(Closed) The Official Looking for/Trading/Buying Thread

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I am looking for any dreamie in my signature, please! I actually have a free spot for them now, so I can take one right away. If you have any of these dearies leaving your town, please message me! :D
I have Rudy and Deli. PM me if you want one of them. I'll trade Merengue, Diana, Flurry, Maple, or a few mil bells for one of them.
Hi guys! I'm new here, so you might not have seen me around. I'm not quite sure where to post this so i'll post it here. Anyways, if you can help me with this please shoot me a message
I think we all recognize the power animal crossing has, i guess. I mean, it?s a calming game that can help us through rough times. Let me explain a first before I get into the part where I seem a bit greedy- I just hope you all understand!

Well, though I?m still a bit young, I?ve struggled with a lot of self esteem issues. I never felt as pretty as the other kids, and there were a few things that I guess bothered me about myself? First, there?s a gap between my teeth and my parents aren?t rich enough to buy me braces. My second front tooth didnt grow in until I was in 3rd grade, and it grew in slowly. People taunted me, as in young grades, everyones a bit immature, I guess. They said I?d eat baby food for the rest of my life and to this day, though the gap?s not extremely huge and my tooth is grown in, i can?t help but see it every day and wish that there was some way I could just get braces, to be happy with myself., I hate it.
Second of all, my weight. Every person might worry about this at one point in their life I believe, as in our society today weight and body appearance is very worried about. I feel like I?m not extremely fat, but I?m chubby and not proportionate enough and this bothers me. Because of people bullying me at a young age, (i?d say from grade 1-6? Now it?s just behind my back, not visibly.) this has affected me in a way that I won?t forget it because it ruined my childhood. I was still so vulnerable then. To this day I hate everything about my body.

Animal crossing really helps some people, and I want it to help me more. Villagers help so much- they?re encouraging, and loving, and they care. They ask you to do things because they depend on you. Every day they ping you and say ?Hey, Take this!? and it makes me feel so, so happy because it feels like they care unlike most of my friends. I mean, most of my friends never even gave a **** when I?d constantly skip lunch. They didn?t care, and that hurt. Villagers send me letters, they say ?Hey, remember to eat!? They say ?Hey, come play soon!? and when you?re gone, they notice unlike my friends.

Carmen is one villager that I?ve grown to love seeing- she has a gap in her teeth, and even if it?s just because she?s a bunny the recognition makes me feel really happy, because she?s kind of like me- she takes something i?ve struggled with forever and makes it adorable. She?s so cute and I feel like I need her in my town because it?d mean so much to me. Today, one of my in game friends gave me her shirt and I don?t think I?m going to take it off for a long while haha!
Tia is adorable, and she?s really big, but it never matters because she?s adorable. It makes me happy too, and I just want her in my town too. I need her almost as much as I need carmen- because it means to much to me. These are problems about my appearance i?ve struggled with for years and I can?t explain to you how much it would mean to me if you helped me.

This makes me feel so, so happy. Through all of the villagers I?ve seen, though, there have been two that stick out to me so much. And I don?t want to sound greedy- I will pay, I don?t have much, but I can pay. I just hoped you understand how much they mean to me. Thank you! Have a great day. Remember to eat.
If you have these babies, please name your price. My life?s just kinda getting in a tough spot and I was hoping I could reach out and get them. I don?t have a lot of bells, but I have a few hybrids. Again, not a lot, but words can?t express how much I want them. I hope I don?t sound too greedy!

Tl;dr I really need carmen and tia and I hope you can help me with this.
I am looking for any dreamie in my signature, please! I actually have a free spot for them now, so I can take one right away. If you have any of these dearies leaving your town, please message me! :D
I have Octavian whose moving on the 27th. I can TT him to boxes if anyone wants him. I'm also not charging anything for him.
I'm currently looking for Fang, Snake, Olivia, Phil, Bunnie, Pierce and Yuka, please PM me if you have them in boxes.
Seeking for myself in sig. But have my fiances ds for weekend through mon he's at work today so really seeking to help him gt his dreams while I can help, he is med student and works full time new to game no time for site right now too plus I am sick and he helps me so me having time off to help would like to help him stop hard cycling for tents and get him his dreams while I have his ds and he's at work. So his list: Kyle! Whitney, Lobo, Freya, Chief, Wolfgang, Cherry, Cookie in that order..starters to out after gets Kyle or Whit..Felicity, Rasher, Stinky, maybe Alfonso, Frita, Mathilda, Chops. I will be handling that for him would love to get him Kyle and Whit at least while have it.

Also I have Filbert leaving, saved him on ping day can box ASAP but no rush as am working on this along with my dreams, if have Alfonso will trade or have board temp for leavers he is on there, can't guarantee ASAP unless need him fast and can pay IGB or trade so working on mine same list and leaver ATM and getting to setting dream/hold town..but also helping my guy so if have Kyle or Whitney firstly Kyle today before too late let me know and as far as others as well but one weekend to help him before things get real busy so if have his dreams or even mine or want filbert or to reserve pecan, let me know.
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