Why did you start playing Animal Crossing?

I started playing the Animal Crossing games because I first encountered the series while visiting a friend during my childhood, as they were playing the GameCube game when I arrived to their house one day. I instantly became intrigued while watching him finish up and soon got my own copy because I wanted to play the game with him and his brother whenever we'd hang out. I have fond memories of that GameCube game and still pop it into the console once in a few years.
i remember my older brother had gotten a ds with wild world and my second older brother and i had a character on his one copy. we would trade each other the ds and play on our save files, i loved the game. then 2008-ish rolled around and my older brother got city folk for christmas, and i fell in love with that game so much more than wild world. i was constantly on it whenever i could be!

eventually my older brothers grew out of animal crossing and went to their new xbox's as entertainment whilst ive always had this love for animal crossing. they gave wild world and city folk all to me years and years ago so new leaf and gamecube were the only games i never had to share a file with them.
i started playing animal crossing new leaf bc years ago my brother and i shared on animal crossing wild world game piece. how we got that game piece or even heard of the game to begin with is beyond me.
My mom bought me the game when I was like 5 so I couldn't read anything LOL but it was still super fun, my sister had it too and we played together a lot which was super nice

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I would also like to add that I played my sister's gamecube version before I had mine on the ds and I was renowned for deleting her save files cause I couldn't ****ing read
One of my best childhood friends recommended it to me when we were like 8 & neither of us spoke English at the time. We always played together & shared ds games and dsTT files, tips, tricks... the whole shabang. She told me that AC Wild World was a really good game, and that I'd really enjoy playing it.
At first I didn't understand jack about it, and deleted the game (rip). But I came back to it half a year or so later, and really enjoyed it! It even helped me start learning English :cool:
A reative of mine had gotten it for christmas, and she came and showed me. (We always played nintendo games together). I got so jealous and came home the same day telling my parents that this game was my biggest birthday wish ahah.
I saw a commercial on the internet for it and being like 8 or older at the time, it really appealed to me. I got a copy for Christmas and started playing.
When I was 11, my best friend at the time had Wild World for the original DS. She let me play it for a while which got me hooked. I remember being really jealous of her so I went home and begged my mum to buy me a copy for christmas... and here I am still playing a decade later! :blush:
I started playing the GameCube version because of my brother. I had recently moved away from home but would still come back weekly to do laundry and visit. During my visits, my brother and I always played video games.

One day, he says he got this new game where you can live in a town surrounded by animals. I didn't need to hear more. He had an extra memory card, so I got to make my own town and play it every week when I came over.

Eventually, I started visiting less and he got rid of his GameCube, so that town is no more. I didn't play Animal Crossing again for a long time because I was so attached to my town and my villagers that I didn't think it would feel the same.

Then, last year, my husband started watching Chuggaconroy's New Leaf Let's Play. It brought back my desire to play and, thanks to the addition of amiibo cards, I was able to get my old friend Grizzly in my new town. :blush:
I started playing a while back with wild world. I used to sell me old games at GameStop and use the credit for new ones. They had a display case with the old used games and I saw animal crossing and thought it looked cute and within my credit budget. It was a very nice play and new leaf now is even better :)
Ok so I got wild world for the DS when I was younger because I thought it looked so cute and would be really fun, but at the time I was only like 7 or 8 since I got it when it came out so I didn’t fully understand the mechanics of the game and got bored of it really quickly. When New Leaf came around I was ready to give the franchise another try and I fell in love with it. The idea of being able to design your own outfits and village really intrigued me and all the different interactive options really made me fall in love with the game and franchise.
I found out about the game through some online friends. I was around 12-13. My first game was ACWW and it was everything I liked in a game: cute animals, home decorating, quirky events and mini games... I introduced a high school friend to the game and it brought us closer. I still play it simply because I still find it really fun. It's a nice little world to escape into.
My friend told me to watch Chuggaaconroy's LP of it and I was completely hooked on the series and even rewatch it now and again. I got the game on New Years digitally 2016
Purchased a 3DS in 2013 to play Pok?mon XY, but the game wasn't released yet, so I bought ACNL instead. Loved it.
I found the game at a store, and it looked neat, so I tried it out

this was back when the gamecube release was the newest one, so I've been with this franchise for quite a while lol
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This probably isn?t how most people got into it, But I believe my father found a Wild World game card just laying in the middle of the street one day (Whoever must have dropped it was gone by then) so he decided to pick it up and see if it?d still work. Worked perfectly. 6 yr old me got obsessed. I never even heard about City Folk til about 2 years ago (Though I wish I did as we?ve recently gotten rid of our Wii), So you could probably imagine how excited I was to hear New Leaf was being released.
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A bunch of my online friends were getting it, and I knew it had wi-fi multiplayer features that would let us "hang out" in a virtual space, so I got it to play with them. That summer was super fun, and I played it a tooon, then fell out of it when school started. I haven't touched the game in the past few years, so I started up again recently to try to experience more of the seasonal features and events that I missed in that long slog of summer.
I got AC: WW for DSi back in the day, just because I had heard so much good about it. I didn't get it at all, I found it weird and boring. Years later I got New Leaf to give the game another chance and somehow it just clicked. I played it all day real hardcore for like half a year straight even though I had just built an expensive gaming PC. :D
It seemed pretty interesting based on watching ads about it and I figured why not after I was given a gift card with enough money to buy it. :)