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What's your biggest 'unpopular/controversial' opinion?

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I've started kinda despising the shooter class in Splatoon 3 LMAO idk I just feel like fun-wise the shooter class is the most boring even though it pretty much outclasses every other weapon class in a competitive scene. I was a shooter main at the start but once I mained other weapons (particularly the splatana wiper and nautilus) I realized how much more fun I was having with them.
CSM part 2 is extremely mid. Any time there’s an interesting plot point or character development it gets tossed aside and at this point no matter what they’re building up to, the frustrating buildup itself is way too unenjoyable. CSM didn’t really shine because of fight choreography but even that took a hit. I’m only reading it out of obligation and because my boyfriend is still reading it too, I’d rather just ignore it and imagine what happens after part 1. It sucks because Asa is one of the best characters in CSM. Also if Yoshida is actually the main villain or Death Devil then I feel like it’s the most boring thing they could have done with him short of killing him off like a part 1 rando.
I also think Nayuta is fairly annoying honestly and yes partly because she got between Denji and Asa but she just feels like a whiny kid and Denji basically had this arc before and I’m not into it. It’s a little different because he’s in the parental role this time but the attachment to someone who orders him around feels too familiar. i’m probably just bitter but i don’t like her. I realise a lot of the point with part 2 seems to be characters stuck in unhealthy habits even after the drama of part 1 but i don’t like how it’s being done. Part 1 was just better and worked as a complete package, asa is completely carrying part 2 and even when she’s not in an arc i’m basically just waiting for her to be the focus again because she’s that good. my problem isn’t that it keeps taking focus off her either because i didn’t want focus solely on her anyway but if she gets killed off or something i’m probably just dropping.

As far as unpopular manga opinions go as well, JoJo part 8 is the worst part and there’s literally no contest. It has like 3-4 good arcs, 3-4 decent ones, the rest is bad-horrible, and it has a lot of the worst stuff in the series. Part 1 has the decency to be brisk (and honestly isn’t that bad anyway), and the rest have some pretty enjoyable stuff. Even the overrated part 3, which also suffers from being too long was far superior to part 8. It honestly has a similar problem to CSM part 2 interrupting any interesting plot point but instead of just fizzling out it actively tortures Yasuho and has a lot of perverted creepy stuff and characters that never get justice and unsatisfying payoffs and convoluted fights and oh my god I can go on for ages about how much I hate part 8. At least CSM part 2 isn’t that kind of disaster.

I actually really like the new Mario Kart 8 Deluxe meta,
Snipping your post to save space but could you fill me in on that? I know it changed at some point and I’m curious about it because I did not keep up at all. Honestly I know from 8 to 8D the meta changed and I didn’t even keep up with that (I know the meta was Waluigi on the Wiggler kart or something but I don’t really know why it changed).

As for character prominence it could be because of hitboxes. Metal Mario was more prominent than other heavies in 7 because he had a smaller hitbox.
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Snipping your post to save space but could you fill me in on that? I know it changed at some point and I’m curious about it because I did not keep up at all. Honestly I know from 8->8D the meta changed and I didn’t even keep up with that (I know the meta was Waluigi on the Wiggler kart or something but I don’t really know why it changed).

As for character prominence it could be because of hitboxes. Metal Mario was more prominent than other heavies in 7 because he had a smaller hitbox.
Well you see, all the medium weight characters have had their mini-turbo buffed to 2 points in the recent wave 4/5 balance patch, with an increase to their speed stat as well. (Except for Cat Peach, Female Villager and Inkling Girl) This makes it where they boast a max mini-turbo stat while also having the best speed stat to back it up.

Why the heavyweights got nerfed is because their stats didn't change much at all except for their invincibility stat (But that's only good for Shock and Blue Shell dodges) Sure if you were to put them on a Mr. Scooty their speed stat will be higher, but they'll fall behind due to their mini-turbo stat being slightly low.

The lightweights never stood a chance in the beginning and they still don't. Despite their high mini-turbo stat being high it unfortunately shares the same stat value with the medium weights. Not to mention their lack of speed, weight and too much handling hinders their chances of being picked in the current meta.

Medium weights are the perfect balance right now as their hitbox is smaller, a perfect balance of handling so it won't mess up their drift turns as much, and the aforementioned speed and mini-turbo balance.
Back in March of 2023 it was Rosalina who everyone thought would be meta, but it turns out not to be true as it's still a heavyweight, and their mini-turbo isn't a much preferred 5+. They have to be put on the Biddybuggy/Mr. Scooty to at least stand a chance.

At the end of the day, it's Yoshi and all the other medium weights that are the top meta choices. But who knows, with wave 6 the meta could change again with something huge on Nintendo's mind.

TL;DR. The medium weights are the meta due to their perfect balance of stats and smaller hitbox
Ah, thanks for explaining. Actually, you reminded me I have an unpopular opinion. MKWii had the best balance! And I’m NOT saying it was the most evenly balanced. That’s the POINT. MKWii had the most dynamic and distinct stat distributions, which added replay value. Obviously karts and outward drifting bikes suck compared to the meta picks, but that makes it legitimately hype and fun to play with them and try to win online. I also think the items were best in that game due to the creative ways you could apply them but that’s another topic.
MK7 stats were okay, but to be honest, I always found MK8 balancing too homogenous. Maybe I never used enough combos but I never felt a drastic difference in how builds felt, even though I knew and saw that they performed differently. I don’t know if Deluxe would have improved on this for me. I think MK8 just feels too homogenous in general, there’s a sense of it being slower and the items having less impact. But I don’t want to rant on how meh I find the game overall, just fixate a bit on stats.
Overall, I don’t think MKWii’s stats were the issue, the issue is that they were locked to characters. There’s such a fun range of stat variables, but yes, it sucks lightweights are mostly garbage in Wii (Magikruiser on select tracks has a niche but that’s about it). The solution is to do like CTR and make stats a separate choice from cosmetics so everything else is freed up, that should 1000% be the standard for the genre. With kart games of all things there will always be a meta pick because you’re on straightforward tracks and so just free up the roster by making them cosmetic gd- when you look at CTR the vast majority of the roster sees regular play because people don’t feel pigeonholed into using specific characters for stats and if you haven’t played it you have no IDEA how refreshing it is
Also sort of agree on bagging. Items are such a huge part of Mario Kart it seems like a fair strategy, it’s not CTR or something. Even competitive clan MKWii (which is far more aggressive) has bagging for thunder and I think that’s perfectly fair game.

EDIT: i don’t like bacon or pork.
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I just have to say/rant, but I hate Steam. I used to have a level 150 account with over 1000 games and the whole concept of a gaming social media seems so toxic to me. It has gotten worse with all these Reddit awards too. I don't want to have a bunch of digital games stuck to a single launcher with seperate achievements. I don't want to 100% a game and then see that I didn't jump off a cliff in a funny way so I'm at 28/43 achievements with stuff that isn't even mentioned in the game. One game has an achievement where you have to exhaust every dialogue option at every time throughout the entire game. I don't want to study an achievement page first to make sure that me playing the game is enough. It also sucks that the older your account the cooler your achievement (badge) for that looks like too, it just seems all so toxic to me the way it is designed for user retention. My current profile is so barebones and I just feel silly because of it. Everything needs to be bought, effects, backgrounds, badges. Yes the sales are good, but it's easy to do them when you don't own the games anyway. Also I wish I could play Team Fortress 2 without it making my profile ugly with its 400 achievements. But I genuinely think that achievements not leveling up your account is the absolute worst part. Also Steam profiles are just kindy ugly to me.

And the worst part is that if I ever get a gaming PC, I'll have to regularly play Steam or else I feel bad. If I have an account with a profile like that, it needs to look proper for me to be satisfied. It's my problem, but I feel like Steam is designed to make you spend little more and more often and not actually play your games because your profile needs to look good first.

I'm so glad the Switch exists as it is and gotten so popular, because it became a solid alternative for indie games to appear on. I hate digital games, but I'd rather just get them on there then worry about my Steam profile. I deleted my addiction profile four years ago and got my life in order because this type of thing really impacted me as a teenager, so I'm not up-to-date, but your profile should level up when you get achievement and especially complete them??? Why is it only a pay option, the whole trading card system was never implemented functionally. The old Nick website had a better trading card system than this one. Everybody with a fancy Steam account is just wasting their time and money for aesthetics in a place where it cannot be reached.
I just have to say/rant, but I hate Steam. I used to have a level 150 account with over 1000 games and the whole concept of a gaming social media seems so toxic to me. It has gotten worse with all these Reddit awards too. I don't want to have a bunch of digital games stuck to a single launcher with seperate achievements. I don't want to 100% a game and then see that I didn't jump off a cliff in a funny way so I'm at 28/43 achievements with stuff that isn't even mentioned in the game. One game has an achievement where you have to exhaust every dialogue option at every time throughout the entire game. I don't want to study an achievement page first to make sure that me playing the game is enough. It also sucks that the older your account the cooler your achievement (badge) for that looks like too, it just seems all so toxic to me the way it is designed for user retention. My current profile is so barebones and I just feel silly because of it. Everything needs to be bought, effects, backgrounds, badges. Yes the sales are good, but it's easy to do them when you don't own the games anyway. Also I wish I could play Team Fortress 2 without it making my profile ugly with its 400 achievements. But I genuinely think that achievements not leveling up your account is the absolute worst part. Also Steam profiles are just kindy ugly to me.

And the worst part is that if I ever get a gaming PC, I'll have to regularly play Steam or else I feel bad. If I have an account with a profile like that, it needs to look proper for me to be satisfied. It's my problem, but I feel like Steam is designed to make you spend little more and more often and not actually play your games because your profile needs to look good first.

I'm so glad the Switch exists as it is and gotten so popular, because it became a solid alternative for indie games to appear on. I hate digital games, but I'd rather just get them on there then worry about my Steam profile. I deleted my addiction profile four years ago and got my life in order because this type of thing really impacted me as a teenager, so I'm not up-to-date, but your profile should level up when you get achievement and especially complete them??? Why is it only a pay option, the whole trading card system was never implemented functionally. The old Nick website had a better trading card system than this one. Everybody with a fancy Steam account is just wasting their time and money for aesthetics in a place where it cannot be reached.
I’ve never used Steam before. The only games on there that I wanted to play were Kindergarten and Kindergarten 2. As soon as I discovered that they were now available on the Switch, I bought the compilation immediately.

Yeah, I agree with all of this wholeheartedly. I have to say I was considering finally getting Steam this summer, but after reading this I'm convinced not to get it. As someone who aims to stay away from toxicity in my gaming time as much as possible, making a Steam account is going to be a big no for me now.

All of the games I currently play either don't require Steam or they're on the Switch anyway.
I don’t hate Steam because I can just ignore that cosmetic profile stuff but I agree it’s kind of annoying. I don’t know anyone who really uses it like social media and moreso if someone has levels and a phat profile it’s like huh kinda neat. I think I’m level 12, I have years of inactivity on there.
My unpopular opinion is kinda that Valve is to blame for helping the cosmetics stuff along with TF2 and the Steam profiles, they probably deserve just a little more criticism for feeding it, and I know the hats are iconic but honestly the hat system in TF2 is toxic. They did enough good to outweigh it for sure but I’m surprised how rarely this gets bought up in mtx discussions.

I don’t mind when songs have a single line as a lyric like Around The World, they just have to mix it like an instrument and then it’s actually gd awesome and an underrated style.
This is more controversial than unpopular. It’s okay to like different anime, but when it gets to the point where you’re being a total dick to people with different opinions, you need to go outside immediately. At the end of the day, they’re all TV shows and no one should be bullied for their preferences.
i love school uniforms, everyone complains about how they’re so uncomfortable but it’s great for me because i don’t have to worry about picking out what to wear to school everyday as i am not the most fashionable. the only problem i can think of on the top of my head is that they are expensive and that some people may not be able to afford it.
I'm gonna drop another spicy take in here:

I never liked the "Joss Whedon" style of writing. It's extremely bad with the worst implementation of humor imaginable and series of attempted "edgy" quips that don't really add up to anything. Rick and Morty along with some recent triple A games from the West (Saints Row 'reboot', Forspoken, etc.) are the worst offender for this. Especially when comedy is just injected in the most serious situations. The attempted "joke" in inserting random pop culture references or "haha we are in a movie/game etc." is kind of jarring to hear.

It's basically like "oh, so random haha" humor without much context except its bad and painfully unfunny.
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summer is overrated. i am warm constantly with little to no way to cool down. we have no AC in england and our houses are built to keep heat inside, resulting in constant humidity. even if i did have AC, and a more heat resistant house, it wouldnt be enjoyable. only more bareable.
summer is overrated. i am warm constantly with little to no way to cool down. we have no AC in england and our houses are built to keep heat inside, resulting in constant humidity. even if i did have AC, and a more heat resistant house, it wouldnt be enjoyable. only more bareable.
I wouldn’t consider that to be an unpopular opinion, but I do know what’s an unpopular opinion: Summer vacation is overrated. But I have to agree with your opinion.

When I was a kid, the main advantage summer had over the other seasons was that it was time for summer vacation. But now that I’m well out of school, both high school and college, it’s only real advantage is that it has longer days than nights, but that is the main reason why summers are hotter.

If we reverse all of the global warming done over the last 200 years in just one short month, winters might become more miserable than we experienced in our lifetimes, which will explain why winter was the worst season for generations. But at least it has the holiday season.
i think snakes are cute. i don’t think i’d ever hold/touch one though but they are cute (from a distance)
My 5th grade teacher had a corn snake, he was so cute and sweet. I like holding them though, every week a different student got to hold him during storytime. Somewhere there is a picture of me holding him with him about to slither into my hair lol.
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