Would you eat a dog

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id probably try it if it was given to me

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i understand why ppl wouldnt tho. a lot of us have attachments to dogs bc we have them as pets. i dont have rabbits as pets but id personally never eat one because id feel too bad. they are 2 cute
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how much would ya pay me is the real question

anything over than $40 I'd eat a dog whoops

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If it was a hot dog I would

I love meat, but I put the line at pets.
The chinese can do it though, stop trying to interfere with their culture lol.

I am against the way they handle the dogs though, but I'm against the way many animals are treated in the West too, how can we complain about what's happening in China when we still have all this **** on our own plate, fix ya own backyard before you go snooping in others.

I'm fine with farms, and animals being farmed for meat, leather etc, but at least treat the animals with respect up until their end.

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Oh yeah I have tried rabbit meat though, it was delicious.
I mean, people eat wolf, fox, and coyote in America and those are in the canine family, but I personally wouldn't eat any of those (I love my little dooble too much to eat him). And yeah, its a cultural difference...
I'm sure I'd be okay if it tasted good but I wouldn't wanna out of obligation.
i'd try it. i probably wouldn't make a habit of eating it, but i really like cows and pigs yet still eat those, so i don't see why i shouldn't.
Okay, it's not that fact that they eat dogs that bothers most people, it's the way they handle them. There are M A N Y videos of these festivals where they cook these dogs alive with ****ing blowtorches and crap. China has some of the crappiest laws in terms of animal welfare. It probably won't change, but it needs to. I'm all for eating meat, but we need to do it humanely. I realize there's places everywhere that mistreat animal, but China is pretty infamous for their torture of animals.
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I am veggie so no I would not eat dogs or any other sentient being, cute and cuddly or otherwise. I don't think it is worse to kill and eat one animal rather than another. Either you are OK with eating other animals or you're not.
I would never want to eat a dog in my life.
I'm already feeling bad enough for eating a bit of meat the weekend,
but my boyfriend only buys some, where we know that the animals
had a good life, so that makes it a bit better!

I actually live in a town, where you see soooo many animal transporters,
especially pigs that are getting delivered to get killed.. it's so fcking heartbreaking
you can't imagine. I am glad that non of us really like pig.. that would just kill me
to eat it, while seeing almost everyday those deliverys u-u
Funny thing is soon enough, without resources, humans will probably resort to cooking dogs, cats, and eating them. Maybe not in our lifetime, but when you got to eat, you got to eat.
I wouldn't. But I feel bad now seeing that I'm so against eating a dog, when I eat other animals without thinking about it like that :S
I'm not some edgy weirdo. I'm a proud American, and if I was stranded on an island with my dog, I'd let her eat me. I'm fat and stupid anyways; she's the apex predator, I'll give her lots of fuel to survive. For people in China and other bad countries, sure, eating dogs is fine since it's apart of their culture. If anybody outside of those countries eats dogs, it's weird though. They can probably afford other food, but they chose to eat man's best friend because ???????
Haven't really been a meat eater for a number of years now. If circumstances dictated that consuming dog meat was the only option for sustenance then I might, but eh, I wouldn't be killing some dog myself to harvest its meat. I try to do what I can to limit suffering and don't like inflicting harm. In all likelihood though, if the standard of living or whatever situation I found myself in gets to that point then I'd probably just not bother and let starvation take me. Like calamitybot said above, I'd let the dog(s) eat instead.
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I'm not some edgy weirdo. I'm a proud American, and if I was stranded on an island with my dog, I'd let her eat me. I'm fat and stupid anyways; she's the apex predator, I'll give her lots of fuel to survive. For people in China and other bad countries, sure, eating dogs is fine since it's apart of their culture. If anybody outside of those countries eats dogs, it's weird though. They can probably afford other food, but they chose to eat man's best friend because ???????

This right here gave me a few good chuckles. So what you should do now is go see if your dog wants to eat you. I seriously doubt our “domesticated pets” want anything to do with eating us. We probably all taste like garbage anyways. It would be the equivalent of letting an actual Lucario eat me, but it takes a bite only to find out that I taste bad, and then I’m just injured.
This right here gave me a few good chuckles. So what you should do now is go see if your dog wants to eat you. I seriously doubt our “domesticated pets” want anything to do with eating us. We probably all taste like garbage anyways. It would be the equivalent of letting an actual Lucario eat me, but it takes a bite only to find out that I taste bad, and then I’m just injured.

There have been numerous instances of pets, both cats and dogs, consuming the remains of their humans if they die in the home and the animals cannot find any other food. If there's nothing else to eat, they have to resort to it as a matter of survival.
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