Have you completed your Museum?

I swear, Redd is scheming against some of us personally.

Funnily enough, Redd has been somewhat consistent with his visits to my island. The problem is he really likes to bring repeats of genuine art pieces.
Funnily enough, Redd has been somewhat consistent with his visits to my island. The problem is he really likes to bring repeats of genuine art pieces.

Oh that is SUPER obnoxious. I've had a problem with him where he brings no genuine art one visit and the next, he has three pieces and I have to either pick one or enlist friends to buy the extras for me!

Maybe you could buy the repeats and trade them on here or nookazon or something for ones you're missing? I've balked at flat out buying extra art to complete my museum because I figure waiting for Redd is part of the fun, but if you trade the art you get from Redd when he visits it's almost like Redd isn't screwing with you lol.
Playing in regular time for the most part, so still waiting on 1 bug and sea creatures. I farmed and traded for the art because it didn't seem mathematically possible to get it all through Redd's visits since they are only 25-26 times each year and he has duplicates and fakes sometimes.
Yes! My museum is 100% complete. Completing it is one of the best parts of the game. Sometimes I just go in there and hang out. The art exhibit is my favorite section.
I have finished the fossil section. I caught a pond smelt a few days ago which was my last fish but I still need 2 sea creatures, firefly squid and spider crab so technically my fish section isn't done. Once we get snowballs I can catch a dung beetle and my bug section will be done. It's always the art section that takes me the longest. I still need a lot of them.
I've never completed a museum in like my 14 years of playing the entire series!!
I don't think I ever will either, especially with how infrequent Redd is lol, and how he sometimes brings repeat art/all fake art
I have completed the fish and fossils. I still need three sea creatures . The only bug I need is the dung beetle. I still need six paintings/statues to complete the art section.
I've completed art and fossils, but not fishing and bugs :/
I only started playing at the beginning of october and I haven't done any huge time travelling (yet) so it'll probably take me a Long time to finish my bugs and fish, I'm one fossil away from finishing that part of my museum tho
No. I've finished with Fish and fossils though.

Deep sea diving can't be completed until March 2021 because of diving being released too late into the year.

Bug collection will be completed when the snow arrives and I get that dung beetle.

I'll probably never complete the art exhibit because it's way too slow of a process.
Like a lot of other people, I have the fossils and fish done. Just need the dung beetle for bugs and a handful of deep sea creatures left. And I definitely have a long way to go with the art lol.
Have you finished your museum?:
No not yet, I’ve only finished the fossil section of the museum. Fish and bugs shouldn’t be too hard to finish once the appropriate seasons come around. Art section will probably take me the longest.

Have you caught a flea?:
Yes! I’ve caught plenty of fleas, but flies on the other hand.. I’ve only managed to catch one so far and accidentally scared another one off. Those were the only two times I’ve managed to see a fly.

What was the last bug/fish/sea creature/art you found?:
Since I’ve only completed the fossil section of my museum, the last fossil i needed was the right ptera wing.
I've completed the Fish exhibit and the Fossil exhibit and I'm just one insect away from completing the Bug exhibit. As for the art exhibit, that's still in the works but I'm not that far from completing it thanks to this forum.

I do wonder what Nintendo has planned for the museum past the game's first year of life when most everyone will have obtained all fish, bugs and fossils. Perhaps it ties with Brewster's Café which there's already some data about in the code? :O
I'm in the "non-TTer who played since launch" crowd, so I'm waiting on the snow to stick so I can grab that dung beetle, and then it'll just be art going forward. Thankfully, @Hobowire gave me a huge headstart on that, and between my irl friends playing ACNH and me, I don't expect it to take much longer.
I haven't completed my museum since I don't TT. However, I have completed my fossil, fish and art sections (with almost all of the art being acquired through various people on this forum, lol). I'm one bug away (dung beetle) from completing the bug section, and 2 sea creatures (firefly squid, spider crab) away from completing the sea creatures section. So I'll complete it in March, which is pretty good considering I've never completed the museum (nor even a section of the museum) in any previous AC game.
Not even close, lol. I mean, my fossil collection was completed months ago. But everything else? Nah. The bug section is close. I've CAUGHT all the bugs at this point, but I somehow consistently forgot to donate a Horned Hercules 😩 SO now I've gotta TT back to summer after I farm the snowman DIYs. Boo. But on the way back to summer I guess I'll be able to move a villager out, so I guess that's nice.

The fish and art section aren't even close, though. I haven't caught that many fish, all things considered (I have, admittedly, been super lazy with fishing- but there are so many other things to do!) and I'm not trading for art pieces or anything, just collecting them as Redd has 'em. Honestly, I'm cool with everything taking awhile- I'm hoping to keep this island for a long time, so I'm in no hurry!
My fossils were finished pretty early on, maybe June or July? Fish were finished this month, and I'm just waiting for the dung beetle later this month to start showing up. After that I need I think 4-ish sea critters left, and probably more than half of the art.
Haven't completed my museum yet, but I'm quite close. Fossils and art sections are complete, only missing 1 bug, 1 fish and 2 deep sea-creatures. Nearly there! :D
I complete the fish area and the art area. It was really hard, but i am happy with my museum.
The bug area just left one bug, I am very excited to catch him.