• The Bell Tree Fair 2024's closing ceremony is finally here! Event results, TBTer drawings, collectible reveal, quiz answers, art, stories, raffles, and more. You can find the six-part thread in the Bulletin Board! Thank you, everyone, for making our TBT birthday celebration so special!

English Video Journals from Mayor Joshy (keep them in here)

The point of a reviewer is to review a game. His job is to give commentary on the gameplay and aspects of the game, not sit and honor every question or neck and call from the fans.

And Linandko try to help their fans because that was the point of their videos. They advise you to ask questions at the end, that aren't already answered before. Josh never once said "these videos are for your enjoyment and you can ask questions"
Technically, he doesn't have to give a hoot and a half about the AC fandom following his videos, as its not in the job description.
Well then why does he have a series? I mean why not do one or two vids review and be done?
But at least Lin and Ko at least try to help their fans. After watching several of Josh's videos, I can see that he really doesn't care much for his fans in any regard. I mean has he even mentioned them? He seems too far distant from his fans to be posting informative gameplay.

He should make an FAQ or at least attempt to talk to his fans. His last video had comments blocked because obviously he isn't proffesional to care about fan's concerns. Sure, some fans seem idiotic in a sense for their repeated questions, but that is no excuse for him to ignore them entirely.

I don't think you understand the situation with Josh and his animal crossing fanbase. If you go to any other video of his that ISN'T animal crossing related, he has comments enabled. The reason comments are disabled in his Animal Crossing ones only is actually a notsofunny story.

The animal crossing fandom outside of these forums is honestly, in my opinion, really not so great. Josh does coverage of hundreds of games OTHER than animal crossing, and people seem to not grasp that fact. I would go to his Brain Age videos, and literally almost 70% of the comments were people nagging and complaining and almost even harassing him that he wasn't posting any animal crossing videos. This gets annoying. You've got the animal crossing fanbase going to a completely unrelated video and completely bashing the guy, even though it's his channel and his job and he can do what he finds appropriate. If he didn't care about his fans, why is he still doing video journals? honestly if I were him, I wouldn't take any more of this bullcrap and cut the videos completely, because the comments were getting really ridiculous.

LinandKo is a different situation because doing reviews and coverage isn't their job. Josh's job is to cover several different games. He can't just do Animal Crossing 24/7, and the fanbase goes nuts about that.
Because, he can decide to continue a series if he pleases, as it is on his WiiFolderJosh channel. But some reviews, for games he gets early copy of from the developer themselves, he is o abide by a contract. He has to do what is asked of him and said contract, no more, no less.

EDIT; yeah, I agree 100% with sora. Not to mention he can always disable adding comments. If I were him, I would.
Reviewing a game =/= having to deal with the fandom of said game
If you're going to upload videos to youtube...to the INTERNET, you should know what to expect.
If you're going to upload videos to youtube...to the INTERNET, you should know what to expect.

and he does know what to expect, that's why he hasn't stopped the videos and has chosen to disable comments. It's not because he doesn't care about his fans.
If you're going to upload videos to youtube...to the INTERNET, you should know what to expect.

I don't think ANYONE in any job should have to tolerate obnoxious behaviour. I don't care if you're on the Internet, you don't act like an obnoxious jerk.
If you're going to upload videos to youtube...to the INTERNET, you should know what to expect.
THANK you. I already said my thoughts on Josh in another thread so I won't go back into it. IMO, his AC videos ARE the reason he's getting more exposure. I have honestly never heard of The Bit Block until I saw one of his journals.

That is the reason why he is getting bombarded because some fans are impatient for this game. And please people, don't generalize the entire AC fan base like that. This forum isn't the only "good" place where AC fans go.
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The longer the complaining about his complaining goes on, the more I decide that I'm not on Josh's side on this issue.

Josh is clearly a professional game reviewer and therefore really should not be treating any member of his viewer base like he views them as ignorant children. He should handle repetitive questions in a professional manner. If repeat questions but him that much, he should put a short FAQ at the start of his videos, and if they somehow miss that, he should just not acknowledge them.

Unlike members of the bell tree, not every fan of the series is going to spend every waking moment learning everything about Animal Crossing. They hear rumors and ask about what they heard because they would assume someone who is playing the games would probably know the answer at that moment. They might enjoy the game casually and not visit fansites or tumblr or anything like that and not everyone is going to stumble onto his series from the beginning. I dunno if you guys have visited youtube in the last few years or so but those videos on the side of the viewing page are pretty random and generated based off your viewing history. It's not impossible for someone to be looking up videos for the new animal crossing game and stumble into part 3 or 4 of Josh's videos. And of course, if this is the first time they've seen an English video when the game isn't supposed to be coming out yet, they're going to want to know how he got his copy.

If you can't handle spammy questions without turning into a jerk, you probably shouldn't be putting yourself as an official reviewer of the games. I already found it pretty stupid of him to turn around and do the English version of the game when he already knew what the fanbase was like thanks to his first run through in Japanese. If he didn't like the comments then, why on earth did he jump right back into it?

Personally, the more I hear about Josh the less I like him. I'm not going to ever be able to watch his videos now with the impression that he thinks because I'm an animal crossing fan that I'm an idiot who asks the same questions over and over. I also can't enjoy a series when I know the person making the videos is faking his enthusiasm for the games. I can't really view Josh as a professional anymore. Part of being a professional is handling yourself in a mature manner even if something upsets you.

I can and I will blame him for his lack of professionalism. I don't care if 200 users asked him the same question in a row. He can easily just pass over those comments and choose to brush them off and make a FAQ video later on if it gets over bearing. He makes videos professionally, so he can't really say 'well I don't have the time to just make a 5 minute faq video', considering that seems to be a the very least a side job for him. |: Get a list of frequently asked questions and answer them. Then after that any 'spam' can be replied to with 'watch the faq video'.

Here are a couple of my responses to your complaints.

If they hear a rumor or have a question, would it not be easier just to do a Google search first? It takes far less time than waiting to be answered.

Want to know why he's doing coverage on the English version now instead of the Japanese version? Nintendo sent him the game early for that very purpose, so that he could review it and occassionally post his thoughts and gameplay footage. If he kept playing the Japanese version and didn't post his thoughts or review the English version, Nintendo probably wouldn't send him another pre-release game again.

I do, however agree with you that he should make a FAQ video. If he did that, it would help answer a lot of questions and clear some of the spam up (hopefully).

I don't think some of your reasons to dislike Josh are justified, though.
If the animal crossing fanbase bugs him that much, he should not have continued his series. He should have turned Nintendo's offer to play the game down. He could make his money doing other game videos instead.

Working to respond to posts that others find obnoxious is not 'tolerating' obnoxious behavior. It's a method to help stop the obnoxious behavior.

Again, I'll repeat myself: Not everyone who is asking repetitive questions is TRYING to be obnoxious. It might be a hard concept to grasp since we're all huge animal crossing fans, but not all fans are like us and already know everything about the game. There will be people who don't know how people got the English version. They won't all find his videos from part one. The people who fall under either of those areas will of course ask how he got the game. They'll also ask simple questions because they want to learn more about a game.

Nintendo gave out these early English previews for the specific reason of getting word out on the game before it's released. They WANT people to learn more about the game and the series. Refusing to answer questions about the game is pretty much going against the reason Nintendo gave the games out in the first place. They didn't just give these games out so the people who already know about the games can see the same thing over and over in English. They already know we've seen the Japanese videos. They want to show the game off to new customers and they want the people playing these versions to be part of their commercial for the game. To spread the word and teach about animal crossing. If Josh can't handle that, he should have turned down the offer instead of putting himself back in a situation he does not want to be in.

Edit since you posted while I was posting:

Here are a couple of my responses to your complaints.

If they hear a rumor or have a question, would it not be easier just to do a Google search first? It takes far less time than waiting to be answered.

Want to know why he's doing coverage on the English version now instead of the Japanese version? Nintendo sent him the game early for that very purpose, so that he could review it and occassionally post his thoughts and gameplay footage. If he kept playing the Japanese version and didn't post his thoughts or review the English version, Nintendo probably wouldn't send him another pre-release game again.

I do, however agree with you that he should make a FAQ video. If he did that, it would help answer a lot of questions and clear some of the spam up (hopefully).

I don't think some of your reasons to dislike Josh are justified, though.

My reasons are completely justified on the basis that I am not looking at his videos or his behavior as a fan of the game series. I could care less if he was playing ANimal Crossing, Mass Effect, or Call of Duty. I am looking at them based on my presumptions of what is and is not a mature business practice in the real world. Why should someone have to run off to Google to find information that might not even be true because it's on a forum? Why shouldn't they think it's okay to ask someone who they can see actually playing the game? Some of these people probably weren't even fans of Josh in the first place and just wanted to ask questions to get their answers. If I were in that position and didn't know much about the games, I would want an answer from someone I have seen playing the game. In fact, I have asked a youtuber questions about a game I have never played before because they are playing the game, and I would assume that as a profession game reviewer, someone like Josh would have the experience and knowledge of the game to give a full, complete, and helpful answer.
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What this thread turned into, is why a lot of the "youtuber" topics get locked instantly. =/

Unfortunately we've had some arguments begin due to people voicing their distaste in Josh and TheBitBlock. This thread is turning more into a defend or oppose Josh thread rather than a discussion of his videos.
I only added my two cents because there was already discussion going on about his behavior towards his fans, which I find unprofessional regardless of how many repetitive questions he gets. Because I don't agree with the white knight "he has every right to complain" point of view.

He doesn't. He is a professional video game reviewer. Nintendo gave him a game to help review introduce to new fans and to teach what happens int he game. If he just wanted to play the game because he likes animal crossing, and NOT because he wanted to help teach others about it, he should have waited until June 9/14th like the rest of us who want to play it for ourselves. Heck, even some of those who are waiting for the game like that are more willing to answer fan questions than Josh seems to be from all the conversation I see about his reaction to the animal crossing fanbase.
This thread is turning more into a defend or oppose Josh thread rather than a discussion of his videos.

Exactly. This is the reason why making youtuber topics is looked down upon in the first place, they ALL turn out like this.
And it's always the same youtubers. Josh, Lindsey, and Zed. I don't understand what the whole deal is with people wanting to argue over how they run their channels.
You guys... are absolutely ridiculous.

He's a human being, but you guys are treating him like a character in a TV show. You are trying to justify and unjustify his actions without even really knowing him or why he is acting this way. Everything you are saying is based off of speculation or personal feelings. You are trying to judge someone's personality based off of comments left on the internet. I'm not on a side for or against Josh, however, I keep seeing these threads popping up. These threads are never about just talking about the videos themselves, no. They have to turn into this childish debate about how good of a person these people are, or how bad they are, or how they should do things. It turns into a bunch of five-years olds arguing about why Batman sucks/is awesome.

No proof is given. It's just a circular disagreement that simply can't be proven. Trying to say that you are "right" because of a personal opinion is immature.
Exactly. This is the reason why making youtuber topics is looked down upon in the first place, they ALL turn out like this.
And it's always the same youtubers. Josh, Lindsey, and Zed. I don't understand what the whole deal is with people wanting to argue over how they run their channels.

Neither do I. I understand not liking someone, but sometimes it's best just to keep your opinions to yourself, especially in this case when this thread's purpose is discussion of his videos, not our opinions on his personality and how he runs his channel.
You guys all need to calm down. As with any job, there are things you like and things you don't like. He probably gets thousands of questions, and if he answered some of them, then everyone who didn't get an answer would be complaining like crazy.

Also, he probably has more than just AC to play and review. He still gives us things he thinks we'd like to see.

If you don't want to watch his videos, then don't! It's okay! No one is going to force you to!

If you want to watch them, do it! No one will keep them from you!

Just calm down!
Righto, let's try and get back on topic, shall we?

Anywho, I'm wondering if there'll be another journal tonight. He put the second one up two days after the first, so I'm wondering if he's putting the third up tonight, two days after the second.
With many of the other YouTube threads we've had, they've ended up with fighting.
Last chance to clean it up and stop the fighting.
I couldn't resist the temptation and I watched Mayor Joshua's videos... Makes me want NL even more now! It's really weird seeing the game in English after watching so many Japanese videos, it almost doesn't look right! :p