Which villager do you think is apart of the LGBT+ Community?

i dont have many headcanons but one of them is that during her time at school tangy had a huge crush on an alternative girl named debbie. who exactly is debbie? i have no idea. but tangy gave me this letter:

i thought it was really cute. i see debbie being some kind of uchi villager.
i dont have many headcanons but one of them is that during her time at school tangy had a huge crush on an alternative girl named debbie. who exactly is debbie? i have no idea. but tangy gave me this letter:
View attachment 346005
i thought it was really cute. i see debbie being some kind of uchi villager.
Oh wow, I remember getting a similar letter from Sprinkle and thinking this too! It’s okay sweet peppy babs, you can be queer and like pop music 💕
I would agree that coming into a thread specifically about which characters are LGBTQ+ to disagree with another poster’s opinion by stating that you *don’t* read the character as such comes off as confrontational. As many have stated, this is a thread specifically *for* reading characters as gay/bi/lesbian/trans/queer and it is titled as such.

The members of the LGBTQ+ community should be able to freely discuss their interpretations without being contradicted and then gaslit about it.
This exactly.

As another member of the staff has already addressed some of the issues taking place in this thread, any and all posts that deviate too far from the thread's purpose going forward will be removed and the poster(s) may receive a formal warning. There is no harm in people sharing their LGBTQ+ headcanons, and coming into a thread specifically dedicated to this purpose solely to tell people they're wrong only creates a hostile environment, which we'd obviously like to avoid.

Please keep to the thread topic from here and simply skip the thread if it doesn't interest you.
I didn’t know a thread like this needed to exist but I’m glad its here! Most of villagers are part of the lgbtq (obvious headcannons ahead so you dont have to agree lol)

Mott is gay
Coach is bi
Teddy is gay
Filbert is ace
Diana is bi
Felicity is pan
Curt is bi
Hazel is lesbian
Eugene is bi
And Flurry is an ally.

I also got that letter from Felicity in the mail about Debbie so I was like 👀!

And I feel like mentioning island ships lol:

Coach x Diana (but they’re on the rocks rn)
Curt x Teddy
Felicity x Eugene

Love my gay villagers and its so fun making up stories in my head for them and their relationships with other residents.
I didn’t know a thread like this needed to exist but I’m glad its here! Most of villagers are part of the lgbtq (obvious headcannons ahead so you dont have to agree lol)

Mott is gay
Coach is bi
Teddy is gay
Filbert is ace
Diana is bi
Felicity is pan
Curt is bi
Hazel is lesbian
Eugene is bi
And Flurry is an ally.

I also got that letter from Felicity in the mail about Debbie so I was like 👀!

And I feel like mentioning island ships lol:

Coach x Diana (but they’re on the rocks rn)
Curt x Teddy
Felicity x Eugene

Love my gay villagers and its so fun making up stories in my head for them and their relationships with other residents.
Okay Curt/Teddy is adorable I may have to draw this 😭💕
okay so to begin with,
Sable - definitely a cottagecare lesbian, like 100%
Wilbur and Orville - its not expressly stated form memory if they are related (i dont think they are) so i like to think they are cute husbands who run an air service and possibly a bed and breakfast on the side
Harvey- bisexual, he just has the vibe y'know

me -im bi, and i rule my island
I've Katt and Fuchsia on my island and absolutely believe there is something going there. Maybe it's unrequited on Katt's end. Either way I'm currently hesitant to part with Fuchsia for this reason - because Katt is a more long-term resident on my island and I want her to be happy. 🐱
i dont have many headcanons but one of them is that during her time at school tangy had a huge crush on an alternative girl named debbie. who exactly is debbie? i have no idea. but tangy gave me this letter:
View attachment 346005
i thought it was really cute. i see debbie being some kind of uchi villager.
ohmygoodness, i completely forgot, but chrissy sent me this exact message too! :unsure:
I guess Violet could be gay, but all it'd ever be is a guess, seeing as the game leaves it open to interpretation.
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ohmygoodness, i completely forgot, but chrissy sent me this exact message too! :unsure:
Hmmmm, I think we should design an uchi (possibly) named Debbie that our peppy villager's had a collective crush on
Fuschia gives me major lesbian vibes

Julian is maybe pan, but def not just straight

I ship Nana, Wendy and Flo as in a relationship cause they all hang out together on my second island, usually Nana with Flo and Nana with Wendy

I think Audie and Reneigh on my main island would be a cool pairing

Stella is a shy pan

Some snooties and some crankies are ace and/or aro, some are closeted

Pierce might be gay

Flick and CJ are def not straight. I like other people saying Flick is not gendering conforming too, I can totally see that.

Blanca I always headcannoned as having no gender (agender?) since I thought (as a kid who didn't know really anythin about LGBTQ+) that they just had no gender.

Gracie is trans or gnc. Saharah is also possibly gnc.

Harriet is bi

Harvey is super pan but doesn't pick up on flirting

Isabelle is pan
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In that case, the adorable canon couple of Flick and CJ
(Though seriously Flick would read queer even without the context of them being partners)
yesssss talk of lgbt animal crossing yessssss

🌈flick is gender non conforming, but uses he/him. cj refers to him as his partner so that's where i get that from.
🌈cj and flick are dating and you can fight me on that.

cj and flick are clearly a couple (nobody can change my mind)

i'm so glad so many ppl share this view, i remember back during the height of acnh's popularity ppl were barging into lgbtqia+ threads on twt abt flick and cj and going "pArtNer doEsn'T haVE tO mEaN gAy" i got into a couple of fights w ppl bc like those threads weren't hurting anyone...was mostly queer kids and teenagers talking abt something they wanted to see, and personally it would have been so great to be able to talk abt it freely as a closeted and in denial kid growing up in the 90s.
i get super defensive and protective of my lgbtqia+ siblings when ppl get funny abt stuff like this, ik a het thread like this wouldnt have attracted any controversy :/
but yea anyway after getting in fights i was like "the more u tell me flick and cj arent gay the gayer they're gonna get lol, fight me abt it, u will lose". everyone's allowed their own opinion but i had ppl keep saying to me "well I think theyre JUST FRIENDS" over and over and over, like they were trying to convince me of it, when in reality they made me ship it more out of spite l m a o! i see horrible cishet ship takes on my tl all the time on twt, ppl can handle a few gay ships imo

also i remembered, pink alligator's name is gayle. gayle. it's in her name 🥰 additionally: justice for nosegay...bring her back! 😔🙏
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i'm so glad so many ppl share this view, i remember back during the height of acnh's popularity ppl were barging into lgbtqia+ threads on twt abt flick and cj and going "pArtNer doEsn'T haVE tO mEaN gAy" i got into a couple of fights w ppl bc like those threads weren't hurting anyone...was mostly queer kids and teenagers talking abt something they wanted to see, and personally it would have been so great to be able to talk abt it freely as a closeted and in denial kid growing up in the 90s.
i get super defensive and protective of my lgbtqia+ siblings when ppl get funny abt stuff like this, ik a het thread like this wouldnt have attracted any controversy :/
but yea anyway after getting in fights i was like "the more u tell me flick and cj arent gay the gayer they're gonna get lol, fight me abt it, u will lose". everyone's allowed their own opinion but i had ppl keep saying to me "well I think theyre JUST FRIENDS" over and over and over, like they were trying to convince me of it, when in reality they made me ship it more out of spite l m a o! i see horrible cishet ship takes on my tl all the time on twt, ppl can handle a few gay ships imo

God I hear you so hard. I can’t wait for the day in which queer couples get to exist in media in no uncertain terms. AKA lgbtqa+ characters refer to their romantic partners as such outright. Just like the snooty villagers describing a date with a “he” character. None of this “partner” and ambiguous business. This type of subtext is what continues to give those people the right to gaslight the queer community and pretend they don’t exist. We have a long ways to go. We’re getting closer, but not quite there yet.
God I hear you so hard. I can’t wait for the day in which queer couples get to exist in media in no uncertain terms. AKA lgbtqa+ characters refer to their romantic partners as such outright. Just like the snooty villagers describing a date with a “he” character. None of this “partner” and ambiguous business. This type of subtext is what continues to give those people the right to gaslight the queer community and pretend they don’t exist. We have a long ways to go. We’re getting closer, but not quite there yet.

as much as i do love the term "partner" and how useful it is for so many ppl...i agree 100%, some ppl will not accept it unless it is b l a t a n t. i get very fond vibes from the way cj and flick talk abt each other (plus flick's hard queer coding) but i still had ppl coming at me over it,,,like why did it matter so much to them? i wish ppl would really look at what they're arguing for sometimes, like what things imply lol
Well I mean, obviously Julian, he’s freaking Captain Gay. The favorite saying on his photo is, “Never trot when you can prance.” I mean...

it’s my opinion that Bianca is probably of the sapphic persuasion as well. She’s a peppy who leans super athletic, her favored clothing style and furniture in Pocket Camp is sporty and she just strikes me as a sister lol. Mira as well, although the uchi type tends to just come off as super lesbian in general.

Julia is clearly trans, that’s not even an opinion, she is biologically a peacock identifying as a peahen. And let’s not forget that Nan and Chèvre are deeply in love with each other. I could probably fill an entire second island with queer villagers lmao.

edit: jeez, I forgot about Flick and CJ, silly me.