how are you feeling right now?

I’m feeling a little drowsy. Also dealing with some depression too. I’m about to play Splatoon with some friends so I should be better soon 🙂
Feeling agitated with a slight headache. I'm trying to give up smoking (not cigs) and I'm feeling the withdrawal symptoms.
also feeling agitated, I've had a bad headache literally all day and I'm in pain. I did enjoy my morning but I've basically been feeling miserable since around noon, and it's not nearing 10pm. just gonna try to eat and write in my journal for a bit so I can go to bed.
Too hot, I feel like I need to take a big breath in the freezer. Also feel sticky and yucky, need another shower I guess.
It's just another one of those days where I wish my love and I would meet up in person and go on a date hang out... 💔

On a more light-hearted note, I'm in the mood to crochet a lot of stuff.
Tbh I’m kinda feeling this rn:

Up-and-down. It's funny that due to my ASD, one little negative thing I read or hear about can put me in a very bad mood for a solid 30-60 minutes, and I lose all motivation to do anything else during this period. Though I usually recover from this "mood swing" rather quickly, there are other times where a certain negative thought continues to linger in my mind and pop up at random times throughout my day, like knowing that I cannot move out of my parents' house as soon as I'd like.
I've been ill the past two days (maybe COVID) with a full body ache, headache, sore throat etc, so feeling pretty rough! I'm also nervous because I need to call in sick to work today, which I've not done before :/
Feeling slightly better than I have been. I actually started back up learning to make a video game again. We'll see where it takes me and how long it'll go. It is still something I really want to do but multiple things got in the way after losing my project. I got so far before. I feel like I can finally start getting back to it but work at a slower pace and not worry how much I get done in a day. I hope that since the engine has a large update that it will be easier this time around. So much feels changed.
I also feel sad on an unrelated note, but I'm sure it is something that will pass as normal.
It's almost 10 AM and I have yet to wake up because I feel pretty groggy. I'm also feeling anxious about something, though it has nothing to do with me getting up late. :\