• The Bell Tree Fair 2024's closing ceremony is finally here! Event results, TBTer drawings, collectible reveal, quiz answers, art, stories, raffles, and more. You can find the six-part thread in the Bulletin Board! Thank you, everyone, for making our TBT birthday celebration so special!

3DS Nintendo Direct - Valentine's day (NEW LEAF CONFIRMED)

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that would almost be a year since japan got it i dont think so. i think you guys need to stop over thinking this. its only a few more hours
Pretty sure it says Fall 13. :p

O when I read this I was like 'yeah could be possible'

because I was stuck in Southern hemisphere where Fall = your spring, so fall is March, April, May. Sounded legit and I thought it might actually say fall but now I realize my mistake and nope
We'll have anything Animal Crossing related on accityfolk ASAP. :)

Thanks :D

Yeah I will be at the end of 1st period I think. I am very sure someone will upload it to youtube. No worries! :)

Yeah see? heheh. and thank you for uploading it for us in the near future! :)

Thanks :D

Oh and guys I'm just about to walk to school in 10 mins, I'll get there in an hour which will lead me to 9am (where I live) So the direct will be on when I'm at school. :( BUT, I won't be able to concentrate because all I will be able to think about is the direct :3

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not go without Animal Crossing.”

- Reggie 3:16
If it ends up being June though I think I'm going to cry, it's absurd that they've been holding off so long. Only April is the truly acceptable month.
Wow. A lot of posts since my nap! (Yes, I took one. LOL!)

Nintendo does tend to release games on Sundays. That would make you think May 19. But I agree that the blurry word looks more like April. Friday is a weird day for releasing. Most non-Nintendo video games release on Tuesdays in the US, so if it wasn't Nintendo Sunday, figured it would be a Tuesday. But Nintendo likes releasing on days that aren't the norm. Maybe by that reasoning, they would do it then.
I actually dreamed about the game last night... There were four different cover artworks for the game and all of them looked terrible. It was kinda like how there are always three versions of the game for one generation in Pokemon.

Waaah, I'm so excited! Though I'm trying to not get my hopes up, I will definitely be bummed if they don't give us at least the month today.
Well if I wasn't trying to find my ID I would have dreamed about it but OMG so excited
I seriously hope that it does say march.. but then I'm thinking it might be to close to when luigi's mansion is suppose to come out...

I'm going to have to go with April.. or at least before the end of may. Damn't Nintendo you're killing me here, I needs mah animal crossing
Still bumbed out that I can't watch it live, and that I can't watch it for another 17/18 hours. Wow that's gonna be a long tie, hopefully it's nothing huge so I'm not sitting through school busting my balls to get home
Why don't you post something of half quality in other threads like the town name thread or the animal crossing question thread instead of spamming? Just a thought.

edit: Not to mention the links have already been posted before you....
Night Jake! Im going to go shower and eat so I can watch it clean and fed! OMG I'm sooooo excited!
Less than 2 hours to go! :)

I wonder if they'll show any video from the game itself. Curious if we'll get a peek at what the translated names of things will be. I just have this feeling, for example, that Shizue will have a different name outside of Japan.
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