Do you live to eat or eat to live o.o


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The latter, definitely the latter ever since I discovered I was an awesome baker! :p Bake ALL the things!
Well, if I were given a rollcake while tying my noose I'd probably stop if that's what you're saying. 8'D

I live to eat ヽ(;▽;)ノ no idea how I'm not overweight ( ? ▽ ` )ノ
I eat to live, tbh. I used to skip more meals than I'm supposed to, but I've been getting better by making sure i get at the very least 2-3 meals a day.
In between. I use to LIVE to eat, but then one time I got food poisoning and threw up twice in one night (which is so awful for me cause I never barf ever ever ever) so now I'm picky for some reason.
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