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What's your biggest 'unpopular/controversial' opinion?

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Probably not unpopular, but for a variety of reasons, I dislike Family Guy, but the first three seasons were good. If I explained why, it would be a rant so I'll leave it in a spoiler.

First of all, they can't have a heartfelt moment anymore without putting some kind of joke. Seriously. If you haven't watched the episode, don't unblur it, but in Life of Brian, they show Brian's almost dead, run over body, and instead of just showing the Griffins sad for him, they immediately follow up with a squirrel kicking his body and saying "that guy sucked!", which, I guess if it was a random dog would be better, but this is a main character. They literally can't even just let there be a moment of sadness before they put in a joke. In a show such as The Simpsons or South Park, they do manage to have sad episodes that are still funny, but not in a way that ruins the sadness. They have hearts, but Family Guy will happily ditch anything that's heartfelt if it means that the audience won't dislike it because of something that's not edgy enough. Second, they can't ever think of ideas that fill up an entire episode because they have to start every episode with a small, completely unrelated "mini-episode" before the actual plot starts, because no amount of cutaway gags will make an episode last 22 minutes. Which there are way too many of as it is, by the way. Why can't they just have subplots like a normal show would if a single plot isn't long enough. And finally, the characters are just dicks now. It's hard to feel bad for them even when something horrible happens. Like, Brian literally gives Stewie herpes for ****s and giggles. And what about the constant Meg abuse? Quagmire has an entire rant about why he hates Brian and most of it isn't anything that he does in the first three seasons. And not only that, but the show relies purely on shock value and unnecessarily racist and offensive jokes, even compared to South Park. But I guess I can't complain too much. The reason the show is bad is because the writers are manatees, and I don't think manatees are capable of creating good entertainment. I'm not saying you shouldn't like it, I just think it's not very good anymore. This is something that happens to every show over time, but Family Guy is a great example. And if you only watch clips of it and not actual episodes, then try actually watching an episode past season 3 and see if it's actually good when it's not just a clip with only one joke.
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I am never a fan of The Legend of Zelda series. I see everyone talk about it and love it but for me I just cannot get into it. Not a huge fan of puzzles in general.
literally same, i played breath of the wild and it was kind of fun but kind of annoying at the same time, the puzzles were way too easy in my opinion, and the boss fights were also too easy and extremely tedious. plus all the cool weapons that you spend time collecting just break after a while and you have to get them all over again. all of this though i could excuse because its a game for kids ig, but the one thing that did actually make me angry and not like the game was the fact that there is no post game at all, and you cant even save that you beat the final boss. like i know you get a special marking next to your saved file but to me loading back into the game at my last save before the final boss room was so insulting and it made me feel like i didnt even beat the game. also after playing the game once I wasn't interested in playing tears of the kingdom if it was gonna be pretty much the exact same thing. ALSO this is a minor complaint but i wish you could play as some other character other than link lowkey

but yeah the fact that weapons break and you cant save after beating the boss just made me feel like it was a waste of my time and the whole thing was meaningless idk
Probably not unpopular, but for a variety of reasons, I dislike Family Guy, but the first three seasons were good. If I explained why, it would be a rant so I'll leave it in a spoiler.

First of all, they can't have a heartfelt moment anymore without putting some kind of joke. Seriously. If you haven't watched the episode, don't unblur it, but in Life of Brian, they show Brian's almost dead, run over body, and instead of just showing the Griffins sad for him, they immediately follow up with a squirrel kicking his body and saying "that guy sucked!", which, I guess if it was a random dog would be better, but this is a main character. They literally can't even just let there be a moment of sadness before they put in a joke. In a show such as The Simpsons or South Park, they do manage to have sad episodes that are still funny, but not in a way that ruins the sadness. They have hearts, but Family Guy will happily ditch anything that's heartfelt if it means that the audience won't dislike it because of something that's not edgy enough. Second, they can't ever think of ideas that fill up an entire episode because they have to start every episode with a small, completely unrelated "mini-episode" before the actual plot starts, because no amount of cutaway gags will make an episode last 22 minutes. Which there are way too many of as it is, by the way. Why can't they just have subplots like a normal show would if a single plot isn't long enough. And finally, the characters are just dicks now. It's hard to feel bad for them even when something horrible happens. Like, Brian literally gives Stewie herpes for ****s and giggles. And what about the constant Meg abuse? Quagmire has an entire rant about why he hates Brian and most of it isn't anything that he does in the first three seasons. And not only that, but the show relies purely on shock value and unnecessarily racist and offensive jokes, even compared to South Park. But I guess I can't complain too much. The reason the show is bad is because the writers are manatees, and I don't think manatees are capable of creating good entertainment. I'm not saying you shouldn't like it, I just think it's not very good anymore. This is something that happens to every show over time, but Family Guy is a great example. And if you only watch clips of it and not actual episodes, then try actually watching an episode past season 3 and see if it's actually good when it's not just a clip with only one joke.

I kinda agree with you, I don't like the more crass adult cartoons, but I did find some Family Guy enjoyable back in the day. But I did ultimately stop watching it because the show is just so mean-spirited. I'm not a fan of the punching bag character trope, either (Meg). That's also mean-spirited for no reason. But really the entire show reeks of mean-spiritedness, every single character.

I wish I could give specifics, I remember the last straw for me was an episode with Brian and Quagmire and they were arguing but they also were just completely unlikable and mean-spirited in entirety. Of course, Quagmire is also a predator who faces very little backlash, another trope I hate!
true crime "content creators" are 99% manipulative and in it for profit , which is fine and whatever but it's annoying when they pretend they do it for educational purposes or to raise awareness when in reality they will only cover solved and well reported crimes
true crime "content creators" are 99% manipulative and in it for profit , which is fine and whatever but it's annoying when they pretend they do it for educational purposes or to raise awareness when in reality they will only cover solved and well reported crimes

Idk if this is unpopular but I find true crime repulsive in general. I love, love, love horrible people as fictional characters but when it’s real crime- no thanks.
Dark fiction helps me cope with trauma, true crime feels more like a reminder of how bad things can be. I know it’s kind of arbitrary, but when it’s fiction it’s more an exploration of ideas, without reframing history.

Also, I agree with you most of it is exploitative, but it’s to the point I’m turned away by even the more respectful true crime media. I was reading this book about a real-life late 1800’s criminal and it seemed relatively respectful, since it was even interviewing the most directly affected family and had good points and the crimes were old enough (that’s genuinely a point in its favor considering the amount of true crime content with living escaped victims), but I still couldn’t get through it.
I mean, maybe I give it too much benefit of the doubt but you’d think I could get through the whole book at least… I made it about 1/3 of the way through. Plus, I don’t like how true crime gives the criminals more fame, most of them would want it. I don’t think it shouldn’t exist altogether or something, but I never enjoyed true crime.

Otherwise my unpopular opinion is that with “problematic” media, the people who latch onto it unhealthily would have found something to latch onto and rationalise. I’m not saying that absolves it of discussion or consequence, but anyone who unironically idolises their problematic fav needs other help, and a bigger problem than that media existing is a lack of media literacy and critical thinking to prevent confirmation bias / enabling. How you would fix that, I don’t know. I’m not sure it’s as simple as trying to teach it in school as some suggest.
Of course, Quagmire is also a predator who faces very little backlash, another trope I hate!

I try not to analyze Family Guy too much cuz I know it’s not exactly full of depth and substance, but omg that episode where it’s shown that Quagmire’s sister is a victim of domestic violence and he gives that self-righteous speech to her (“I call you a ‘person’ and not a ‘woman’ because a woman is a strong, vibrant creature!”) makes me genuinely angry, because Quagmire of all people has no right to say any of that. One of the few times Family Guy got under my skin and it wasn’t even a time when they would have intended it, lol.
Much more innocuous but I really don’t like vtubers. For streams it’s ok because it’s basically the same as a reaction cam anyway, but for any other content they’re very distracting and the animations can feel uncanny.
I don’t like how a lot of people seem to think that optimistic people are stupid and vice versa. It’s not true, since a lot of smart people are optimistic and have worked hard to get to that state of mind.

Yeah, this is exactly correct. The entire "depressed people are smart" thing is sooooooo cliched that it's not even funny anymore. Plus whether someone is positive or negative has nothing to do with their intelligence, especially because everyone goes through rough times regardless of how smart they are. Everyone has their flaws. We are mortal, after all.
Much more innocuous but I really don’t like vtubers. For streams it’s ok because it’s basically the same as a reaction cam anyway, but for any other content they’re very distracting and the animations can feel uncanny.
Vtubers animation is really bad to me. I seriously don't get how people can stare at that for hours and obsess over it.
Yeah, this is exactly correct. The entire "depressed people are smart" thing is sooooooo cliched that it's not even funny anymore. Plus whether someone is positive or negative has nothing to do with their intelligence, especially because everyone goes through rough times regardless of how smart they are. Everyone has their flaws. We are mortal, after all.
I don’t like how a lot of people seem to think that optimistic people are stupid and vice versa. It’s not true, since a lot of smart people are optimistic and have worked hard to get to that state of mind.

This sounds a lot like the Introvert vs Extrovert stuff that I see/ hear online. Introverts are usually painted as some insightful mystical sage who hates people and Extroverts as that loud party guy who won't never shut up.
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Another musician I’ve never liked is Carlos Santana. Everyone says he’s such a great guitarist but I don’t hear it. His guitar playing just sounds average at best.
I've said it before on this thread that I dislike rap music before, but I want to elaborate on why.

I don't dislike it because it inspires kids and teenagers to do horrible things. It's because I really don't think most rap songs sound good. What is the appeal of people swearing every five seconds? If I wanted that I'd just watch South Park Bigger Longer and Uncut and at least there I could be entertained. It just sounds annoying and I don't see why people like it so much. There could be like one or two (leaning more towards one) rap songs I like but everything else sucks. Now every teenager wants to be like rappers and talks like them and I don't get why.
I've said it before on this thread that I dislike rap music before, but I want to elaborate on why.

I don't dislike it because it inspires kids and teenagers to do horrible things. It's because I really don't think most rap songs sound good. What is the appeal of people swearing every five seconds? If I wanted that I'd just watch South Park Bigger Longer and Uncut and at least there I could be entertained. It just sounds annoying and I don't see why people like it so much. There could be like one or two (leaning more towards one) rap songs I like but everything else sucks. Now every teenager wants to be like rappers and talks like them and I don't get why.
Kids were talking that way when I was in high school 20 years ago because they thought they sounded cool. The ironic thing is that these were all white kids which I’m not sure is unintentionally racist because they were say “fo schizzle” and “dawg” or just stupid because half of them didn’t talk to the few black kids in the school and didn’t care about the cultures of other people that didn’t look like them.
This is probably me just growing up using mac/ios most of the time, but mac/ios has a much more logical organization system than whatever windows has going on today. I despise modern windows, so I’m so glad we use macs at school. I know there are different operating systems but I don’t have much interest in that type of stuff.

That being said, mac absolutely has its faults though.
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