Pokémon First ever shiny pokemon?

In what generation did you find your first shiny?

  • Gen 2

    Votes: 37 15.3%
  • Gen 3

    Votes: 48 19.8%
  • Gen 4

    Votes: 61 25.2%
  • Gen 5

    Votes: 26 10.7%
  • Gen 6

    Votes: 70 28.9%

  • Total voters
My first wild shiny was a raticate I met while level grinding in Cinnabar Mansion in Leaf Green. Still got him. =^_~= Since then I caught a shiny espurr in Y, and a ninetales in X or Y (can't remember which), then my most prized shiny is an entei I caught in Alpha Sapphire. Boy that was a scary battle. Battery was nearly dead and I was like, eh, I'll start the encounter and if it dies before I plug in no big deal, I'll just fight him again. Then entei jumps out of the portal with that sparkle effect and I nearly peed my pants. Never scrambled so fast for a 3DS charger EVER.
Shiny Pidgey in Gold. I didn't know what it was, so I killed it, only a few years later playing emerald did I discover what shinies are
I've never caught a shiny pokemon in thw wild :( I don't even know if I've seen one. i probably have, but was too young and stupid to know what it was.

However, I was gifted a shiny Quagsire and I love him.
i can't remember but i think i got a shiny togekiss as my first. and no, i didnt caught it or anything. i created it. i am the god of pokemon and can bring any pokemon into existent. lol jk, i got it from pokecheck LOL
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first one was in x, i was fishing on route 12 and caught a shiny corsola.

second was in omega ruby, i was running around a mirage island and found a shiny forretress.

third in alpha sapphire, level grinding on a mirage island and ran into a shiny glameow.

as far as trades, i was wonder trading on AS and got a lvl 75 shiny toxicroak with pokerus o_O
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My first (and only) shiny was a Bibarel in the Great Marsh (Pokemon Platinum). I think I held my breath the entire time. I threw mud twice and then one food, and finally the ball. I never used it, and I don't know what happened to it (the last time I saw it I put it into Pokemon Battle Revolution), but that Bibarel will always have a special place in my heart.
Not counting the Lake of Rage Gyarados from G/S/C, the first shiny I encountered was a Gligar in HeartGold. I caught it and have since evolved it into a Gliscor. It's currently sitting in Black 2 or White 2, and I'm unsure whether I want to keep it in Gen V or transfer it into Gen VI. The coloration on the Gen VI model seems a bit more dull, and I'm not sure how I feel about the bulky look.
The first I ever saw and wasn't traded to me was in my playthrough of Alpha Sapphire. It was a Lunatone in Meteor Falls, which is already difficult to catch, but where I had just started I ran out of Pokeballs and killed it.
Randomly found a shiny Bronzor in Platinum. I accidentally released it when I was cleaning out my PC whoops.
I've never found one in the wild but I bred my first one in Black 2! It's a shiny snorunt (later evolves into froslass My FAV)
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Zigzagoon in emerald several years ago, thought my game was glitched. It was the first pokemon I encountered at the start of the game with pokeballs on hand. In that same game also had shiny golbat. In the next month I had shiny weedle and zubat from leafgreen.

But I've never seen a wild shiny since then, not even in X and Y where everyone seems to have them.
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