What's your opinion on the theme of this fair?


(_ _*) Z z z
Apr 28, 2022
Throwback Tickets
Purple Balloon
Bluebird of Happiness Plush
The Bell Tree Fair 2024 Patch
Julian Plush
Purple Balloon
Perfect Apple
Zodiac Dragon Figurine
Zodiac Dragon Figurine
Apple (Fruit)
Personally, I LOVE it! I can get my hands on collectibles I missed out on, and I dig the events and contests. I haven't figured out a favorite event since not all of them have been released yet as of posting this, but I know my favorite contest would have to be Magnificent Memories! I just started work on my entry and I'm gonna put my all into it! :D
I need them to do this a few more times so I can get all the feathers I'm missing. and also collect all the new heart/standard balloons.
I think the birthday theme is really fun and cute!! 🎉 It makes it really easy to get into a celebratory mood and I can't think of anything more fitting for TBT's upcoming 20th anniversary. I've only been here a few years and it's still fun to look back on everything.
I think the theme is really fitting since the site is turning 20, and it’s a good excuse to bring back a lot of old collectibles, most of which I’ve never seen before. I think my only issue with it being birthday themed is that I have no idea what to use as a signature.
I really like the theme! I think it goes well since TBT’s anniversary is coming up as everyone has pointed out. I personally like it since I find it very uplifting for my mood (that and the general atmosphere) and it helps me focus more on my more positive experiences here 🙂. I really love the prizes this year and the activities so far have been really fun; I just wish I had a better way to do the crossword 😅. I’m nervous about the art portion too.
I love the theme! It fits perfectly with the site's birthday coming up this year, not to mention this site means more to me than I can put into words. I'll always treasure the friendships and memories made here, even if I'm not here anymore in the future. < 3
Repeating a lot that has been said, but yeah, I love it and I think it’s very appropriate!

I also like that the “Birthday” theme is very versatile
I think it's cute and the events seem pretty chill. I like the categories of currencies since the collectibles are so different to each other. A person doesn't have to choose prizes between the ticket and throwback ticket categories for example, and everyone in theory could get a balloon via confetti event, fitting for a birthday party. It's thought out well.
In fact I think I'll be participating more than I thought I would because many of the events seem laid back, but I'll be slow at it I think. Just.. preoccupied rn.
The backgrounds are really nice and I'm still thinking about which one I like more. But I think I'm leaning towards the balloon one rather than the foil looking one.
i think it's really cute. im almost overwhelmed by the amount of collectible options available, it's such a nice surprise tbh
This is adorable, and also incredible to see that the forum is still active to have this event organized in the first place. This is my first fair (only participated in two camps before) and it's lovely.
I love it! Birthdays are awesome!

Also, balloons are easy to draw, haha. Art isn't my thing, and being able to draw confetti and balloons is so much more fun than struggling through trying to draw more 'advanced' things.

The color scheme for the balloon background is nice. Love the gradient heart balloons, also.

The collectibles available are torture, though, because there's no way to afford them all, haha.
Love the theme (even if it does make me feel really old !!)
I’m a little overwhelmed at how much is available but there’s a reason why this forum has so many active members (still) in 2024 - the staff are so organised and diligent and the tracker will be my best friend haha. Excited to take part in the events! I have my eye on a few collectibles I’d like but at the same time taking part is enough fun so I won’t be heartbroken if I don’t get them
Okay, I was waiting for the Confetti event to post in this thread!
I really like it! I mean- I like the balloons a lot so it's really nice. I think it's pretty good since .. well... it's TBT's bday!!
My real life priorities have kept me quite busy from participating a lot in this event so far, but I love it! It's an important milestone for TBT especially since internet forums in general are slowly becoming a thing of the past. To see it still stand strong 20 years later is amazing, so it's a requirement to go big on the celebration! ☺️
I think it's really cute and fitting! I'm not typically one to gravitate towards birthday aesthetics but I don't think any other theme would've fit this fair better!
I actually like the birthday theme and the 20th anniversary theme. If only there were more activities related to TBT’s 20-year recap or at least its 10-year recap from 2015 to 2024.
I LOVE pink, I mean the birthday party theme! Is very festive and I like the balloon collectible alongside all the extra old collectibles ^^