Mafia American Politics Mafia - Game Over - Town Wins!

First off: If I was mafia, I most definitely would've scum-slipped by now.

I am not a miller. Unless, I was an unaware miller as I was in Caxnival.

At the moment my scum-leans are:

Bianca - Her accusing me of scum from an ominous note out of the blue. I also find her messages pretty vague at the same time.
Natty - Also suspicious if she got the same note.

If these two are on a team together, they could've been planning it all along. Saying that they got a note, which they can't say from who.

we didn’t get the same message
we didn’t get the same message

I know that, but did the message also have me as scum?

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* I just realized I said 'same note' I meant something more along the lines of 'similar notes'
But I mean I really just don't get why a fabrication would be picked on Locket out of everyone in the game; why not someone obvious like 1 of the 4 main suspects of D0 of Vanessa, Toads, Rune or Waffles? Tons of people were null reading her and I don't see why that would be the case; It just doesn't make sense to me why a framing would happen on Locket.

I feel as though Bianca could have changed the name, but Bianca was considering not even revealing that it was Locket due to her suspecting it wasn't safe...that and there are just many aspects of Bianca (albeit not great) that have town mindset to it.
Three main people I wanna address right now are Toads, Vanessa and Evan. I don't care about Locket bc the message is obviously fabricated.

Vanessa counter claimed Toads as Miller 2 minutes after he claimed it, then after claiming her flavour role as Bill Clinton, Toads claimed Bill Cosby 2 minutes later as well. I'm not sure about the likelihood of both of them being linked, but I think Vanessa is town based on the fact she cc'd that, bc as scum I feel she'd be more careful and wouldn't want to bring attention to herself like in RHOM when I was scum with her. So yeah, lowkey feel Vanessa is town, unless she's playing a very smart game.

TOADS, on the other hand, I feel as if his Bill Cosby claim is a bit too opportunistic alluding to the fact that they both have similar flavour names and the same role. Honestly I could see Trundle doing this with like, 1 aware miller and 1 unaware miller (a townie that doesn't know they are miller), but 2 aware millers, idk man. Plus Bill Cosby isn't even a politician nor is he involved in politics heavily I think (?), all I could find online is that he campaigned for Obama so yeah, no idea.

Basing off of Bianca's role (Omarosa) who is a republican I think, and I'm 99% sure she's town at this point, my character is also a republican so I'm gonna say that Mafia=Democrats and Town=Republicans, and I guess Toads' miller claim sooooort of lines up? But not really either.

Also I feel like Evan's trying way too hard to seem pro-town. He's all like, 'cop do this, cop don't do that', 'guysssss stop claiming, it will benefit the mafia!', 'nuuuu don't claim guys~'. I can't really recall if this is normal behaviour from him but I'll look at past games when I can. There's a few other things he said I'll point out when I can.

Sorry if I got any of the American politics stuff incorrect I'm Australian so (:) Also I know how much everyone hates flavour analysis bc of how unreliable it can be sometimes, but it's definitely relevant in some form.

In general, I still want a Toads lynch. I've sort of neglected looking into Jacob/Rune but meh, later.
Hm...then again Bianca did express a suspicion about Locket in an earlier post for a somewhat weak reason. Makes me wonder if there actually is something deeper to this.
But I mean I really just don't get why a fabrication would be picked on Locket out of everyone in the game; why not someone obvious like 1 of the 4 main suspects of D0 of Vanessa, Toads, Rune or Waffles? Tons of people were null reading her and I don't see why that would be the case; It just doesn't make sense to me why a framing would happen on Locket.

I feel as though Bianca could have changed the name, but Bianca was considering not even revealing that it was Locket due to her suspecting it wasn't safe...that and there are just many aspects of Bianca (albeit not great) that have town mindset to it.
IDK man, but if it was sent by anonymous then I don't really think it was an actual inspection. If it was an inspection I'd expect the flavour to be like 'You recieved a document saying ___ is ___!', or something along the lines of that.
Hm...then again Bianca did express a suspicion about Locket in an earlier post for a somewhat weak reason. Makes me wonder if there actually is something deeper to this.
I don't think Bianca's smart enough to lie about this type of stuff unless she's been told to.
This has to be mafia set-up. Unless it's Bianca purposely changing the name for protection.

Like Ness said, there isn't really a reason I had to be framed.

Why would there be a letter sent out to random players that contained false information? Also why would the sender of the note be anonymous?
wwwwwweeeellllll, I can't really say much... I put myself in this dumb situation. If I continue to defend myself, its gonna turn rose the role blocker all over again, which I'd rather not go through.
PunchyDaHufflepuff - Confirmed mason.

N e s s - I believe the claims from him.

amazonevan19 - Town-lean, from what I see evan is pretty legitimate.

Heyden - Slight town-lean. I like the point he made about the note. Though there isn't a ton of posts, Heyden seems legitimate.

Hikari - Slight town-lean. Similar do Heyden in a way. I agree with some of what they said about the note. Not entirely sure on this though.

Runeraider - Slight town-lean. I feel like with their posts they are asking questions that don't seem that scummy.

VanessaMay18 - Null. Vanessa keeps switching around for me. Because why would she defend me if she was scum? There's also some scum I see in her. Vanessa/Toad miller claim was a little weird.

glow - Null for the most part. Not a ton of posts to work with, and I find glow sort of hard to read. Very slightly leaning towards scum, but not entirely.

Dad - Null. Hard for me to read and I have never really seen his plays.

toadsworthy - Null. Not much evidence to go against him in my opinion. Saying about the millers does seem a little scummy, but I'm not going to judge off of that. Also the Vanessa/Toad miller claim.

jacob - Null. I agree with his points on the Oracle.

ITookYourWaffles - Null. I don't feel as if there's enough for me to choose whether or not they're scum.

Biancasbotique - Slight scum-lean. The note she received has me leaning toward scum.

Byngo - Slight scum-lean. She went from saying that the note was from an Oracle to that it wasn't an Oracle. Also slightly suspicious of the note.
Locket, you accuse Bianca of being scum because she RECEIVED a note saying you were scum, or you believe she made it up?
Also do you think one of Vanessa/Toads is lying?
of course you’d have us as ur top sus’s

locket. i never once said the message sent to me came from the oracle, i know who it came from because they told me in the message. i’ve been theorizing that bianca’s message is from an oracle
of course you’d have us as ur top sus’s

locket. i never once said the message sent to me came from the oracle, i know who it came from because they told me in the message. i’ve been theorizing that bianca’s message is from an oracle

Got it. I only did the search and looked at what it gave me and skimmed, so I probably missed details here and there.
I really don't know if I should believe the message or not, and Locket remains a tr for me...ugh. Not sure what to do.

@Heyden I didn't want everyone to mass claim after Toads and Vanessa both claimed miller, and I also wanted to point out that publicly posting about a potential blueslip is (a) bad for town, (b) good for scum, and (c) overall unnecessary and a point against rune imo. Though tbh both alignments can blue hunt like that; it's just anti town to point it out publicly. Take mental note of it, sure, but say "hey look guys here's a blue!!" is not a good play. I suppose if you wanna sr me over that then be my guest but I'm just trying to make sure there's no claim fest or blue massacres
Locket, you accuse Bianca of being scum because she RECEIVED a note saying you were scum, or you believe she made it up?
Also do you think one of Vanessa/Toads is lying?

I personally think that Bianca and other mafia players came up with that whole thing. There is no way she could pull this off herself.

I personally do. Yes, their names being Bill is a coincidence, but both being millers? That seems too far stretched. Most likely Toads is lying about it. I have a feeling Toads would be more skilled in lying about it.

Also, have we seen any Toad/Bianca interactions?

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Looking more towards the whole Toads thing: I feel like Toads is scum.

I see a Toads/Bianca team likely at the moment.
Lynch option analysis:

Toads/Vanessa: to determine if one or both are lying. But both could be telling the truth so ****ed if I know. Would rather not go after them today

Locket/Bianca/Byngo: Aw hell nah. Staying away from this lynch pool with a ten foot pole. I tr locket, and it'd be hella stupid to lynch one of the message receivers just because the message might be fake. If Bianca/Byngo are scum, they're faking messages and on a scumteam just to lynch (who I assume is town) locket, or scum!locket to make themselves look good? Too elaborate a plan with very little payoff.

Rune: agghhh. Bluefishing/sniping maybe? Probably the second safest lynch option and would probably tell us a lot about other people's alignments, most notably Vanessa

ITYW: overall seems to carry the least amount of risk. The safest lynch imo. Though I'd have to study interactions between him and others more to figure out what we would learn if he flips green or red.

My recommendation would be to lynch Rune or ITYW and keep this message about Locket in the back of our minds, as well as keep our eyes on Toad/Vanessa. I don't think it'd be wise to act impulsively on the basis of a message that can be fabricated (unlikely) or false (VERY likely).
Lynch option analysis:

Toads/Vanessa: to determine if one or both are lying. But both could be telling the truth so ****ed if I know. Would rather not go after them today

Locket/Bianca/Byngo: Aw hell nah. Staying away from this lynch pool with a ten foot pole. I tr locket, and it'd be hella stupid to lynch one of the message receivers just because the message might be fake. If Bianca/Byngo are scum, they're faking messages and on a scumteam just to lynch (who I assume is town) locket, or scum!locket to make themselves look good? Too elaborate a plan with very little payoff.

Rune: agghhh. Bluefishing/sniping maybe? Probably the second safest lynch option and would probably tell us a lot about other people's alignments, most notably Vanessa

ITYW: overall seems to carry the least amount of risk. The safest lynch imo. Though I'd have to study interactions between him and others more to figure out what we would learn if he flips green or red.

My recommendation would be to lynch Rune or ITYW and keep this message about Locket in the back of our minds, as well as keep our eyes on Toad/Vanessa. I don't think it'd be wise to act impulsively on the basis of a message that can be fabricated (unlikely) or false (VERY likely).
Is there a reason you're avoiding Vanessa/Toads until tomorrow? Why is Waffles a safe lynch, and what points to Rune bluesniping? If anything the 'safe' lynch is between the 2 millers, especially the one who's been acting scummy all game.

My problem with you right now is how clearly evident you're sussing Toads but not actually putting any pressure on him. I've read through several posts of yours regarding Toads, in which they're mostly negative, but you're not following up with it at all, which makes it seem like you're trying to distance. Your first reads post sheds light on Rune/Waffles being scummy, so I get why they're candidates, but why cut Toads out? And on a different topic, Glow as well who you've been accusing but not pursuing.

For lyncherino: anyone on my scumleans is a good candidate imo, my ranking is (top to bottom, most lynchable to least lynchable) rune, ITYW, glow, toads.
Again, sticking to your same list from the beginning, putting Toads at lowest priority despite having called him out more than anyone else from what I'm seeing.

I mean glow kind of has a point - toads might have been afraid a cop investigated him so he's claiming miller now. But why would vanessa do the same?!
I don't really know how to english this, but when he says 'Why would Vanessa do the same' something just doesn't sit right with me and I honestly don't know how to explain it in words, but like, Vanessa doing the same what? What do you think Vanessa's motive is to claim miller as well?
Last paragraph is very messy cos idk how to explain someone reinterpret it for me plz and thx

tl;dr I think Toads/Amazon are scumteam
Lynch option analysis:

Toads/Vanessa: to determine if one or both are lying. But both could be telling the truth so ****ed if I know. Would rather not go after them today

Locket/Bianca/Byngo: Aw hell nah. Staying away from this lynch pool with a ten foot pole. I tr locket, and it'd be hella stupid to lynch one of the message receivers just because the message might be fake. If Bianca/Byngo are scum, they're faking messages and on a scumteam just to lynch (who I assume is town) locket, or scum!locket to make themselves look good? Too elaborate a plan with very little payoff.

Rune: agghhh. Bluefishing/sniping maybe? Probably the second safest lynch option and would probably tell us a lot about other people's alignments, most notably Vanessa

ITYW: overall seems to carry the least amount of risk. The safest lynch imo. Though I'd have to study interactions between him and others more to figure out what we would learn if he flips green or red.

My recommendation would be to lynch Rune or ITYW and keep this message about Locket in the back of our minds, as well as keep our eyes on Toad/Vanessa. I don't think it'd be wise to act impulsively on the basis of a message that can be fabricated (unlikely) or false (VERY likely).

uhhh are you avoiding lynching Vanessa/toads? you know there are 3 miller claims and I really believe its either Vanessa or Toads but if I were to pick whos the most suss among them both then it has to be TOADSWORTHY you know I have no objections unless you're hiding something from us you and toads reads on me are very weak no offense really

If Toads flip read you're next mark my words

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How the **** is the page count already at 100 I hate you all.

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Please tell me I died and Trundle just forgot to PM me.

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****. Nope.

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Anyways let me catch up.
Is there a reason you're avoiding Vanessa/Toads until tomorrow? Why is Waffles a safe lynch, and what points to Rune bluesniping? If anything the 'safe' lynch is between the 2 millers, especially the one who's been acting scummy all game.

My problem with you right now is how clearly evident you're sussing Toads but not actually putting any pressure on him. I've read through several posts of yours regarding Toads, in which they're mostly negative, but you're not following up with it at all, which makes it seem like you're trying to distance. Your first reads post sheds light on Rune/Waffles being scummy, so I get why they're candidates, but why cut Toads out? And on a different topic, Glow as well who you've been accusing but not pursuing.

Again, sticking to your same list from the beginning, putting Toads at lowest priority despite having called him out more than anyone else from what I'm seeing.

I don't really know how to english this, but when he says 'Why would Vanessa do the same' something just doesn't sit right with me and I honestly don't know how to explain it in words, but like, Vanessa doing the same what? What do you think Vanessa's motive is to claim miller as well?
Last paragraph is very messy cos idk how to explain someone reinterpret it for me plz and thx

tl;dr I think Toads/Amazon are scumteam

Tbh major town points to Heyden for this post. The tone and the quality of his argument are very different (in a good way) from when he was scum last game.
If toads is scum at all it probably is with Evan, not to mention Toads' earlier inconsistent read on Evan.
However a large part of me believes that the two of us rolling millers named Bill is just our luck. Not to mention both our characters are super sketch and thus well suited to being millers (although I feel like Cosby could also be a jester? Maybe?) but I know everyone loooooves flavour meta so I'll stop
I just blitz-skimmed 50 pages and my eyes hurt.

If I am understanding correctly, we have

-Toads, Vanessa, and Heyden claiming miller
-Bianca was whispered that Locket is mafia, Byngo was whispered something
-It goes without saying, but Punchy is clear.

Personally I think that there is some sort of unique role put into this game that is a variant of a dreamer or caroler. I'd really like to know what Byngo's message was because I see little reason to put it out on the table.

My quickskim thoughts are that Toads is still scummy, Ness is being dumb for townleaning him just because he wouldn't be this sloppy as mafia, I'm further siding with Vanessa on this Vanessa vs Rune quarrel, and I don't like Locket's reactions to Bianca and her reads in general after that whisper reveal happened. Another thing to note is that I don't like how Jacob immediately disenfranchised Bianca's whisper message because 'nobody would choose Bianca of all people'. The same can be argued of Byngo, why her of all people when there's Ness who'd been elected and Punchy and Dolby who were also seen as universally townread? I'm pretty sure they were randomized or something and this is one of those things where one whisper is true and one (or two) whisper(s) isn't. Kinda like a caroler but spread out between people. But yeah, don't like Jacob's random chiming in here because I don't like Locket's reaction either and I can see it being a sly means of trying to protect Locket. Need to look in on Jacob and Locket's reads or views of each other if they've had any. We know Locket nullreads Jacob but likes that he distrusts Bianca's whisper.

My immediate reaction is disliking Jacob/Locket and still disliking Toads but I need a more in-depth reread. My eyes are drying out like crazy from work dehydration and not blinking enough. And I'm tired af.

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Oh and Evan seems more like himself as town. But I'm not just going to townread him for that alone. But he's not really my scumread anymore and more null I guess.

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And I'm fully sure that if Toads is mafia that he's been bussing at least one of his partners in his suspects. I just don't think it's Evan, which at this point has fully been pulled back anyways.

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Oh and @Ness I'm literally Adolf Hitler. Shoot me.