What's Bothering You?

Feel like everyone hates me ever since I've made that stupid thread earlier this week. I am even more mad at myself for letting this happen. Felt like I sabotaged myself.
Today is the first day of my month long holiday from work and I had so many plans for ACNH yet all I’ve done is charge my Switch Lite. I’ve gone from feeling inspired and enthusiastic about playing to the complete opposite as well as doubting my ideas. I’m also starting to feel like I’ve got burnout in general after finding a post on Instagram that has summed me up perfectly in the last few weeks. 😕
Got another horror story from Nookazon for you, folks! I know, I know, I've already whined a lot about that site, but this one is different - trust me, you WANT to hear this.

So, I got scammed by someone, but not just in any ordinary way. I have this barricade blocking the airport so strangers couldn't run around on my island, right? And yet this guy, SOMEHOW, probably using a hacked Switch, went past the barricade and popped up BEHIND me (technically, he ran over from the left side of the island) and stole items I was preparing for another person. Holy crap. I didn't even know people could do that. What the heck... lol

Anyway, watch out for Nookazon. You get crazy rednecks like these running around.

Thank god I turned off my Switch by the time I saw him, but it was kinda too late, as he has stolen bells from my Bell Trees. But it's just a pittance, considering that I have 900 million bells. Moron.
I hate Comcast. Yet, they’re my internet provider. This sucks, lmao, but at least I have WiFi.
Not so much as bothering me but I had a sad moment this morning.

A month or so ago there was very bad accident on the major highway I take to and from work everyday. It was completely closed the one direction for over 24 hours. Unfortunately 2 people perished
One transport/tractor trailer drove through the center ditch of the multilane highway and into the lanes of the opposite direction of traffic. It collided with another transport/tractor trailer head on. I can still see the tracks through the center ditch and how black the highway is in the area from the resulting fire. It's really eerie passing through there even though it's long been cleaned up.
Anyways, this morning as I drove through that area I noticed a little white cross on the side of the road near the fence line. I don't remember seeing it before but it was obvious to me what it was for. It made me really sad for a moment.
Why did XBOX change their Gamertag character limit from 16 to 12? I know why, it’s just frustrating. I was so ready to claim “Killer Croconaw” but now I’m just another variation of Croconaw. 😔 It’s really not a big deal, but it’s dumb.
i have to take care of a robot baby tomorrow and the anxiety is hitting really hard all of a sudden lmao
it's like worth half my mark so if i **** up, i can say goodbye to my grade lol
wish I didn't **** up on my drawings so much fkskdjfkk

edit: also holy shiitake my chest hurts so much when I exhale. it's only my upper chest too so that's fun. I don't get why my body has been hating me so much the last few days??
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Time goes by too fast and by the next day, I'm doing everything all over again, petition to slow time when having fun please
today is the second or third day in a row where I've woken up with a headache and I feel sick to my stomach. I haven't been eating very well because there's not much I can handle. luckily I can handle drinking water. I also just generally have a very mild dull pain when i move, especially in my arms. I should be going to my internship today but I feel so crappy idk what to do 😞
When you find out you got fake amiibo cards. "Lone" (aka: Ione) was the giveaway. 😒😑 should've known I suppose.
That sucks, I’m sorry. Does the card still function?
Yeah, thankfully. Not only did they turn out to be fake, but it turned out they were minis too...so now, they don't fit in my binder. 😒 they had legitimate photos when I ordered them, I was so excited! Oh well...at least I have them functionally.
Our government ****ing sucks handle covid-19. Just keep on switching in and out restrictions and don't care if people lose their jobs even less help them keep/get new ones. *******s.
also my cousin is just dumb, like sure go visit people i havent seen for ages and then see me *rolls eyes* also she knows very well i can't call her cause iirc my subscription doesn't allow foreign calls/text? and i can't take private calls like that when i work, then you go stalk my mom. yeah gj gj couldnt care less for you.
experiencing one of the worst toothaches i’ve ever had rn. it’s my own fault but **** does this hurt like a mother****er.