50-Minute Nintendo Direct Tomorrow that Could Include ACNH March Update Information

YOU CAN USE THE PIPES! that is so exciting! I wonder if villagers will use the pipes as well? i would assume not since you could potentially put the pipe in your house?? imagine pietro coming out of warp pipe you have in your bed room lol
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That would be hilarious. Maybe that’s how they will introduce villager visits. They just show up through the pipe.

This update sounds fun. So excited for the pipes, star and fire flower I will be using multiples of those. It makes sense the Mario items will be the 1st. Since you get the update on the 25th I wonder if there will be something small available then. I also wonder if there will be Saint Patrick day items.
items are crazy, can't wait to use them around my island. I'm not disappointed, this is what they said we'd get and I'm more understanding with them taking longer on adding more things given we're still in a pandemic
The Nintendo items are pretty much just a repeat of NL's versions.

Yeah, that was my take as well. Warp pipe travel seems to be the only NH-exclusive feature, which is at least something. I'm relieved that there were no awesome Bowser items to tempt me to buy NH again... phew!
I dont play mario games so i thought i would be indifferent towards this update, but wow did they show some cool stuff that i cannot wait to try!
And even with the update dropping the 25th why do we have to wait until March 1st for the items. It just seems dumb. Downloading an update you can't use for like a week 🙄
I am pretty happy with what we got! I'm a huge Zelda fan but never played Skyward Sword, so this is a big title for me (I'm getting those Joy-Cons DAY. ONE.). I'm also a major Splatoon fan, though I don't play 2 anymore, so 3 is gonna be a way to get back into that franchise.

Even though I don't care for Pyra, that reveal trailer did a good job at hiding that it was about Smash. 10/10 for execution.

As for Animal Crossing, I was hoping for stuff regarding amiibo characters, BUT the Mario items look amazing and look like they have so much detail put into them. Definitely going to have to incorporate a lot of that into my island :)
Funny. The only thing that tickled my fancies in the entire video was the AC:NH items. Nothing else Nintendo announced today did anything for me.

I'm personally looking forward to Mario Golf, but it was kind of an underwhelming Direct after not having one in so long. I thought we'd get some kind of big Mario, Zelda, or Metroid news. I was surprised they went for the Skyward Sword port instead of Wind Waker, but maybe Wind Waker will be coming later on.
Funny. The only thing that tickled my fancies in the entire video was the AC:NH items. Nothing else Nintendo announced today did anything for me.
Yeah I just like splatoon but I won't over hype myself. Nothing interested me. The acnh update disappointed me a bit lol
I really wished they would focus all their development on Animal Crossing rather than developing another Splatoon game so soon after Splatoon 2's Octo Expansion DLC. I rather not see either game's development get neglected by the split. Not sure how large their team is, but that's what was speculated to have happened to Game Freak, and why they did so badly with the development of Sword and Shield.

Here's hoping for the best in this year's updates. The Mario items look really great at least. Hopefully there will be some additional stuff released with the update on the 25th.
I'm personally looking forward to Mario Golf, but it was kind of an underwhelming Direct after not having one in so long. I thought we'd get some kind of big Mario, Zelda, or Metroid news. I was surprised they went for the Skyward Sword port instead of Wind Waker, but maybe Wind Waker will be coming later on.
You're right, I did enjoy the Mario Golf preview. I would have rather had an Ocarina of Time remastering than Skyward Sword, but oh well. I'll just sit here impatiently waiting for March 1 so I can catch the last sea critter and purchase my warp pipes.
I just hope we get something before the 25th or something for the acnh update. I have a feeling they'll time lock the items
I don't want to be that guy and the Mario stuff looks amazing, but why did it take them that long when it was announced way back with the Mario anniversary for this stuff? It's just items and clothes.
I don't want to be that guy and the Mario stuff looks amazing, but why did it take them that long when it was announced way back with the Mario anniversary for this stuff? It's just items and clothes.
I think it’s because Nintendo wanted something new every month for the 35th anniversary celebrations, personally.
I really wished they would focus all their development on Animal Crossing rather than developing another Splatoon game so soon after Splatoon 2's Octo Expansion DLC. I rather not see either game's development get neglected by the split. Not sure how large their team is, but that's what was speculated to have happened to Game Freak, and why they did so badly with the development of Sword and Shield.

Here's hoping for the best in this year's updates. The Mario items look really great at least. Hopefully there will be some additional stuff released with the update on the 25th.
To be fair, Game Freak is TINY compared to Nintendo EPD (because they intentionally use a smaller team to stay true to their indie roots... it just doesn’t really work well when you’re required to pump out a new game every few years, especially on much more powerful hardware which inherently requires either more people or more time)... but I think they’re made by separate teams that both involve Hisashi Nogami... but the other “core” AC devs (Aya Kyogoku, Katsuya Eguchi and Kazumi Totaka) are presumably still working on the game, as are the other people credited in the game.

I don’t know exactly what’s going on because I don’t have copies of the staff rolls for each game, but I’m also not going to cry “THE GAME IS DOOMED AND WE’RE NOT GOING TO GET ANY MORE UPDATES” either, just because one of the producers (that was barely involved in the creation of NL) is making another game.
Yay I can have my wario nose back!

also miitopia on switch :0
Does anyone think we'll get something on the 25th when the acnh update comes out or will it just be a download and wait thing?