I would rather be too hot. You can always have some ice cream or a cool drink as a refreshment. In the winter my hands are almost always freezing and it gets annoying.
When Summer has already passed by, I don't want to deal with having to turn on the air conditioner 24/7 or sweating so much that you have to change shirts because of it.
Trust me, the heat will get to you after at least a month of being in it.
Being freezing literally has no penalties, as long as you stay inside. That way, you can sit close to a fireplace, grab your warmest blanket, and drink hot chocolate.
Too cold because my body normally gets used to the pain of the cold after a while, & I don't mind the feeling of being numb anyways, but I hate the feeling of being sticky & sweat dripping down you (especially when it makes your hair stick to your neck).
I despise the cold, I have anemia so I constantly feel cold (fingers and toes freezing even under blankets) and I'd rather feel warm and stay that way for a change
I don't like the heat very much. I got hot easily and don't get cold easily, so cold is an easy pick for me. Ideally I'd have no extremes though, just somewhere in the middle haha
i think i prefer the cold, but whenever i actually do get really cold, i always think i'd rather be very hot. idk, i guess i just prefer to be at a comfortable temperature if not slightly colder which barely answers the question but ?\_(ツ)_/?
Freezing, I guess in line with my Canadian nature. I dread the heat, it's so unpleasant - I spend summers indoors. As stated, you can always put on more layers in the cold. It also makes me feel much more alert and refreshed.
i'm a winter baby from a country where temperature drops to -20 C, of course i prefer cold! the summers here have been getting hotter and hotter which KILLS me, i literally cant function in above 20-25 C... i get awful headaches/migraines and feel nauseous all the time because of them