how are you feeling right now?

I’m feeling kinda crabby and annoyed. I should be happy and good since I had fun playing Mario Party (I’m annoyed with the switch connection though and feel really bad for all the disconnects), I’m happy about a surprise that I got for myself and a friend, I’m happy with my progress on my drawing. Mood is still overall down because of depression and something that I’m probably overthinking; something else too is bugging me.
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I feel fatigued. I had a decent day yet my mood keeps going down and Idk why. I still need to finish picking out presents but thinking about Christmas still is making me a bit depressed at times. Other times, I feel like I’m looking forward to it.

I think I’m okay overall; I probably pushed myself too hard lately with the drawing and maybe since I haven’t drawn for a few years until the tbt fair and onwards, it is draining me or something.

Edit: I’m feeling a little better now. Playing Persona 5 is helping 🙂. Also my cats are both with me; both are always a great help to cheering me up ☺️.
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feel kinda relieved rn because my college clearance went through. now to just fix my university clearance so i can get my diploma and transcript and be OUT of there. (i hate dealing with paperworks, they always make me anxious but i dont have any choice but to face them lol)

also drove today and i feel my driving is way better now, still need to learn how large the car is because sometimes i over/underestimate the right side. also better at parking now but then again i tend to avoid crowded parking places so i'll just deal with that when i absolutely need to. at least i can say im better at driving than my mom heh
Tired because of school right now but excited because we're going out to eat tonight for a family member's birthday.
Relaxed because it's the evening and I'm at home with a glass of wine and Sebastian is in a loving mood. 🐈

But I ache like hell. I overdid it yesterday. I'm not supposed to do manual lifting or use hand tools (I've ME/CFS and tendinopathy), and I did both yesterday. My shoulder and wrist ache so bad!
slightly overwhelmed and burnt out? overthinking is never fun, but hehe that's what we be doing. trying to take it one day at a time and not force myself to socialize or vc when i'm clearly not doing alright.
I slept in the car on the way home from school just now (only got 4 hours sleep last night because I had three essays due lol) so pretty refreshed