Confetti Collecting

I think I just have 2 left to hit the cap for this round. Maybe a profile post will hit it. Maybe this post will net me 2, haha.
The great news is - I finally, finally finished the brick link challenge! OMG, I spent forever trying to put the tops on the umbrella stands, instead of having them just floating in the air. Brick link is very humbling.
Also finished all 3 canvas crossing drawings! I had way too much fun with one of them. To the person I drew - you will hopefully find it funny.
This seems about 2 confetti long
Are you all getting close to your goal? I am trying to still contribute to help you all.

Once Pietro has 9,000 confetti, we will unlock the last piece of event currency that we can all collectively claim. If you click on the bell bag next to your notifications, it will drop down a menu. If you click on your confetti amount, you’ll be able to see how much confetti Gayle, Chrissy, and Pietro have to keep track of the goal. Thanks for asking!
I'm not sure what the cap is... in general and for this round but.. I hope I make it..
Once Pietro has 9,000 confetti, we will unlock the last piece of event currency that we can all collectively claim. If you click on the bell bag next to your notifications, it will drop down a menu. If you click on your confetti amount, you’ll be able to see how much confetti Gayle, Chrissy, and Pietro have to keep track of the goal. Thanks for asking!
That's helpful, thank you! I kind of feel bad for Pietro though coming in hard last place.
With only one balloon token in my possession, I can only hope that I get a good roll this time around.

The suspension is killing me...