Have you completed your Museum?

My museum is almost complete (not counting the art section because it's incredibly random due to Redd's spawn rate).

I need only 1 fish (Napoleon Fish), 6 deep-sea creatures (one of them is the sea pig, that I've missed during winter so I really need to visit someone on the northern hemisphere in order to try and find one), and 17 insects (all of them are cicadas and beetles).

The fossil section was really easy, I've completed it months ago.
Have you finished your museum?
nope i've been lazy about acnh lately ;w;

Have you caught a flea?
yep i'm surprised you haven't yet!! :v good luck!

What was the last bug/fish/sea creature/art you found?
uuuum i think a pike? or it may of been the moving painting...
Only completed the Fossils and Art portions. Never the Bug or Fish. I got the Golden Rod and Golden Fish DIYs from trading.
Done with Fossil, Fish, Sea Creature, Art. Missing only Dung Bettle now lol Waiting for Dec 11th cause i dont TT xD
Completed fossils a long time ago. Completed the fish on the first day of December. Can't complete the insects until the snow sticks (dung beetle is the last one I need). Have a few sea creatures left...but only the winter ones. Also, the art is gonna take me forever at the rate that Redd appears (or doesn't appear). I don't time travel. So...yeah, that's it for me. Waiting for the dung beetle and cursing Redd's constant absence.
I've only completed the fossils. Unfortunately I'll probably have to wait til next year for everything else. I'm not trading for the art and I'm also not searching up the bug/fish lists each month. I feel like I've done pretty well. I'm only missing 1 - 3 from each category. The art, however, will probably take me 2 years to complete without outside help. I guess I'm fine with that though!
No not nearly near completion:p
I finished the fossils but thats about it. Im still on 80% of the rest of the exhibitions because I don't really bother to make sure i catch everything every month..
Oh well, keeps me busy for a couple more months/years
Nowhere near lol

I've got most of the bugs, missing dung beetle and a few others (fly, ant, and I think maybe one of the other summer beetles) a lot of fish missing cause I hate fishing, most of the art is missing, and about half the sea creatures cause I never go diving haha

Edit: I have finished the fossils though! Finished them so long ago now that I completely forgot they exist haha

--> Finished fossils part
--> Just need 1 fish which i working of getting this month and ill be finished 🥳
--> Need three bug one of them ill be able to get once there is snow )
--> Just need three sea creatures
--> Need a ton of pieces of art I have like maybe 10 I think

One side of me cant wait to finish the museum but there is another side having too much fun donating things to the museum so i also dont want to finish it 😂. Hope we will get a new update for museum at some point with more fish, bugs, fossils, art or just more sections with new items to collect hahah, lets hope🤞
No, I haven't completed my museum yet! I finished the fossil exhibit a while ago (in May I think) and only have 1 more bug and 1 more fish to catch, but I still need a lot of sea creatures and pieces of art.
to be honest, I was bored in september and october so I time traveled (please don't hate me, I am just a human who was so bored at the time) and my answers are :

Have you finished your museum? yes
Have you caught a flea? yes and a lot of them lol
What was the last bug/fish/sea creature/art you found?
dung beetle / Napoleonfish / snow crab and warrior statue

and I am really happy to see my museum finished ^^, I love visiting the musuem
not yet, the only one i have fully completed is the fossils
Nope, I've been very laid back with AC recently, only really doing dailies and talking to my villagers for the most part. I'm not too fussed about the museum since I take a very leisurely approach to the game and believe I'll find everything in due process lol.
I just finished my museum today and was honestly kind of disappointed there was no real fanfare, Blathers just kind of says thanks for helping, but that’s it. Your character doesn’t even do a little jig like when you pay-off a loan or catch the last bug or fish.

Have you finished your museum? Yes
Have you caught a flea? Yes
What was the last bug/fish/sea creature/art you found? Last bug: dung beetle (had to wait for snowballs), last fish: pike, last sea creature: spider crab, last art: robust statue
The only section that I have completed in my museum is the fossil exhibit. It is the first place that has achieved a full completion of every available fossil in the game. What needs to be accomplished next are the insects and fish encyclopedia including the rest of the sea critters that haven't been caught. My museum is halfway close to being 100% finished, there are still some insects/fish that are remaining to be obtained. I only need one more painting to give to Blathers to finish off the art area, but the only thing is that I have to figure out what artwork I am currently missing from the entire collection of art displayed in the museum.
All complete except the art section. The last bug I caught was the tarantula, which I was starting to despair of ever seeing, despite flying to numerous mystery islands (yes, at the right time of day and season).
I've completed all of it, apart from the art and diving critters :L I'm about half way through with the art, and less than 10 off the diving critters :D
All I need is the gallant statue/statue of David. Its strange because I got 4 great statues from Redd but no gallant statues. Been pretty lazy with the game lately so I don't feel like farming Redd too much. Maybe this year I'll get it lol
I finished the fossil exhibit pretty early on, I seemed to get lucky with my fossils and hardly ever got any repeats when trying to complete that section. The fish section is also completed but that was only achieved very recently, while I still need 10 bugs and 9 sea critters for the other parts. I'm a long way away from completing the art as Redd seems to keep only bringing fake paintings with him.

Last fish/bug/sea critter/art: Stringfish/Flea/Red King Crab/Glowing Painting