how are you feeling right now?

just woke up around 5:50 this morning and I definitely feel better than yesterday morning so I'm grateful for that ☺️

Oh, what's this place....? 🤨 Never been in here before.... 🔍🎲 How am I feeling? How are WE feeling? 👱‍♀️🤜🤛🎲 How are weeee feeling... 👈👈👱‍♀️👈👈🎲 Uh... we're not sure, honestly. We just came back from our castle. 🏰 Thought we could use some... fresh air, but I don't think it's very fresh here right now... 😬 We are, however... ☝️🎲 going to visit some other dwelling! 🏢 So we're feeling... poetic. For... certain reasons. 🤫 Anyway, just thought we should drop by and... huh, do I smell Chinese food? 👃🎲 Do you smell it too? 👱‍♀️👃👃🎲 .................. Oop! 🙊 kthnxbai 🚪🏃‍♀️🏃‍♂️
if I could visualize my ADHD mind this is what it would look like at all times 😂
Last week, in the What's Bothering You? thread, I mentioned that I was going to meet a friend I've known online for many years in person for the first time and that I'd be visiting them for a few days. I said that I was worried about I had a bit of pre-trip anxiety and that I hoped for the best for smooth airport experiences. Then the CrowdStrike issue happened the day before my scheduled flight there and I was worried about that impacting things.

I'm happy to report that everything went fairly smoothly with the airlines. No issues with the flights to my destination, and the only issue with the return flights was that the second flight was delayed slightly but nothing substantial. I got back home yesterday night.

The visit was fun and I'm glad that it finally happened. Hopefully we can carve out and coordinate time in the future to make it happen again eventually. I kinda wish I was there a day or two more, but that's kind of always the way with these sorts of things. Now I'm looking forward to the TBT Fair starting tomorrow.
much better than i have in a long time. this is the first time in a few months ive felt completely normal. so thankful im over whatever mental breakdown my brain tried to concoct, im extremely excited for tomorrow when i can hang out with my friends.
Concerned due to it being election year on my country. With August almost here, election day is 3 months away and regardless of how it'll go, people are probably gonna be, not so good.
I've been pretty tired today and still feel tired but I'm happy that my pain has been low today. Other feelings I have are kinda hard to label (surprise there🙄). But I've been thinking of the past and the future both and about different things about them.
I'm feeling alright, a little sleepy. I may try and take another nap because I feel like the first nap I took wasn't efficient. I'm also still dealing with my back pain but I am hoping it will get better by tomorrow.. I have those like pain patches on right now so I am hoping that will make me more comfortable.
Not that happy because:

I was playing Sonic Colors Ultimate and there was this really weird glitch where the white Wisp on the loading and title screens was only an eyeball for some reason. I guess its eye and body are different models, but it’s still weird. To fix that glitch I decided to sign out of my account… and it didn’t save. When I went back on my account, the glitch was fixed, but the only option on the game was “New Game”, when normally “Continue” is supposed to be an option if you already have a file. But it still says that the data is saved in cloud? So it might just be a glitch in the game. But yeah, I’m kind of pissed and I almost had a heart attack when that happened because I beat every zone, got an S Rank in half of the zones, and only needed 30 more red rings. I almost 100%ed the game and then this happened. What the hell Sonic Team?

I just contacted game support and if they can’t do anything, I guess I have to completely restart the game. I wouldn’t be upset to, but that doesn’t make up for what happened.
Tired and anxious; I just took my medicine so it should hopefully start kicking in soon. I have to go get my eyes checked and I’m anxious as usual about leaving the house. I really wanted to spend the day working on my drawing(s) for the fair. Hopefully I have more energy later, but probably the opposite since leaving the house drains me. Also a little anxious about not being able to do the party prepping station. I’m not sure if we have any inflatables; don’t want to ask while my dad is home (he is nosey and even if I’m talking my mom and reacts negatively to me talking a lot and treats me like I’m stupid or not normal). I hope if I miss some of the prompts or can’t do them, I still can earn enough tickets to get the main things I want in the fair
On one end, I'm excited because of the confetti collecting event! I'm trying to interact with users as much as I can, but then I'm stuck at 52 confetti??? Either way, I'm still excited.

On the other end, I'm concerned about my love... I saw their post in "What's Bothering You" and it shook me. I hope they get better soon.
I'm alright but I'm hoping for my friend to log soon so we can talk together. Timezones make instant communication difficult but at least there's still instant communication at like... midnight, one, two, up to five AM just for us to catch up.
Not really well...
A lot is happened in my life in the last month and I feel lost. I don't even know who I am anymore. Everything scares me and everything gives me anxiety. The worst is that I am alone and I only have some people who live far away, so I need to face everything alone.

I need to start my life from zero, like if I was born yesterday, with the difference that I'm an adult and I don't have someone that guides me or helps me.

It's really difficult and tiring, but I hope I will overcome this big obstacle.
I feel uneasy about some things but I also feel relaxed due to the weather.
It is a little cooler today and less direct sun. Also there is some breeze and this helps me feel relaxed. It is also quiet rn.
Yet I feel uneasy about things that seem out of balance in my life or even just the world in general and not necessarily my life in a personal manner. Some things can be fix though immensely difficult and some things are out of anyone's control it seems.
I'm feeling excited!!

heading to a night market tonight about to get really fat with good food. also found out there'll be some DJs I recognize playing some music throughout the event so that's always a plus.
I’m pretty pissed off right now. God, my older cousin makes me so mad sometimes.
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