Three main people I wanna address right now are Toads, Vanessa and Evan. I don't care about Locket bc the message is obviously fabricated.
Vanessa counter claimed Toads as Miller 2 minutes after he claimed it, then after claiming her flavour role as Bill Clinton, Toads claimed Bill Cosby 2 minutes later as well. I'm not sure about the likelihood of both of them being linked, but I think Vanessa is town based on the fact she cc'd that, bc as scum I feel she'd be more careful and wouldn't want to bring attention to herself like in RHOM when I was scum with her. So yeah, lowkey feel Vanessa is town, unless she's playing a very smart game.
TOADS, on the other hand, I feel as if his Bill Cosby claim is a bit too opportunistic alluding to the fact that they both have similar flavour names and the same role. Honestly I could see Trundle doing this with like, 1 aware miller and 1 unaware miller (a townie that doesn't know they are miller), but 2 aware millers, idk man. Plus Bill Cosby isn't even a politician nor is he involved in politics heavily I think (?), all I could find online is that he campaigned for Obama so yeah, no idea.
Basing off of Bianca's role (Omarosa) who is a republican I think, and I'm 99% sure she's town at this point, my character is also a republican so I'm gonna say that Mafia=Democrats and Town=Republicans, and I guess Toads' miller claim sooooort of lines up? But not really either.
Also I feel like
Evan's trying way too hard to seem pro-town. He's all like, 'cop do this, cop don't do that', 'guysssss stop claiming, it will benefit the mafia!', 'nuuuu don't claim guys~'. I can't really recall if this is normal behaviour from him but I'll look at past games when I can. There's a few other things he said I'll point out when I can.
Sorry if I got any of the American politics stuff incorrect I'm Australian so (

Also I know how much everyone hates flavour analysis bc of how unreliable it can be sometimes, but it's definitely relevant in some form.
In general, I still want a Toads lynch. I've sort of neglected looking into Jacob/Rune but meh, later.