Captain Jigglypuff
Leader of the Jigglypuff Army
I hate Star Wars and Lord of the Rings. Star Wars I think I could at least tolerate its popularity and fan base if the franchise wasn’t marketed literally everywhere and constantly shoved in my face. The Lego sets are the worst offenders of this because stores will have an entire aisle literally full of Star Wars Lego sets yet other amazing sets barely get any space on the shelves. Mario and Harry Potter often have to share the same shelf, the Creator sets aimed for adults get a single shelf, and I’ve only seen the Minecraft sets at my local Best Buy store. And then right behind the Lego Star Wars aisle is another aisle full of Star Wars merchandise yet other toy brands that are major sellers and extremely popular with toy collectors barely get half an aisle. LOL Surprise toys only get a third of an aisle at Walmart which doesn’t sound too bad until you see some of the bigger playsets taking up most of that space, Barbie gets half an aisle at best and even then the bigger playsets still take up most of the shelf space, and Pokémon (non TGC) gets maybe six shelves at most.