I like all cake! I can’t think of a type of cake I don’t like. For my birthday in a couple days, we’re having vanilla and chocolate cupcakes with raspberry coulis in the center. Mmmm.
Cheesecake is my favourite kind of cake, and my favourite dessert in general! I especially love New York style cheesecake, raspberry cheesecake, strawberry cheesecake and chocolate cheesecake, but honestly I fw most kinds and flavours of cheesecake!
My second favourite cake is red velvet, but I also love tuxedo, ice cream and chocolate (though it's usually too decadent for me to finish) cake, and vanilla cake with chocolate frosting!
I always gotta go with chocolate or devil's food cake mix. As for the frosting, it used to be choco, but I swapped over to butter cream.
The birthday cakes at the store will always be my favorite, but I'll never like dirtcake at all. My family always picks that and I can't stand to eat it.
i really like making funfetti and coffee cakes :3
they're mostly sponge cakes since it's what my mom likes and can stomach but i wish to branch out more and try other recipes ( ꈍᴗꈍ)
I’m very much a chocolate person when it comes to any sort of sweets. I enjoy other flavors too but if chocolate is an option it’s hard to pick anything else over it. I do really like when other flavors are mixed together with chocolate cake tho! Like I love chocolate cake with a layer of raspberry coulis, or this year for my birthday I had a spiced chocolate cake (like with cinnamon and even a touch of cayenne!) that had an orange curd in between, sort of like a holiday flavored thing even tho my birthday is a few months after Christmas lol. It was really good! Last year I picked a cake that was matcha flavored but had a thick layer of chocolate ganache with pistachios in between the cake. Also delicious! But my mom doesn’t like chocolate cake at all and I’ve also enjoyed the various different flavors of cake she’s chosen for her birthdays as well!