to help me with my tasks. She has purple hair and kinda smiled and said it’s like we were matching, and just other little things that happen. I don’t wanna go into too much detail because it doesn’t really matter I suppose, but I’m getting vibes about this girl… and not vibes that had no justification that I had with other girls, like this one’s different. Even my dad thinks so, like he really (emphasis on really) likes her and he also thinks she’s been flirty, but idk these feelings are just crowding my mind. I’m just trying to find out if she actually is interested or not because I’m just legitimately confused. I honestly can’t find a flaw about her, like there’s none. This sounds really dumb I know… ugh
It doesn't matter what day my day off is, somehow they are always leaf blowing right outside my window on my day off. I just want to sleep in 😩
I really hate how every time I'm trying to have a good day it always seems to have ways to make me feel worse about everything. I know they always say "things will get better" but knowing my life nothing seems to go my way and it just seems like no matter how hard I'm trying to be positive it makes it twice as much harder.
Brother just tested positive for covid. ****ing proud of yourself for not getting vaccinated now, bud???
Just laid there awake all not long and got pretty much no sleep. Why l? Because I slept hard the night before and slept until noon. Not fair
Aw shoot, I'm anxious.... someone took my jacket from the laundry room -- it was given to me by one of my closest friends. Though I did leave it in there for a couple days (I forgot I had it in there), but not too long ago one of the RAs took a picture of the clothing and texted it to the group chat so we could get it... I got to the laundry room thirty minutes after that, and I don't see it anymore. And I always hang out with the friend that gave me the jacket... I feel awful.
Again with the screaming war between my family. So tired of it

Aw shoot, I'm anxious.... someone took my jacket from the laundry room -- it was given to me by one of my closest friends. Though I did leave it in there for a couple days (I forgot I had it in there), but not too long ago one of the RAs took a picture of the clothing and texted it to the group chat so we could get it... I got to the laundry room thirty minutes after that, and I don't see it anymore. And I always hang out with the friend that gave me the jacket... I feel awful.
Awwwww hope you find it soon!
No go for the convention. I kinda asked my mom but she doesn’t want to go and it wouldn’t be as fun or fair even if i just go to the shops and get a print or two signed. Don’t know if i will ever be able to go to another one since we’re still moving eventually and none of my friends live there and i still don’t have a job, car, still have a fear of driving day/night and get sleepy driving, and still no sense of direction. feel so frustrated with myself and my situation.

I don’t want to move still.

Sad and confused about something

Got enough crystals in a game to do another pull and got a new unit but one that you can get in every banner while this one you can’t. so peeved about this.

still depressed about my cat. tomorrow morning we’ll be getting the kittens at least.
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Many things are bothering me. One being I'm worried about a friend I've known for several years. There's not really anything I can do...
tell me why fall semesters are always, without fail, a nightmare for me. these next 7 weeks better go quick else I might just perish lol
Feeling significantly better than earlier but am still confused about some things as well as sad.

Still bummed out about not being able to go to the convention.

I think my cat has been mourning my late kitty. she has been even more vocal than usual (more so last night that today) and today she has been more demanding for attention. just a bit ago she was sitting in front of my door and i opened it to let her out and she didn’t want out apparently. I brought her back on the bed and now she’s snuggling with me. I am a little worried that even though we’re keeping the kittens and her separate for two weeks that this may be too soon for her :/.

i miss my gray cat still. i miss my other late cats as well.
Brother just tested positive for covid. ****ing proud of yourself for not getting vaccinated now, bud???

Just so you know... I know two people who were vac and still got infected. As far as I know, they had different vacs, but after that they considered themselves out of danger and ignored security messures.
So don't be too harsh on your brother. While obviously getting vac would have lowered his chances against Covid, it's not 100% effective.
Just so you know... I know two people who were vac and still got infected. As far as I know, they had different vacs, but after that they considered themselves out of danger and ignored security messures.
So don't be too harsh on your brother. While obviously getting vac would have lowered his chances against Covid, it's not 100% effective.
I'm not, he's the one being harsh to my sister for infecting him. He's mentioning my Mother's health too (she is at risk) I just think it's hypocritical. If he cares that much, he still should have gotten vaccinated in the first place instead of going on about how vaccines are for "Biden sheeps". He's just always looking for an excuse to be harsh to my sister and it's getting aggravating.
I'm applying to universities at the moment and I'm stressed over it. There's a lot of applicants for my course and I'm trying to get in my application as soon as possible as I really want to get in.