Animal Crossing Direct Discussion Thread

I was very excited to see the vines as I had just added a new area to my island and couldn't decide how to decorate the cliffs... problem solved!

Also new furniture! And new indoor plants!

I'm excited to build up the shops on Harv's island.
I was pleasantly surprised at how much this update is adding wow! I actually see myself coming back to the game now for a while.

I also don't feel as bad now for not finishing my 5 player character houses as these new home designing tools really up the options I can do.
This was insane, I am very critical of the game but they delivered everything they needed really. This is completely unexpected and it has me FLOORED.
I don't even know how to process everything right now ... I didn't look into this direct and what to expect from it too much beforehand, so I figured it would be Brewster and possibly crops. But it's so much! I think what probably made me the happiest was the fact that Cyrus will be able to customize pretty much anything. That's super convenient. Also I'm really looking forward to all of these new items! And the DLC seems awesome, too. Just everything about this is amazing! ❤❤❤❤
Remodeling villager homes is all I ever wanted and didn't dare to hope for. Tom is my baby but his new home is trash. With some work I can restore him to a zen home.

I'm just screaming about everything else oh goodness. And I loved HHD so having it back but as an addition to the mainline game that makes my mainline game better? Ahh sooo good.
Am I the only one who is super excited for the new Mystery Island tours? They look phenomenal and with new plants such as vines that you can take back to your island as well as visit ones that might have meteor showers if you get the right time of day! 🤯
I was impressed by this. I am going to get that new paid DLC. I don't care about the cost. I am going to get that new content!