Animal Crossing Special Nintendo Direct for October 5th

ohhh shiiii... where's my paper bag.. where's my paper bag

that maze... and bushes with flowers.. to much want. I'm glad Tortimer isn't dead :D
Take my money Nintendo. Oh wait, you won't until next year. :(
Everything I saw, Pre-Translation.
Mii Masks return
Labelle Returns
Wild World Style Pattern Maker Returns
Villagers can enter shops that you are in, as well as buy items in the shops.
Animal Portraits return, as well as Posters (from music?)
Topiary (Different shaped bushes) can be bought and placed throughout the city.)
Gyroids are placed where a coming addition will be placed. These allow visiting players to help build attractions for your town.
Megaphone item. Seems to put our text into the game?
Shopping Mall is shown, outdoor mall area. Includes Timmy/Tommy?s shop,
?Shoe Shank? is shown, Kick?s new shoe shop. Can buy shoes, tights/socks
Museum is next, Celeste is in charge of Museum shop. A net is shown here?
Appears you can make exhibits? I?ll know more as the translation is done.
A gyroid exhibit as well as a ?Sushi Bar?. These are both done using the items you can use. Appears the mayor can add to these.
Tom Nook?s new shops is shown, features Lyle as well. A section for the Hppy Room Academy.
A replica of Peach?s Castle is in the shop for 428,000 Bells.
?Club 444? is shown. This appears to be Dr. Shrunk?s comedy club? Shrunk looks much classier. Does his classic show, shows you can have at least 20 emotions.
Photo Booth is shown, Shows your friend code? Lets you use an emotion/reaction during the photo-taking.
Item editing is shown, a few questions are asked. Later on in the day, the item is changed. I imagine the translation will help drastically with this section.
Pattern Maker is shown, looks much like Wild World?s many palette options. Lets you change the shades. Looks like many more options this time around!
A new character, looks related to Shizu, takes you to the area above the shopping mall.

Other players are seen here, you can see their houses.
?Game Show? items are shown. Could be useful for trivia!
Mario Items also return.

Basements return
A new ant-eater is shown. Translation will be needed for this part. Looks to be an inn that takes you to a dream world?
You can visit a town of a person you've streetpassed/met online and it allows you to do ANYTHING to their town, but none of it is saved so you can take stuff like fruit and cut down trees and it does nothing to their village .

Totaka is shown (The inspiration for KK Slider)
He?s showing the different sound effects, as well as how the sound changes.
A train pulls through at 5:00pm. Good to see that return from the gamecube version.

Interesting to note, i don?t see constellations when he shows the night sky.
There?s 6 seats at Club 444 where KK Slider plays. Shrunk is dancing in the background!
A new KK song is shown as well, sounds very nice.

There?s a ?DJ KK?. Plays music, your characters can now dance!
Sounds like it?s remixes of KK songs? Which is really neat.

There?s ?album art? for the KK Songs, these can be hung on the wall if I remember right?

All 4 are playing now!
Kapp?n is shown. This also confirms at least 4 players in your town again
All 4 players are in the boat.
Kapp?n is singing one of his classic songs!
You arrive on an island.
Swimming gear is shown ?Marine Suits?.
Swimming is being shown
There are items and things you can find in the ocean.
Looks like the island belongs to the Kapp?n Famil? They?re selling various goods in the shop.
?Minigames? are shown. Tortimer is shown!
Looks like he?s on the island after retirement, not dead!
Appears that he?s in charge of minigames. This one looks like a maze.
I believe I heard that Mango are in the game.
a ?Hammer? mini game is shown, with a robotic acorn driving around!
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I think that asian said something about a Direct demo?

Okay got a few screen shot, I'll upload them to a public photobucket album and post the URL ok
I just cried! HOLY ****! THIS LOOKS AAMMAAAAAAZiiiiiiiiiiiiiNG!! The multiplayer games look so much fun, and the island with all this habitant that look like kappn... I WANT THIS SO MUCH. My mouth was like :-O when I saw DJ KK lol
can't wait!
I only got to watch from the second half of street pass homes to end :( i gotta go to school now, i'll look at it as SOON as i get home!!
I hope that NoJ is releasing a trailer to sum up this conference... hope that information will be translated soon.
Taken from NeoGaf:

- Talking about the game, being mayor, building house, no firm goals.
- Eguchi, producer. Going to talk to devs.
-The man and woman were the game's directors, the other woman is aplanner.
- Flowers will sparkle depending off if they've been watered.
- Can design roads - they added the chacter for 'road'. There's a camping ground, sometimes there'll be campers - villagers who don't live in your village.
- Villagers and visitors can buy items in the recycle shop.
- There's a pot plant and the other is a music album.
- The bench and clock were stuff she placed as mayor.
- When you sit in the mayor's seat, Shizue will come up and talk to you.
- Once you've decided what to build, go with Shizue to decide where. Then they'll show you what it will look like. Donations from villagers begin.
- Don't have to go back to mayor's office once building is placed.
- Can donate yourself.
- New item: megaphone. Can say a villagers names to get their attention by speaking their name into the 3DS microphone.
- The tanooki brothers will take turns each day to service the shop.
- Halloween goods sold because it's October.
- Different types of shoes, boots and socks.
- 2nd floor is the museum shop. The four doors lead to special exhibitions. You can set the special exhibitions yourself. Hawaiian Expo, Sushi expo.
- Tanooki Housing Real Estate. Buy parts for your houses outside.
- Can decide if you want to increase room numbers and where (1st flow left, right, 2nd floor etc)
- Shisho, comedian. Started a comedy club. Can watch his comedy shows. He has spoken dialogue during this. Can decide your reaction.
- Take photos of your expression with good timing for best result in the photo booth.
- This is the design leader, Takahashi.
- Talking about new items.
- Can alter designs at R. Parker's
- The redesign takes 30 minutes in this instance. Changed the design and wood.
- Can create your own designs
- Entire house of Tom Nooks if you want!
- Can turn designs into QR codes.
- Model Homes now. People met through Streetpass. These are the people she's streetpassed with. Sometimes they will give you things, like ice-creams, balloons, and pin wheels.
- Can see with the map where the houses are.
- Toilets & urinals!! Mario & mushrooms!
- The woman to the left of Eguchi drew that apple as her 'Own Design' in the game.
- You can go to visit some people's villages that you've street-passed with. It's a 'dream'.
- Allows you to see how other people have set up their towns. Can't do anything with in the town. Just look.
- This is the sound director.
- This is the early morning theme. Second, the morning theme. Daytime theme now. Evening theme. Sky has changed color too and there's a diesel train running. And now the night theme. And now the late night theme.
- K. K. Slider, Saturday night live performances at the new Shisho Comedy club. Now for a new song. Shisho is dancing to the beat!
- DJ K.K. (K.K. Slider) under a different name performs on nights other than Saturday at the comedy club. 'House Nights' Includes NES Nights. 'Famicon Nights'.
- Can listen to the music on audio palyers in your house.
- lots of new songs.
- Islands! The four of them are going to the island via local play. Going by boat. A motor boat!
- A new song for the ride, too.
- Can get swimming suits the ifrst time ere, wearing it you can go swimming.
- Can dive for coral! Sometimes there'll be jellyfish.
- Find summer fish and bugs all year round.
- Can trade medals got in mini games on the island to trade for the goods.
- Co-op mini games- they are the focus.
- Tortimer appears as the Tour Guide/ explainer of the games
- Each person has to search for their own type of fruits; mangoes, persimmons, etc.
- The faster you are the more medals you get.
- Can pick up fruits and drop them for other players in easier locations.
- This is 'Hammer', hit the little electric car
- And that's it from the team - thanks to the staff.
- Iwata reconfirms download version; same as the retail version. Mentions the benefit of download versions.
- Official Animal Crossing twitter @doubutsuno_mori , will reveal new characters and items.
Aaaah, my computer keeps freezing the steam u,nu

The game looks really great thoughwhycantitjustcomeoutalready

Oooh, reading mattmagician's post has made me more eager for this game. Sigh.

Though it doesn't sound as flexible as AC:CF in terms of wifi/meeting your friends in another town?
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On the Website you can see the Cover of the game very clearly. There are indeed some Pyramids and and Sphynx, holy crap! So many new clips and images, AC INFORMATION OVERLOOOOOAD......!
Yeah from those mini videos, I see Jingle! Jack! Christmas lights on trees! Snowballs!!! Ahh look at the rainy day!!!