Do you speak another language?

Ja, ich spreche Englisch und auch Deutsch! :)

(Yes, I speak English and also German!)
I only speak English. I know a little bit of French from taking it in school, but that was years ago and I only know handful of French words now. I can recognize it and sometimes guess at what is being said, but I can't fluently read/speak it, lol.
I speak English but I also speak Russian. My fluency levels are high-intermediate now, and I have been studying the language for almost 2 years. :) It is such a gorgeous and fun language. If anyone wants a speaking buddy who also speaks Russian lmk and we can play AC together.

Once I get fluent in Russian I'm going to learn Ukrainian, Belarusian, Serbian and Polish. Also Italian lol, but that one is just for fun/pleasure. I am learning Eastern Europe and slavic languages for work -- my Masters' is in Russian Area Studies.
I learned Korean at home, but I only know a few things to say to my granny. I can't actually hold a conversation in Korean at all, and I find it a really difficult language to speak T.T
Whenever I see other nonKorean pick up Korean so fast, I feel so disappointed in myself lol.

I can also speak French since I learned it at school since I was super young. I pick it back up really quickly when Im in France and I can actually hold a conversation with my friends as long as they speak lentement!
I took French in high school and I've lost most of it. My native language is Vietnamese, which I wish I had tried harder to remain fluent in. Now I can only hold very basic conversations only.
Nope, but i'd like to learn several. now that i'm all graduated, i can take the time to study languages more! I took three semesters of Japanese in college, but I've forgotten a lot since then. I would also like to learn Korean, German, French, and Spanish eventually. I will probably never master any, but I think learning a new language is really enjoyable (at least i thoroughly enjoyed my Japanese classes)
Learning japanese too. Mostly focused on reading/writing/listening atm. I'll have to pick up speaking/practice speaking at a later date. If I get fluent in that I'll pick Spanish up again as that was the language I took in school and I can put together one or two butchered sentences and a couple of words. It'll be easier to remember things I learned once and forgot than something entirely new, alongside it having the most practical application for where I live. I also don't have to learn a new alphabet which will greatly speed up the process. The only reason I'm progressing as slowly in Japanese as I am is because of that.

If I became fluent in both of those...I'd say sign language is the other most practical language to learn but I don't think I'm capable of learning it, and definitely not speaking it. If I really did become fluent in two other languages and wanted to pick up a third to learn (well, fourth language overall) I'm not sure what else I would pick. Probably never going to happen though so it probably doesn't even matter. Being fluent/semi-fluent in three languages would already be good enough.
I do not. I took French for a couple of years (since I'm Canadian it was mandatory in my province from grades 4-7, but the grades you take it from vary from province to province) but I didn't really retain any of it. I think that's mainly because I hated French class. A lot of learning & grading in French relied on your ability to pronounce/speak the words so we had to do a lot of French presentations, skits, verbal tests, etc and it was horrible, lol. I'm really shy and hate presentations at the best of times but having to be extra nervous about whether or not I'm even pronouncing what I'm presenting right? Total nightmare. I'd love to learn French though, so that I have more job opportunities and whatnot but I have such a terrible time with pronunciations. I cannot roll my r's for the life of me, lol.

Oh poor thing, that's one hard way to learn french D: Can totally understand why you hated it XD (And i think pronunciations is ALWAYS the worst part while learning a new language.)

My first language is French ! My parents we're very serious about it and really encourage my sister and i to respect and appreciate our language. It's whitout a doubt one of the hardest language to learn (always admire people who learned it as a second language). But i just love it and i'm really sad to see it dying slowly in Canada :c
On the side i'm learning english bit by bit. Mostly because of my favorites youtubers and some series i loved with their original voices. (Thanks my little pony o/) Wouldn't say i'm fluent, but not bad either ! Talking is a pain, like many others, i have some difficulties with some sound x)
I really enjoy the process of learning languages. I speak Portuguese natively, as well as English and Spanish, presently taking French and Japanese classes.
Only English for me :( I really want to learn French since living in France (specifically Paris) is my ultimate dream but because of my speech delay it makes learning other languages really hard so my parents won't let me sign up for French class...
I learned Korean at home, but I only know a few things to say to my granny. I can't actually hold a conversation in Korean at all, and I find it a really difficult language to speak T.T
Whenever I see other nonKorean pick up Korean so fast, I feel so disappointed in myself lol.

I can also speak French since I learned it at school since I was super young. I pick it back up really quickly when Im in France and I can actually hold a conversation with my friends as long as they speak lentement!
I applaud your initiative. I should be learning Italian but after almost 3 years of living here my level is still super basic! Super shameful considering my mother tongue is Spanish. I'm impressed with anyone that speaks French because that pronunciation is something that my mouth and throat refuse to do 🤣

I think Korean might be very challenging to learn by yourself precisely because of the pronunciation, so don't be too harsh on yourself please! I took Korean language lessons while I was living there and I firmly believe that the beginner course was the most important since our professor did an amazing work at making us enunciate very clearly every syllable and every word.
i do speak german as i was born here lol but both of my parents are from iraq, so i know some arabic! sadly i can neither write or read it, but i can somewhat hold a conversation 😅 it doesn't help that we have a dialect in arabic, so i can barely talk to other arabic speakers :| then i also speak english, obviously, learned it at school and perfected it on the internet lol. i also learned french for 6 years and spanish for 4 years at school, i can still speak and understand some and i would love to pick them up again, but they were definitely very difficult :p
No, and it's really upsetting to me since I'm obsessed with linguistics. But I am learning Mandarin.
I'm a native French speaker, I learned English on forums copying others 😆
Yep, Dutch! Which is my native language. Learned English mostly online and now I think I might actually use it more than Dutch, actually.

I also know a bit of German, which is handy because I live 20 minutes away from their border and can at least talk to them without sounding like a complete idiot. Not great at it, though. We also get taught French in schools here but I dropped that as soon as I could, studying languages is just not my thing.
I can speak enough Spanish to get around in Spanish-speaking countries, but I wouldn't be able to have a sophisticated conversation by any means.
I can speak little snippets of a few languages, but the only other language I can hold a reasonable conversation in is German, I was going to carry on refreshing it last year, but kinda didn't :D
not fluently, but I've been learning german in school for ~5 years now, and once I finish school this year I think I'll technically be at the B2 CEFR level for it? I'd love to continue learning it even after i finish school because I just love the idea of being able to competently speak another language!
I can only really speak English. I took 12 years of French throughout my schooling and while I can read and write it reasonably well, somehow I'm still not able to hold a conversation. My brain and mouth just don't work fast enough together to translate my thoughts in a verbal setting 😅