Do you miss mannequins?


Senior Member
May 10, 2020
Red Christmas Stocking
Holiday Candy Cane 2021
Tin Robot
Eerie Star Potion
White Lily
Holiday Candy Cane 2020
Christmas Candy
Orange (Fruit)
Tasty Cake
Personally I miss mannequins a lot. I used to use them to kind of look like they were populating the island and adding 'life' to the house back in New leaf.
I used to use them as like students in the school I made or teachers.
and I feel like if they were brought back into New horizons they would basically make it look like you weren't the only humanlike person on the island.
Yeeeees 😭
They need to bring them back, I used them so much. I thought for sure that we would be able to craft them.
I never got to the point of having them back in NL (up until today, actually lol I checked in, bought something at gracies and got that one) but I was always interested in testing them out. I’m sure that if we ever get them back the creativity on islands is going to skyrocket (though I’d probably only use them in my little gift shop room).
I didn’t like that you were unable to store them in NL so I don’t really miss them.
I probably won't find much use of them. But I bet these would be perfect for islands with market stalls, cafes, and other facilities. They would serve as staff. Islands with stories (like horror islands) will also put these to good use since it can provide a better visual narrative.
I really miss them actually. They added that extra touch of life to any scene especially to clothing stores. ❤
I don't think I ever used them much or that I would if they were added, but they were definitely the nicest way to display outfits. I've seen many little clothing markets and sewing shops in-game that I'm sure would look fantastic with whole outfits... And they leave a lot more room for the more 'out of the box' kind of ideas, too.

There are two of them in Ables (although posed a bit oddly), so clearly something similar is already in the code, I wonder if the chances of these returning are any good 🤔
It feels like they've purposely left out everything from NL that would make NH the perfect game, and I don't know why.

It frustrates me so much. :(
I've been wanting to build a barracks and I'd love to dress mannequins up in the knight armor.
ehhhh kind of? i mostly just used them to keep my holiday outfits (like the santa outfit, festivale outfit, etc.) hung up so i didn't have to hunt for them in my storage. it would be nice for them to come back, but i wouldn't care if they didn't.
I forgot mannequins existed in New Leaf until seeing this thread.
yes!! when i was first trying to come up with a plan for my island and house, prior to the game’s release, a lot of my ideas involved mannequins and so i was, and still am, a bit disappointed by their absence. however, i’m holding onto hope that they’ll come back one day. c’:

and sort of similar to what @EmmaFrost said, if they do come back, i really hope that we’ll be able to place them into storage this time.
Not at all. I didn’t use them in my past game and I wouldn’t in this game. The only way I’d use it is if the black base was customisable to something else like natural wood, since I wasn’t very fond of the black base colour. That way I could use it as a more aesthetically pleasing mannequin.
I had used them to store the outfits I was constantly switching between. That's not necessary now with the wand outfits, though, is it?
I didn't use them at all. It was nice to coordinate outfits on them but I never kept them around long enough. I feel like the only reason they'd be missed is for spooky towns.

They're creepy. Horror games and haunted houses have ruined them for me, lol.
Now that we have wands and the new wardrobe function, they're obsolete.