1000 Ways To Get Kicked Out Of Wal-Mart

Rip open the spicy sausage, walk around sucking on them and make loud, naughty noises. If you get caught, tell them "this one forgot to wash his sausage" and make weird looks.
Open all the smelly cheeses, hand them out to random people in the queue and when they get to the cashier take them back and yell "NO CHEESE FOR YOU NOT DANK ENOUGH"
masturbate with a giant sausage in a corner where no one will see you.( this happened btw)

lol omg what.

Hand out pictures of important communist/marxist leaders to the staff and train them to be real good commies.
Set off all the fire extinguishers and put on Adele's "Set fire to the rain" and run around naked while doing it.
Turn on all the faucets in the bathrooms while screeching every once in a while and leave them on while you proceed to clog all the toilets. Then run out screaming bloody murder while the faucets are still on.

(i'm laughing so hard at the image I created in my head right now you don't even know)
(i'm crying oh my god)
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Steal all the plastic bags (if they still have 'em), fill them with stuff that breaks easily and/or gooey things, drag them on the floors and start singing Lesley Gore's "It's my Party" while they break. If you get caught yell "STUPID PARTY POOPER YOU NEVER TURNED 16"
(oh god i'm laughing so hard at our posts)

take all the fresh pies they just baked or put out and sling them on all the clothes. tell them you need to do it for a film project startign tomorrow.
Take all the sofas and chair and whatever you can sit on, set it all up in the children's area and force people to sit down while you teach them about communism and how it's good for Wal-Mart
Set up a George Forman grill and start grilling salmon and chicken, then put on an apron and scream at people that you're Cooking Mama.
Then, ask people to cook for you, while you're breathing heavily on them. When they do something, scream at them that they're doing it wrong. When they protest, screech "DON'T WORRY, MAMA WILL HELP YOU"
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