What's Bothering You?

My life has been extremely stressful recently and it's still pursuing to stress me out to this day.
Had two days off this week and was hoping they'd be stress free, where I get to kick back and relax, but nope. These two days, my kitten has been dealing with so much. On my first day, he wasn't himself, I actually can't remember what was wrong with him but I dunno it only last for that day and was happy to see him bouncing about as his normal self.
Then just this evening, I notice him limping, and he can't really lay down for very long and I can't remember if maybe he hurt himself after jumping down from a high place, but he was completely fine till now and just worrying about when I call the vets in the morning to see if I should bring him in or not and I don't actually have the money for it.
If you don’t agree with the majority, your opinion is basically nothing and you’ll get cancelled. Pretty much. It’s best to stay away from controversial topics unless you have the same opinion as everyone else.
Yeah, sad times. And yea I try to do but also why I need a break or someday I will just point a finger at those peeps lol.
i hate paper plates and plastic silverware sm ;; why must people use them
god i felt this. my uncle uses single-use plates and utentils at home just because he was “too lazy to do the dishes” and his housemates got really sick of all the trash he had because he refused to clean his own dishes. 😬 i understand maybe those disabled have a harder time doing chores, but if you’re abled and just lazy to do dishes then idk what to say. cleaning your own dish takes like,, 5 minutes?? and saves the environment?? AND it’s cheaper? i cant understand why people would risk all of those pros because theyre just “too lazy” ahhhh.
Just spending too much time thinking about someone who isn't thinking about me. Why am I like this 🥴
why tf do I feel like I'm having a panic attack jfc. my muscles are tense, i feel hot/heavy, and my migraine is even worse. I feel like I might pass out. idk what to do.
Well I haven't gotten any work at the port in almost 3 weeks now due to my province being flooded and roads being washed out. It's all effecting the supply chain. Idk how I'll pay my bills if work doesn't pick up.
my mood has absolutely sucked for the past few weeks. I feel so unmotivated, depressed, and frustrated at life. I'm mostly frustrated with work as it feels like I've reached a standstill where I can't learn anymore. I'm not sure if I'll ever reach a management position like I want to. I'm losing hope with everything.
I hate when my body screws me over and makes me stay up super late. almost 2am and I finally have like 95% of this migraine treated but I cannot for the life of me get comfortable so I can go to sleep and it really sucks 😞
My obsessive purchasing habit has finally caught up to me. I am completely overwhelmed by my game collection.It’s at the point where I can’t play anything without thinking “this is fun, but don’t forget you have 100+ games to beat after this.” I’ve tried countering this by playing several games at a time. The problem is I either lose track of the story or forget what I’m doing. Now I don’t know if I should sell some of them or just put them away until further notice.
I started dating one of my online friends a few days ago and ever since I've felt extremely awkward talking to them and feel like I shouldn't of rushed myself into this. I keep questioning breaking up but I feel awful doing that not even a week after it started and don't want to ruin our friendship...
I started dating one of my online friends a few days ago and ever since I've felt extremely awkward talking to them and feel like I shouldn't of rushed myself into this. I keep questioning breaking up but I feel awful doing that not even a week after it started and don't want to ruin our friendship...
If it doesn't feel right then end it. Dating someone new is supposed to feel exciting; not awkward!
I started dating one of my online friends a few days ago and ever since I've felt extremely awkward talking to them and feel like I shouldn't of rushed myself into this. I keep questioning breaking up but I feel awful doing that not even a week after it started and don't want to ruin our friendship...
The longer it drags on the more hurt both of you will feel. End it now.
If it doesn't feel right then end it. Dating someone new is supposed to feel exciting; not awkward!

not necessarily true. the first few weeks of my relationship with my girlfriend were awkward for me because i'm just an awkward person, hadn't dated before and have social anxiety. we've now been together for three happy years. that being said, @EchoNyx, if it doesn't feel right or comfortable then, yes, end it -- dragging it out and not being honest with each other will ruin the friendship, and if going back to only being friends is a dealbreaker for them, then they may not have been a very good friend to begin with. if awkwardness is the only thing troubling you, however, i would suggest discussing that with them. sometimes talking about your feelings can help a great deal, and it may just be that you're adjusting to unfamiliar territory.
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