Have you ever broken a bone?

Have you broken a bone before?

  • Yes I have!

    Votes: 35 46.7%
  • No I haven't.

    Votes: 30 40.0%
  • Only sprained something...

    Votes: 10 13.3%

  • Total voters


Dec 16, 2016
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Purple Feather
Waluigi Easter Egg
Waluigi Easter Egg
Waluigi Easter Egg
Waluigi Easter Egg
Waluigi Easter Egg
As the title says, have you ever broken a bone before? If so, whereabouts was it? Was it painful? Was surgery required? How was the recovery?

I broke my leg (lower fibula) over a month ago, so I'm still in the recovery period right now. I've had it operated on as the bone had slightly misaligned. Still in a cast right now and on crutches, hoping to get it off in a few weeks time. This is the first time I've broken a bone in my life, previously I had only mildly sprained my ankle a couple times.

Post your experiences below 😊
I have. I think I was nine years old. I broke my left elbow being an idiot — I’d rather not get into how it happened because it’s really dumb. Because it was the elbow, I had to wear a whole arm cast for about a month. Actually, it was dislocated as well and getting it snapped back into place was the most painful thing ever. I just can’t believe it took so long to heal.
I fractured the top of my left foot when I was in high school playing football. It wasn't from a collision or anything like that. I had my foot on the ground and I turned my body real quick without lifting my foot and it just snapped. Back then I was quite sporty but I've always been underweight and had low bone density... so that was apparently the biggest factor. At the time I knew I "hurt" my foot but I didn't realise it was as serious as a fracture so I kept playing the last half. It eventually got so painful that my coach had to carry me to the bus when it was over. My foot was obviously swollen but I still didn't believe it was broken and it was already pretty late so we waited until morning to go to the hospital. They put me in a cast and I was in crutches for a month. It was really hard on me because it was my last season on the team as I was a senior and I couldn't play my last games of my high school career. I also went to prom in crutches lol.

I was actually supposed to go to physical therapy... I don't remember the exact reason but I didn't do it. My doctor just prescribed me painkillers and I eventually got hooked on them and even continued taking them in my first year of college. Took me like a year to not be dependent on them even though I was already healed, so yeah not a fun!!! Sometimes I still feel numbness or phantom pain in my left foot and I can't wear heels or really flat shoes for long periods of time... but thankfully I've never broken another bone after that!
Nope! No sprains and I've never needed stitches either. *Knocks on wood* lol
Nope! Never broken a bone or sprained anything. Though, I've had a few surgeries - two on the same finger for the same injury (severed both tendons and nerves), and two c-sections for the same pregnancy (our son, Nicholas). Odd that it's only been "multiples for one" type-deals.
no, i don’t go anywhere or do anything so luckily i have not.
I’m pretty sure I broke my little finger as a kid after I got it caught in a chain swing at the park. My mum refused to take me to A&E but for weeks I couldn’t move it without being in a lot of pain. Once I could move it it took months to get it to move normally. To this day anytime I move it, it feels a lot weaker than the little finger on my opposite hand.
I have! Both when I was little—I broke my arm in a trampoline accident, and one of middle toes after an unfortunate collision with an ottoman during a pratfall. Neither required operation, but even though I messed up my toe pretty bad, getting the arm treated was a lot more painful. I actually screamed when my arm got set; the toe was more of an "ahaha oww".
My arm recovered nicely, but it took awhile to be able to move it again after I got the cast removed. My toe was set very well, so it healed up nice and straight, but it's visibly a bit thicker than the same toe on the other foot, and every now and then it'll ache a little.
I broke my wrist in elementary school! I remember it felt super weird like I couldn't grip anything afterwards no matter how hard I tried, and my hand felt fuzzy like it had fallen asleep. Then I went to the doctors and got a cast etc. and it healed and I'm all good now
I sprained my leg in grade 1 jumping on a trampoline. I flew off and hit the ground. Good thing they added netting to around trampolines cause we didn't have that back in my day.
Only got sprained once. I was like 6 and was playing and someone accidentally stepped on my wrist, giving me a cast for 3 months and nonstop crying for days from pain.

Also, since people broke a bone and/or sprained it, which is more painful in your experience?
I cracked a rib one time. That was really painful. Sneezing, coughing, breathing, just sudden shifts in the bed would wake me up in excruciating pain.

Actually sneezing made me want to double over in pain.

@WhiteLily210 It really depends where the fracture or sprain is. A broken bone or sprain where most of your weight usually goes is very painful.
Yes, I broke my ankle 3 years ago by falling down the stairs. Surprisingly, it only hurt for 24 hours, but it was incredibly swollen & bruised and I couldn't walk on it properly for 2.5 months.
Yes. I broke my left leg when I was 3 by dropping a TV on it. I don't remember what immediately happened after that, next thing I remember is having it in a cast. It ended up fully healing. Haven't broken any bone since then.
I broke my wrist and maybe my sternum (that was never confirmed officially though). The wrist didn’t hurt too bad, it took six weeks to heal. But the sternum hurt really bad for multiple months. I couldn’t laugh, breathe, cough etc. Both happened when I was ice-skating and I fell.
Yep. I've broken my arm (two bones at the same time, radius and ulna located in the right arm; thank GOD I'm left-handed), my tail-bone TWICE within six months of breaking it the first time, my big toe, and I've sprained each ankle AT LEAST twice.

Worst break out of all of them: My arm. It wasn't healing correctly, the bones were healing crooked, so they had to put a metal rod in, and the surgery made my pediatric surgeon so nervous, she accidentally sliced my upper arm trying to get the rod in. I have 3 scars from said surgery. She also had to change her scrubs twice because she was so sweaty and nervous ;v; I barely remember the pain I was in, but my mom told me I needed a fentanyl patch to ease the pain (I was 9, btw), and even that didn't help.

The tailbone breaks were probably the second worst, then my big toe really didn't hurt much. But one ankle sprain probably tops all of these, ranking pain wise. :"D They wanted to put it in a cast the sprain was so bad. And at first, they couldn't even tell if it was broken or just sprained due to how swollen my ankle was. It ruined my relationship with my mom's dog, I was so scared of her after that, I didn't even wanna take her for walks anymore (since that's how I sprained it). She pulled me off the front porch and I went F L Y I N G.

Anyways, I'm a very clumsy person.
I fell off the bathroom counter while trying to wash my leg or foot when I was way younger. I ended up landing on my wrist and breaking it. Thankfully it was a clean break, so it didn't require surgery. It's been better for years!
I've been very lucky to have never broken a bone considering how clumsy I am. I've hurt myself plenty of times, but never broken anything so far.

I was very prone to getting sprained ankles and knees back when I played volleyball and had to wear both ankle and knee braces for support while I was playing.

My most painful injury was probably when I jammed my finger playing basketball during gym class. It was so swollen and purple that everyone was afraid I had broken it until the x-rays showed otherwise. I had to keep my fingers taped together for a few weeks and it was my dominant hand so it made life very difficult.
i thankfully haven’t, but i’ve sprained and fractured my ankle more than once, as well as a couple fingers. not as severe as a full-on break, but still pretty unpleasant experiences. 😅

my ankle has a tendency to bend while i’m walking (even while on completely flat ground), which is annoying but harmless if i manage to regain my balance, but uh… sometimes i don’t lol. sometimes it catches me off guard and i fall, and that’s when the sprain happens. the first time it happened was when i was in 6th grade, and the last time was when i was in 8th (of course both times happened while i was at school 🙄), so it’s been a while. both times, my ankle and foot were purple and blue, swollen to the point that i couldn’t wear shoes or go to school (i had to wear a plastic bag to go get an x-ray since i couldn’t get my shoe on) and could barely walk or move my ankle or foot. it sucked lmao.

as for my fingers, they were unfortunately also injured during school hours. my class and i were playing football outside, and we were still in that sort of tutorial stage where our gym teacher was having us practice how to throw and catch a football. …well, i apparently really sucked at catching since in an attempt to do so, the force of the football bent the middle and ring fingers on my right hand back and, uh… ****ed them up pretty bad lmao. they were swollen, purple and blue and unusable for a while. i still remember the way one of my classmates shrieked when i showed them to him. 🤣
I don't remember my age, but I was young. Like 11. I was riding my scooter with my brother down a road near our house that never had many cars come along it. It was a steep hill, and I was going too fast so I fell off and landed really badly on my left wrist. It was fractured and I got a funky pink cast :3.

When I fell I remember the terrible pain I instantly felt in my wrist. My brother ran to get my parents. I hadn't bent it in a weird way though thank goodness.

It took like 6-8 weeks to fully heal. I remember my parents letting me have a couple of days off school heheheheh.
Unfortunately though, it still gives me trouble to this day. If I bend it wrong or lift too many heavy things, I get a pain right where I fractured it.