Who are you closest with in your family?

May 28, 2021
Throwback Tickets
September Birthstone (Sapphire)
August Birthstone (Peridot)
July Birthstone (Ruby)
Father's Day Carnation
June Birthstone (Pearl)
April Birthstone (Diamond)
Spring Sakura
White Hyacinth
Pink Heart Balloon
Sweet Balloon
I'm closest with my mom and siblings. My immediate family. They are also the people I feel most comfortable around. (unfortunately I don't see my siblings often).

My extended family (aunt, uncle) assume I'm closest with my 17 year old younger cousin. Although we only spend time together casually.

They assume that I influence his decisions and know about his personal life.

Since it's a silly idea they formed and it's not based on any objective reality, I try to just ignore it.
I'm really only close with my mom. I don't really have family around me otherwise.

My father moved out 10 years ago, and he's no longer a part of my daily life, so I'm not close with him anymore, but we still see each other in person. We cut ties with my uncle (my mom's oldest brother) and his wife, because she had been such a huge problem and her inability to get along with anyone else and he had been siding with her despite all of this, my other uncle (my mom's older brother) passed away in 2020 due to failure of open heart surgery, and my aunt passed away in 2012 of breast cancer, and any other family members of mine live too far away.
I'm very close to both of my parents. I text my Mum most days, and while I speak to my Dad less frequently we have a lot of common interests and when we get together we're a double act. Aside from them, I'm not close to my blood relatives. Most of them are pretty awful people.

I very much subscribe to the idea of "found family" though. I see my best friend of 30 years as my sister, and her parents treat me as one of their own kids and vice versa. If I'm ever in Malta I've a bed in their house. My partner isn't my wife (perhaps someday) but we consider each other family, as do our respective blood relatives. I'm closer to her extended family than my own.
It's probably my dad, but that's literally only because I lived with him almost my entire life, obviously excluding the time I was either on my own or traveling. I was given the choice at a young age on who I wanted to stay with, and I chose my dad. I'm not sure if things would've turned out different had I stayed with my mom this whole time? It's weird to think about.
Family-wise, I'm only close with my immediate family members (meaning my parents and my brothers). But out of all of them, I'm the closest with my younger brother; We've been at each other's sides our entire life and spend a lot of time together, and it helps that we're closer in age compared to our older brother. He can be a douchebag a lot, but I can't imagine my life without my younger brother.
My mom, my dad, and my older sister. I talk to them often. My brother does his own thing since he's in college and since he's not usually in our house (unless it's during summer vacation or holidays) I've been almost distant towards him. He's cool, though.

The only thing that keeps me from being closer to them is that I'm autistic and they're not. I wish they took the time to do more research on autistic people so they could understand me better instead of making me feel inferior because I act differently from them.
I am closest with my mom and my aunt. I spent the most time with them both growing up and as an adult. I feel like I can talk to them about most things and I enjoy spending time with them. I've often considered my mom to be my best friend.
I am much more close with my dad and my brother than I am with my mom. I live with my dad and my brother. My mom lives 8 hours away, and ehh...things are a bit complicated.
No one really.

My mom died back in 2020 from gastric cancer, and she was the one I was closest with.

I have a sibling, but they aren't doing well.

All my grandparents are dead and have been for awhile.

Lastly, I try to maintain a good relationship with my dad and stepmom, but we don't see eye to eye on everything. I do love them though.
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I'm closest with my sister. My parents aren't that bad, but there are certain situations where I would like to not be around them. I probably get along with my sister better because she's neurodivergent like me.
My other family members I don't see nearly as much as my sister and parents, or they're not alive anymore.
I remember getting along pretty well with my great aunt, but she's long gone.
Right now and that is still alive, the closest is probably my maternal grandma. I don't talk to her often and it's nothing against her or any beef. But we get along well and we understand each other well. And, she doesn't treat me like crap.
If me and my cousins still kept in touch it would be them. We were often together growing up. But physical distance, events, and time happens.
Being close to family members is t something I think to much about anymore. Probably because so many have pasted on and I don't see many anyway. Family reunions are a super old thing of the past. The last one we had that everyone came to was the 90s. And we had a few in my lifetime.
I'm closest with my mom and aunt. They've been around me for most of my life, and I have a lot of common interests with them. In addition, I get along well with my cousins and we enjoy hanging out together like close friends. I have many fond memories of having sleepovers with them, which is how we got close to each other. I also have some second cousins in London who I enjoy chatting with, though I've only met them twice and hence talk with them more often via social media.

Besides them, my maternal uncles and great aunts are quite close to me. I don't get to see them nearly as often, though I enjoy spending time with them when I get the chance.
Closest with my mum, then sister and nephew.
My other family lives not in the same area as ne and my mum so we hardly see them. Actually going to stay with my uncle for a few days.

My mum always says how it will be hard for me when she goes, and I can't deny that. More hard for me since I still live with my mum and such.
We have different tastes in food so we never really fight over snacks or anything XD that's the one thing I love
i'm closest to my older sister. really, shes the only one im close to. my dad is alright, but as he gets older he starts veering into a conspiracy theory mindset thats bordering on dangerous. it's made it hard to be around him.
This is a tough question for me. I was always closer to my dad growing up, but my dad holds many ideologies that I cannot support. That said, I still love him and try to educate him, but he just doesn’t care anymore after losing my stepmom almost 5 years ago. I can’t imagine how hard that would be. My mom is a very transactional person, and very high-level, like, it’s hard to get her to open up. She has no other family left but me.

I feel closest to my aunt and uncle (Dad’s sister and her husband). My aunt and I are EXTREMELY similar, and I think out of my family, she knows me better than anyone. They are also my godparents. Then I’d say my other aunt and uncle (Dad’s brother and his wife). Then I’d say my father-in-law. My husband often jokes and says he married his dad because we’re so similar haha.
i'd say my mom, dad, and little brother. pretty much a stranger to everyone else in the family because of how they are, which is a shame, but it is what it is.
The only living people in my family I’m really close to are my parents. I’m fond of my grandparents, aunt, and uncle, but do not see them frequently enough to have quite as deep a bond. My extended family I either have met only met or twice or haven’t met them at all since they’re either distant cousins or live halfway across the U.S. from me.