Communicating with people online has always been part of my life, so the more personality they have in text, the less far away from me they feel, so of
course I read text in their voice!
Anything to narrow the gap between you and someone you care for, no matter the distance, you know?
I've in fact written a little something regarding that. Ahem....
Through our texts,
we laugh and joke.
Through our texts,
I tickle and poke.
Through our texts,
I make you "eeeEEEE".
LOL, colon three.
Through our texts,
we say "good night".
Through our texts,
we hug real tight.
Through our texts,
we share our dreams.
Semi-colon, closed parentheses.
Text me X's when you G2G.
I'll be right here while you BRB.
We'll be together once you're back home,
and text each other over the phone.
We'll talk about us, about you and me.
and we'll say "I miss you. Less-than three".