Confetti Collecting

I’m relieved & feel grateful for the couple of hours confetti collecting is still open on non-weekend hours, because my weekends are usually busy & filled with IRL things. My goal was to hit the limit this round, but I’ve been struggling to post anything over the weekend, so here’s to trying again next round (for the final time).
I'm at full cap, yay.
I think it's a lot easier this round to get the confetti, I think last time we had to post, like etc it felt more of a big rush, this time; I've been gradually posting and everything, but to things I would normally post and vote too.
So it feels very lax and stress free. (what isn't stress free is waiting for these ballons to see what they are ahha, hopefully won't take too long.)

Edit: when I mean last time, I mean last event/fair/camp we had to find confetti (called something else I believe)