• Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

ask the below user a question!

Oh dang, I don't know. There are so many and sometimes I get in the mood to see a particular one or theme. I guess I can't go wrong with Back to the Future though lol.

Same question? Favorite movie? Or series if that is more of your thing?
My favourite movie is Road to El Dorado.

If you could have anything fictional as a pet, what would it be?
A Cosmog. Unlike other Pokémon, Cosmog can't actually attack, so it would be safe to keep as a pet. It's also my favorite Pokémon.

Do you prefer speakers, headphones, or earbuds?
I’d say headphones, because earbuds tend to fall out of my ears. Speakers might be nice but I don’t really use them.

What’s the most interesting animal (bugs count!) that you’ve seen in the wild?
A while back a random indigo bunting visited my birdfeeder! It was super pretty, I wish it would have stuck around, but they're not incredibly common where I live lol

what do you like to do to relax?
I like to browse the forum or just watch videos on YouTube I find interesting. Also, holding that plushie my favorite person bought for me really helps, lol.

Same question?
I would say the most impressive book I've read so far is "Extremely Lound & Incredibly Close" by Jonathan Safran Foer. It's a very intense book about a boy who lost his father in the 9/11 attack. I would highly recommend it!

If you could change one thing about your apartment/house, what would it be?
I would change where it’s located and practically everything about it but I think location is a big one.

Do you prefer savory over sweet foods?
oh definitely savoury! I like sweet every now and then but it takes to make me nauseous quite quickly.

What's your favourite website?
the Santa Clause series with Tim Allen

do you like christmas lights?
No. I rarely drink soda anymore. I’m talking maybe once or twice a year.

What’s an obscure video game you like?
A couple, actually! ^^ I'm really hyped for Jack Jeanne and Radiant Tale, which are both set release sometime midway through next year.

Are you thinking of trying any new hobbies?