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What's your biggest 'unpopular/controversial' opinion?

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Who cares about celebrities? I get it for teenagers to want to keep up with celeb drama and red carpet outfits and all that but to have people in their 30s and above talking about it like it's the hottest news is silly to me. Maybe I'm the one out of touch but who literally cares about who's dating who or what some singer wore to an event? This is high school stuff.
Yeah. I have no idea what to respond when someone asks me my favorite celebrity. I know the type of answer they want to hear but the most they are getting from me is my favorite professional athlete, which I’m almost certain is not what they want to hear.
Yeah. I have no idea what to respond when someone asks me my favorite celebrity. I know the type of answer they want to hear but the most they are getting from me is my favorite professional athlete, which I’m almost certain is not what they want to hear.
Hahaha I'm the same way with naming voice actors as my favourite 'celebrity.' The hollywood scene is just not for me, I guess.
may or may not be an unpopular opinion on here but a lot of people in my age group listen to this type of music:

i don’t understand why people like newer rap music. i’ve never been a rap listener really, even with the older stuff but why do people LIKE new rap? maybe this is a specific sub genre but the newest stuff people my age are listening to is what i can only describe as is garbled semi rhythmic speaking with a **** ton of autotune and an aggressive high hat pattern. i just don’t get it.
I swear, every single pharmaceutical ad I see on TV is made by the same producers. They’re all the same, are overplayed to death, and it’s driving me mad.

Heck, I think I can accurately make one up in my head right now:
  • Guy suffers from some condition that only a small percentage of people suffer from.
  • Name of drug is shown, and you’re left to wonder how they came up with such a “clever” name. Also clearly states that it requires an Rx, so you can’t just casually get it whenever you want.
  • Guy states how much better they feel.
  • Narrator describes side effects (almost always including the terms “nausea”, “fatal/death”, “preexisting conditions”, “serious”, “coma”, etc.) while people on the screen are all doing happy happy joy joy things.
  • “Talk to your doctor about…” finally, the ad’s over.
  • But wait, it’s not! There’s ANOTHER ad for something different!!!
It really makes you wonder why some of these drugs cost so much without good insurance. I think they’re spending all that money on pumping out endless ads and shoving them through our brains. Maybe if they focused on spending the money on other things (like, you know, toward the scientists that actually create the drug in the first place), it’d make the price sound more understandable.
The current internet culture encourages people to seek out information they find upsetting/enranging and then further encourages interacting with it in online arguments. This just makes everyone more miserable and worse off when, if they didn't have a little internet device in their pockets 24/7 they probably would've never cared or even known about that discourse before. Every time you go online you will see the worst opinion you've ever witnessed, so you open up the replies to have your anger validated and see an even more horrible opinion and you're just absolutely enraged and at that point you feel mandated to tell the everything-phobic anonymous Tiktok commenter why they're wrong. And the best part is you will hold onto that low-lying anger for like... the rest of the day because all of this is happening in everyone's 7 day a week morning doom-scroll. So so unnecessary. I'm honestly not trying to hate on other people because this was my morning routine for like 3 years but hasn't anyone else realised that these platforms are milking our outrage for traction?

I thought more people would be able to see things like that but turns out saying this opinion, ironically, often gets me very nasty replies.
None of the indie games trying to outdo Pokémon are very appealing and it’s because they don’t understand character design and general presentation. Modern Pokémon leaves a LOT to be desired, but despite that still has a lot of appeal in its presentation. The character and monster designs are leaps and bounds ahead of any indie take on the genre, they can manage to look cool or cute or both, and usually have some sort of memorable design factor. Human designs have also been very appealing and snazzy the last gew gens.

Not sure how Nexomon is allowed to get away with this knockoff design:


^ This also highlights a failure in the indie monster catching games, in that they don’t make evolutionary forms exciting or surprising, they generally only go the “same thing but bigger” route. There’s no wonder in what your monster will evolve into next, but that’s a huge part of Pokémon’s appeal back to some gen 1 designs (Magikarp->Gyarados, Eevee, even the mild surprise of Squirtle getting cannons later). The Pawmi line stands out as a modern exception, but in one of these other games, something like that isn’t even surprising (the more shocking thing about this line is what an obvious knockoff of Dwebble it is).

Also unpopular: Pokémon best stories by far was gen 7’s, followed by 9. Not 5. I’ve already shared my dislike for gen 5 on this board anyway…
And finally I don’t see these indie entries in the genre actually fixing many of Pokémon’s outstanding issues… no better story, no better animations (granted that these are made by indies but I think the animations are actually more bland than current Pokémon and highlight the lack of surprise/intrigue/inspiration of the monster designs)… They aren’t even going for feeling different.

It’s just so disappointing. I don’t even know if this is unpopular so maybe I’m just venting but for all the issues with Pokémon none of the indie takes on the genre hold a candle. Fangames aside. I can’t take it seriously if someone is sincerely recommending one of these games over Pokémon. This genre deserves better but these indie games aren’t it.

Yeah. I have no idea what to respond when someone asks me my favorite celebrity. I know the type of answer they want to hear but the most they are getting from me is my favorite professional athlete, which I’m almost certain is not what they want to hear.

I think athletes should count and it’s lame if other people don’t.
Who cares about celebrities? I get it for teenagers to want to keep up with celeb drama and red carpet outfits and all that but to have people in their 30s and above talking about it like it's the hottest news is silly to me. Maybe I'm the one out of touch but who literally cares about who's dating who or what some singer wore to an event? This is high school stuff.
Heck I didn't even care about that stuff when I was a teen. It's just stupid. There are actors who I think are cool and like their work, but I'm not going to worship them. They're also way overpaid. Actors, athletes ect. They really proved how useless they were during the pandemic. We're in this together/yeah when you hide on your private island. And there are so many people and careers that should be paid more then them.

Sometimes it can get really weird and out of line to. Like when Justin Beiber was famous and all the teens and older women were crazy for him (and he was underage)
—Stanley cups are overpriced and don’t look like anything special. If I had a kid who wanted one, I’m not sure I would buy it. The kid is gonna use it for a few months, get bored, then shove it in the back of the cupboard. Then some other trendy cup will come along— lather, rinse, repeat. Also I don’t remember bringing water cups or bottles to elementary school, only high school. Honestly I like the idea of water cups for elementary schoolers, but not overly expensive ones.

—I wish more romance novels had chubby male love interests. I just read a
Debbie Macomber book where the main character’s friend was dating a short, bald, chubby guy and she “didn’t know what she saw in him.” And I was like… “ExCUSE me?! He sounds hot!” Mind you, this book came out a couple years ago, so I thought we’d evolved by now. There are bigger guys as the lead in a lot of movies and TV shows, why not be in a romance novel?

—J. K. Rowling has said and done a lot of harmful things, but it’s a stretch to call her “anti-Semitic” just for having goblins work at the bank in Harry Potter. I mean, if you look at a goblin and your first thought is “Jewish person”, you’re the one being anti-Semitic. (I just thought of the goblins as being like hobbits, as when Bilbo got excited about the ring in Lord of the Rings.) Plus, every culture has their own variant of goblin, like pukwudgies in Wampanoag (Native American) culture.
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Showering every other day is perfectly fine most of the time (as long as it isn’t the hot/sweaty season, and you aren’t naturally sweaty or doing something that encourages more washing like tradeswork or daily exercise). Actually I prefer showering every other day outside of summer.
Showering every other day is perfectly fine most of the time (as long as it isn’t the hot/sweaty season, and you aren’t naturally sweaty or doing something that encourages more washing like tradeswork or daily exercise). Actually I prefer showering every other day outside of summer.
Same here, that’s exactly what I do!
Showering every other day is perfectly fine most of the time (as long as it isn’t the hot/sweaty season, and you aren’t naturally sweaty or doing something that encourages more washing like tradeswork or daily exercise). Actually I prefer showering every other day outside of summer.
I do shower everyday, but I don't wash my hair everyday. I'll wash it every other day or between 2-3 times a week. It depends on if I'm mentally motivated.
—I wish more romance novels had chubby male love interests. I just read a
Debbie Macomber book where the main character’s friend was dating a short, bald, chubby guy and she “didn’t know what she saw in him.” And I was like… “ExCUSE me?! He sounds hot!” Mind you, this book came out a couple years ago, so I thought we’d evolved by now. There are bigger guys as the lead in a lot of movies and TV shows, why not be in a romance novel?
I was scrolling through free digital books on my phone the other day and all the romance novel covers kinda started to look the same; tall chiseled white dudes with maybe a tribal tattoo or a hat💀 It's so boring lmao. But yeah I agree with you!
If a creator of a work has been accused of being racist or sexual allegations or anything like that, there’s nothing wrong with still liking their work. For example, you even though Walt Disney was a Nazi supporter, sexist, and anti-semitic and racist, you can still like everything he’s made. The same goes with Dr. Seuss. Just because someone was or is a bad person in reality doesn’t mean you can’t like what they’ve made.
If a creator of a work has been accused of being racist or sexual allegations or anything like that, there’s nothing wrong with still liking their work. For example, you even though Walt Disney was a Nazi supporter, sexist, and anti-semitic and racist, you can still like everything he’s made. The same goes with Dr. Seuss. Just because someone was or is a bad person in reality doesn’t mean you can’t like what they’ve made.
Agreed. Artists like the ones you listed have cultural significance and continue to influence subsequent art. Also these accusations are often allegations only and sometimes the accused aren't even around anymore to defend themselves. We don't know how they'd be if they lived today. They lived through different times that those calling for their cancellation wouldn't have handled anything like they believe they would have done.
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Is liking art by people who were/are problematic in other areas a controversial opinion then? I don't see how it can be, I certainly don't have any control of whether I like a piece of art or not, I either do or I don't. I like Woody Allen's films for example, regardless of whether or not he married his own step-daughter. I mean, they ARE good films - if I claimed to not like them then I'd just be lying.
Is liking art by people who were/are problematic in other areas a controversial opinion then? I don't see how it can be, I certainly don't have any control of whether I like a piece of art or not, I either do or I don't. I like Woody Allen's films for example, regardless of whether or not he married his own step-daughter. I mean, they ARE good films - if I claimed to not like them then I'd just be lying.
Maybe more of an online thing. You only have to look at the Harry Potter fandom. Even those who admit to still liking Harry Potter will fall over themselves to make it abundantly clear they DO NOT like JKR.
I would never be apologetic for liking art by an artist with unpopular views, but I have definitely seen people acting like they have to be.

I've never been into Harry Potter, so this one doesn't affect me personally. But I didn't like seeing people being bullied on social media for owning a copy of Hogwart's Legacy for example. Made me rethink a lot.
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