Animal Crossing Direct Discussion Thread

Re: length, 20 minutes and its own Direct is definitely better than nothing, I'm not disputing that. At the same time, this is Nintendo's 2nd best-selling game on Switch, so I think it's reasonable to want or expect a similar amount of time to what they give their other series like Smash or Pokemon.

Maybe they will pack a lot of stuff into 20 minutes. Maybe it will just be a few things they really stretch out. It could go either way, and I would just feel more confident about the possibility of more new features if the runtime were longer.
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Yay I’m excited!! Irl drop earlier than I expected.
As for the content, I’ll stay with my old strategy: expect nothing too crazy so I won’t be disappointed lol
I can't wait! I'm so excited! I don't know if I'll even be able to sleep on the night of the 14th!

What an awesome belated birthday treat!
yay this is so exciting and sooner (and earlier, time wise) than i expected. i can't wait to see brewster and i really hope we hear something about the series 5 amiibo!
I’m surprised that they informed the date so early, more than a week away. For directs we usually only get only 2-3 days notice period. I’m hoping that‘s an indicator that the update is something substantial.
20 Minutes is Half a Regular Nintendo direct, and actually longer than the direct of the Welcome Amiibo update - which was under 17 minutes long. I can't just see them wasting all that time just to explain how Brewster works either...

Smash directs are long not because lots of addition content is in there - They're long because they go into extreme detail about the fighter it's about. Animal Crossing just isn't like that at all - Clips are shorter because of the simple nature of the game.
20 minutes is definitely not an insignificant amount of time, given how all update trailers before this were ~2 minutes long each time. It's a very good sign we'll be getting more news about the game than just Brewster (which, even if they stretched it out, would only take up 5 minutes at the very most IMO) and the Series 5 cards. I'm definitely interested to see how this goes now.

so I think it's reasonable to want or expect a similar amount of time to what they give their other series like Smash or Pokemon.
People have already noted that Smash directs are longer because every move for the character being added is shown off, but with regards to Pokemon, glancing through the list of Pokemon Presents and Pokemon Directs, the only instance of a Pokemon Present/Direct being longer than 20 minutes was their latest one on August 18th, which even then was only 27 minutes long and mainly covered the 2 upcoming games in the series amongst other Pokemon news. So AC is being given a similar amount of time to Pokemon! No reason to think otherwise.
ok i kind of wanted it to be longer but it’s reasonable and better than not getting anything at all. i hope they don’t take 10 minutes talking about brewster then another 10 minutes talking about the new amiibo cards. as much as im excited about brewster and the new cards, i’m going to be pissed if that’s all they talk about.
Trying not to place too much value on the length since the pacing can go either way.

... that said, I expected 2 minutes at most due to previous update "directs". Feeling a bit more optimistic about the potential content. If it's just Brewster I don't see my hiatus ending. Might play actively for a couple of days before dropping if it's just him. I really want to have an incentive to play again, but due to how long this has taken I've become pretty jaded.​
20 minutes? Wow! Honestly thought it would of been a quick cafe preview. Lets hope they add more to the update if its going to be that long. Il be there🤪
20 minutes is definitely not an insignificant amount of time, given how all update trailers before this were ~2 minutes long each time. It's a very good sign we'll be getting more news about the game than just Brewster (which, even if they stretched it out, would only take up 5 minutes at the very most IMO) and the Series 5 cards. I'm definitely interested to see how this goes now.

People have already noted that Smash directs are longer because every move for the character being added is shown off, but with regards to Pokemon, glancing through the list of Pokemon Presents and Pokemon Directs, the only instance of a Pokemon Present/Direct being longer than 20 minutes was their latest one on August 18th, which even then was only 27 minutes long and mainly covered the 2 upcoming games in the series amongst other Pokemon news. So AC is being given a similar amount of time to Pokemon! No reason to think otherwise.

I am familiar with how Smash Directs work and that's a fair distinction. Pokemon usually has multiple Directs per year if I'm remembering correctly, whereas this is the only Animal Crossing Direct since release.

I feel like it's possible this could be the last/only Direct New Horizons gets, and if that's the case, this could be their last big showcase before going back to the smaller updates we were getting before.

20 minutes may end up being plenty of time, I'm just saying that given how little we currently know, I would have felt more confident if it were longer.
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My hopes are high. I hope there will be something new and totally unexpected!

& additional inclines plsss~
Awesome! I can't wait to watch it.

I have never watch a Nintendo direct before... Do we watch it on Nintendo's website? 🤔